What are your “rituals” when watching your favorite tv show/ movie?

1 Answer

Answer :

eat ice cream:))

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Last Answer : Chernobyl changed my mind about nuclear energy. I never really could understand how it happened, so my whole belief about it was "It's WAY too dangerous to risk using." But the TV show, as horrifying as ... of going wrong, of course, but safer than the death-traps-in-waiting I assumed them to be.

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Last Answer : answer:Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting both left me feeling like I had to wash. I liked both films but they left a distinct residue and desire to be warm and clean in a bright place. And yeah ... tie herself onto a toilet chair to sleep at night so she wouldn't fall off and suffocate in filth.

Description : Is there a movie/show which you have a hard time watching due to an annoying character ?

Last Answer : Family Guy. I can’t stand Peter Griffin for a second.

Description : What makes you decide to quit watching a movie (on TV)

Last Answer : If I’m bored in the first 15 minutes, I turn the channel. I think I’m generous in giving the movie 15 minutes to perk my interest.

Description : What is your favorite snack when watching a movie?

Last Answer : Spaghetti is pretty good. Hard to sneak it in though.

Description : What is your favorite throwaway line in a movie/TV show?

Last Answer : Michelle Wolf - the skit about a strong female lead "can I get a proper cup of coffee in a copper coffee pot --- FOR ONCE?!?!"

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Last Answer : Close second would be the cabover Kenworth from BJ and the bear.

Description : Do you have any sweet rituals or jokes with any of your adult children still?

Last Answer : When I go to a movie with my daughter, if we there is a preview for something we’d like to see, we sort-of high five and wiggle our fingers. We’ve done this since she was 5. :-)

Description : Does anyone include their unborn kids in holiday rituals?

Last Answer : answer:I can't remember if we did or not? We would certainly have bought some presents for our baby on the way. I think I would have put and bean' or whatever on the Christmas cards too. I think ... fate. Which is sort of silly, but there would be a part of me that would be concerned about that.

Description : When you were a child, did you have any favourite family rituals?

Last Answer : answer:Every Thanksgiving at my grandparents, we would all gather in the basement after the meal and have dessert. We'd set up their slide projector and all look at old family photos while eating ... looking for more daily family rituals/parenting stuff. I guess I have my grandmother on my mind.

Description : Do you have any rituals that you do once you get home from a trip?

Last Answer : Call Mom. I’m almost 50, but it’s important to her to know that I’ve arrived safely home from a trip.

Description : What do you feel weighs heavier: animal rights or religious rituals/customs?

Last Answer : answer:I’ll consider animal rights when animals present them to me. I’ll consider rituals/customs when those that perform them can empirically demonstrate the benefit out “weighs” the cost.

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Last Answer : A religion out of the middle east that consumes the flesh and blood of its leader every time it meets. The cannibalism is their highest sacrament.

Description : What manhood/womanhood induction rituals do the modern, western societies utilize?

Last Answer : answer:Not really. We have milestones like getting your license, but it hardly ushers you into the world of adulthood. College has easily become prolonged high school for many, increasing the delayed adolesence so many have ... sure if I'm an adult (or if I want to be, by this society's standards).

Description : Rational religion' stressing allegorical meanings + 'emotional science' inventing rituals - What is the potential of such an approach?

Last Answer : I am disturbed by having this be an either/or kind of situation - there is no reason to align science with the status of religion because it would lead to a different kind of fundamentalism and as ... but we don't have to screw around with the institution of science in order to encourage that.

Description : What rituals do you follow during the holidays, or what have you ritualized?

Last Answer : answer:Other than making a few traditional' family recipes I am on the other side of years of huge family/child raising must do's for the holiday season. Oh, and taking Xmas pics of the pets! ... daughter and her boyfriend over for a gift exchange & hangout. Simplicty is where it's at these days!

Description : What do you think about the importance of rituals for children?

Last Answer : I know structure is necessary in children’s life and rituals are all about structure – so, I don’t see a problem with rituals for children..just depends on what they’re about. Mostly, the rituals my kids are aware of are birthdays, deaths, protests and weddings.

Description : Sleeping rituals?

Last Answer : i deff. crash as soon as i hit the pillow. i like to keep a “sleeping log” as i put it, a journal of when i go to sleep, if i wake up in the night , my dreams and when i wake. it’s interesting to look back on.

Description : Fluther Parents. Will you share your bedtime rituals?

Last Answer : I read them a story or have them read me a story. Then I act like I'm gonna kiss them on the cheek and pretend to miss and say Oh no, I missed .. then on the third try I kiss em on the ... before bed and they ask for me to do that every night now.. It does not, however, work on my wife.. XD

Description : Do you have any odd rituals you perform with inanimate objects?

Last Answer : I have a Dwight Shrute bobble head whose head I bobble on occasion…just to make him feel like he has purpose in this world….. @asm Yeah Dwight’s the bomb! I have never answered a response from above, it just doesn’t feel right. It’s as if I know what you’re going to say and I respond to that…

Description : Special teeth cleaning tools and rituals?

Last Answer : I have an Oral-B rechargeable toothbrush, it is fucking amazing.

Description : What Daily (Spiritual or Meaningful) Rituals do You Particpate In?

Last Answer : Having coffee with my husband every morning calling my mom every morning emailing my daughter every morning when I do not see her calling my son every day (very briefly, promise) Having a solitary cup of tea with a book

Description : Do you have any eating rituals associated with a particular food?

Last Answer : I don’t have any eating rituals, but I do have an eating disorder. I am genetically wired to be incapable of completing a meal without leaving a remnant of it on my clothing.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Answer this question…Hinduism

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Last Answer : New Guinea

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Last Answer : Washing the dead before burial. Circumcising baby boys on the 8th day after birth. Lighting candles at the start of the Sabbath. The bride circling the groom 7 times at the start of a wedding. On ... bread, removing two smallish balls of dough and tossing them into the back of the oven to burn.

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Last Answer : ANSWER: C

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Last Answer : A. Mantras

Description : What's a movie that you watched that impacted you deeply after watching?

Last Answer : The dark knight

Description : Fans of musicals, does watching the Cats movie trailer give you goosebumps?

Last Answer : No. I think it looks stupid and I enjoyed it on Broadway.

Description : We’re watching the Wizard of Oz, and I’m wondering if there’s any truth to the story about the difficulty they had filming the movie due to the fact that the little actors playing the munchkins were so busy coupling up?

Last Answer : The last munchkin to die seemed to have said that sadly Garland’s personal problems which included drinking led to making unfortunate statements which were untrue.

Description : Which movie is it that you can't help watching repeatedly?

Last Answer : I love romantic movies & I loved Patrick Swayze; so my go to feel good movie is Dirty Dancing. I don’t watch every week & sometimes I might go months between viewings. Yet, when down & depressed, I end up having my fantasy night with Pat!!!

Description : "If you need to google search the meaning of a movie after watching it, then it was a failure." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Last Answer : Not necessarily. Sometimes it’s the movie that’s obtuse, but sometimes it’s the viewer. So it’s possible that if you need to Google search the meaning of a movie after watching it, then you are a failure (at interpreting movies).

Description : What movie can you watch all the time and never get tired of watching ?

Last Answer : answer:There are a couple: Casablanca Key Largo The Longest Day The Godfather (the original one, not the ‘Godfather Epic’) Nothing recent. Most movies since about 1980 just don’t have the enduring quality.

Description : What's the point of watching a Han Solo movie without Harrison Ford?

Last Answer : I agree, but, if you’re gonna do a prequel, you can’t magically de-age the man.

Description : Movie fans, what are the things a film shot in just one location must have to make it worth watching?

Last Answer : Suspense. I don’t know if that is too similar to “horror,” but movies that come to mind like Phonebooth or Source Code had that on-the-edge-of-your-seat thing going for them. Or tried to, at least.

Description : Watching a movie at 3 am, which foods do I snack on from my fridge?

Last Answer : Toast the bread, fry/scramble the egg and ham, make a sandwich, then wash down with beer.

Description : Is watching television or or movie a singular focus activity for you?

Last Answer : Usually, although with TV that is changing as the commercial breaks lengthen.

Description : Do you believe watching a movie in the theatres has more of a special effect?

Last Answer : I’d rather watch a movie at home, where I have control of the remote, and I can go to the can without missing anything. And if the floor is sticky, I probably know why, as in a theatre, you can only guess. =)

Description : I have to analyze a Star Trek movie for my 'Intro to Cultural Anthropoloy' class. In this assignment I have to apply 4 anthropological theories, and find examples from the movie. Which Star Trek movie is ... this or which one is the best Star Trek movie out there, that I can stay awake watching?

Last Answer : Any will work. Btw, folks here don’t like doing your homework for you, I’ve noticed.

Description : In watching the movie I Am Legend, did it evoke memories of feeling similarly isolated and/or lonely?

Last Answer : lol it’s like that everyday when i go home lol…its me and my dog haha…given we arnt laying in a bathtub together sleeping fearing for our lives…...still i could kinda relate i suppose heh….except i have internet and tv….blah

Description : Did anyone else find it incredibly difficult to not offer a running commentary while watching the movie W?

Last Answer : I totally believe in keeping my yapper shut in the movies out of courtesy. Oh hard hard it was not to verbalize my thoughts. There were some people behind me that did it for me and I didn't ... been paying attention the last eight years, then I think you would find that the portrayal was right on.

Description : What movie is so bad that you try to make of it instead of simply watching it?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What movie is so bad that you try to make of it instead of simply watching it?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is one movie you warn people before watching?

Last Answer : Kill Bill! You'd lose your sleep after watching it

Description : Where do you prefer to watch a movie? At the cinema or at home in your usual environment?

Last Answer : I'm at home because I don't have a problem, if I drink a lot of cola, I can go to the toilet. :)

Description : It can be animated (anyway), the point is to be a good movie. :-)

Last Answer : Can it be a series? Because then I think all the parts of the Battle of the Thrones. :) 

Description : What DVD drives have best sound quality while watching a Movie?

Last Answer : Some DVD drives offer a digital sound output which will give you better sound quality.