What is your favorite snack when watching a movie?

1 Answer

Answer :

Spaghetti is pretty good. Hard to sneak it in though.

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Last Answer : Toast the bread, fry/scramble the egg and ham, make a sandwich, then wash down with beer.

Description : en van.amikor de rarely

Last Answer : I used to snack while watching TV, that's a habit for me.

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Last Answer : answer:It's best to not snack during movies/TV because it's mindless eating. You're not actually tasting much of the snack. Try to eat only when you're going to enjoy the taste. I like frozen treats ... top and eat with a spoon. It takes me a long time to eat so overall, not that many calories.

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Last Answer : eat ice cream:))

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Last Answer : answer:Anything that I can eat without cooking. Chips, chocolate, instant noodles… anything! You skipped breakfast for ask-public? Dr. Jelly would be moved :)

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Last Answer : You nailed it for me. It has to be apple slices with peanut butter. Mmm.

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Last Answer : I’d say Milano cookies (double chocolate) and roasted sunflower seeds and KitKats

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Last Answer : Pizza and beer is a classic. Cookies and milk is good, too. Marshmallows and hot chocolate.

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Last Answer : Apple, pear , melon lots of seeds and oats . Alfalfa hay is great , fresh blossom from the garden, fresh flowers and herbs . if you feed straight from your or a friends garden, make sure no chemical feeds/killers have been used in the surrounding gardens.

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Last Answer : Fat Free chips :)

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Last Answer : Hummus and carrots.

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Last Answer : A 'GRAM'-cracker.

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Last Answer : The dark knight

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Last Answer : Chernobyl changed my mind about nuclear energy. I never really could understand how it happened, so my whole belief about it was "It's WAY too dangerous to risk using." But the TV show, as horrifying as ... of going wrong, of course, but safer than the death-traps-in-waiting I assumed them to be.

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Last Answer : No. I think it looks stupid and I enjoyed it on Broadway.

Description : We’re watching the Wizard of Oz, and I’m wondering if there’s any truth to the story about the difficulty they had filming the movie due to the fact that the little actors playing the munchkins were so busy coupling up?

Last Answer : The last munchkin to die seemed to have said that sadly Garland’s personal problems which included drinking led to making unfortunate statements which were untrue.

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Last Answer : I love romantic movies & I loved Patrick Swayze; so my go to feel good movie is Dirty Dancing. I don’t watch every week & sometimes I might go months between viewings. Yet, when down & depressed, I end up having my fantasy night with Pat!!!

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Last Answer : Not necessarily. Sometimes it’s the movie that’s obtuse, but sometimes it’s the viewer. So it’s possible that if you need to Google search the meaning of a movie after watching it, then you are a failure (at interpreting movies).

Description : What movie can you watch all the time and never get tired of watching ?

Last Answer : answer:There are a couple: Casablanca Key Largo The Longest Day The Godfather (the original one, not the ‘Godfather Epic’) Nothing recent. Most movies since about 1980 just don’t have the enduring quality.

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Last Answer : I agree, but, if you’re gonna do a prequel, you can’t magically de-age the man.

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Last Answer : Suspense. I don’t know if that is too similar to “horror,” but movies that come to mind like Phonebooth or Source Code had that on-the-edge-of-your-seat thing going for them. Or tried to, at least.

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Last Answer : If I’m bored in the first 15 minutes, I turn the channel. I think I’m generous in giving the movie 15 minutes to perk my interest.

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Last Answer : answer:Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting both left me feeling like I had to wash. I liked both films but they left a distinct residue and desire to be warm and clean in a bright place. And yeah ... tie herself onto a toilet chair to sleep at night so she wouldn't fall off and suffocate in filth.

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Last Answer : Usually, although with TV that is changing as the commercial breaks lengthen.

Description : Is there a movie/show which you have a hard time watching due to an annoying character ?

Last Answer : Family Guy. I can’t stand Peter Griffin for a second.

Description : Do you believe watching a movie in the theatres has more of a special effect?

Last Answer : I’d rather watch a movie at home, where I have control of the remote, and I can go to the can without missing anything. And if the floor is sticky, I probably know why, as in a theatre, you can only guess. =)

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Last Answer : Any will work. Btw, folks here don’t like doing your homework for you, I’ve noticed.

Description : In watching the movie I Am Legend, did it evoke memories of feeling similarly isolated and/or lonely?

Last Answer : lol it’s like that everyday when i go home lol…its me and my dog haha…given we arnt laying in a bathtub together sleeping fearing for our lives…...still i could kinda relate i suppose heh….except i have internet and tv….blah

Description : Did anyone else find it incredibly difficult to not offer a running commentary while watching the movie W?

Last Answer : I totally believe in keeping my yapper shut in the movies out of courtesy. Oh hard hard it was not to verbalize my thoughts. There were some people behind me that did it for me and I didn't ... been paying attention the last eight years, then I think you would find that the portrayal was right on.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What movie is so bad that you try to make of it instead of simply watching it?

Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Kill Bill! You'd lose your sleep after watching it

Description : Where do you prefer to watch a movie? At the cinema or at home in your usual environment?

Last Answer : I'm at home because I don't have a problem, if I drink a lot of cola, I can go to the toilet. :)

Description : It can be animated (anyway), the point is to be a good movie. :-)

Last Answer : Can it be a series? Because then I think all the parts of the Battle of the Thrones. :) 

Description : What DVD drives have best sound quality while watching a Movie?

Last Answer : Some DVD drives offer a digital sound output which will give you better sound quality.

Description : What is the best snack food that your country has that another country doesn't have?

Last Answer : Peanut butter Girl Scout cookies

Description : What is the name of this snack and have you eaten it?

Last Answer : Nope. I may have seen an add but its not in my store. I love yougurts and healthy snacks.

Description : Have you ever eaten tomorrow's dinner for midnight snack today?

Last Answer : Oh yeah…

Description : Can I eat a tuna kit every night as a snack?

Last Answer : It depends. What kind of tuna is it? Chunk white is different from chunk light. There are two main kinds of canned tuna: chunk light and solid or chunk white (albacore). All canned white tuna is ... which case it is best to avoid eating tuna. Here is an article/discussion on eating tuna every day.

Description : Is it ok to eat a cliff bar for midnight snack every night while I listen to a radio show from 1 am to 5 am?

Last Answer : I wouldn't do it every night. Anything taken to excess tends to become a problem. Seems like not what Cliff bars are best for, but it's certainly not the worst late-night snack, but it's not ... better touch with what your body is actually hungry for, and work on trying to be able to have that.

Description : Could you recommend some healthy lunch and snack ideas?

Last Answer : answer:Eating fresh fruit and veg is the best way to lose weight. Don't eat anything processed. Cook everything from scratch. I've been eating a lot more fresh food for about 18 months now, and if I eat ... snacks. A few potato chips occasionally is not a bad thing, but I don't keep them on hand.

Description : What snack foods will you bring to the 2016, september 26 , American presidential debate?

Last Answer : I doubt I’ll be eating. I hope to be cuddling on the sofa with my husband, and fast forwarding through any BS.

Description : If life is like a pyramid, and one eats the lower levels, then is human life to be a snack for the angels?

Last Answer : Well “angels” are hardly at the top of the pyramid I’m thinking about. But then again, Lucifer is reputed to be an angel.

Description : What would be a good snack to send to school for Teacher Appreciation Week?

Last Answer : answer:Apple cobbler is incredibly easy and literally everyone loves it. TBH, I was going to make some myself today and threw my back out so I’m just thinking of it. Haha.

Description : What is a good low effort snack food that I can buy in bulk?

Last Answer : answer:Popcorn. As long as you don't get the kind with all that chemically artificial butter on it, it's actually quite healthy. And it's fun to make your own so then all you need is the kernels and ... dirty a pot. Plus, you can likely find an air popper for cheap at a thrift shop. Maybe $5-10.

Description : If you were to invent a snack food, what would it be like?

Last Answer : Oh god, I went to NSFW so fast on this one. I’m almost embarrassed but not quite. Edit: Well one of your tags is fantasy snacks.

Description : What types of snack foods do you hate?

Last Answer : Corn Nuts Mike n Ike

Description : Do you indulge in a midnight snack?

Last Answer : Yes, but then I get off work at 1:30 am. It is usually a combination of supper and breakfast before I go to bed.

Description : If you had to choose between a sweet snack(cookies, pastry, cake) or a salty snack(chips, nuts, popcorn). Which would you choose?

Last Answer : Depends on my mood. Both are good. Would vote more towards salty though. I love salty things.