Where can I find more information about a pre-diabetic diet?

1 Answer

Answer :

When a person that has a family history of Diabetes begins to have higher fasting blood sugar results, it usually is an indication that they are pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes is just as important to treat as diabetes is. A pre-diabetic can lower their blood sugar spikes by getting an increased amount of exercise and controlling the portion sizes at meals. The American Diabetic Association (ADA) has many useful tips on their site to help with the management of pre-diabetes.

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Description : Where can I find more information on free diabetic diet ?

Last Answer : If you are interested in obtaining information on a free diabetic diet, you should talk to a Diabetes specialized doctor about what kind of diet would be right for you.

Description : Where can I find more information on nutrisystem diabetic diet?

Last Answer : If you are a diabetic wanting to go on a diet, you definitely need to talk to your family doctor first. However, NutriSystem is a great way to lose weight. Here is their website and hopefully it can help you: http://www.nutrisystem.com/jsps_hmr/home/index.jsp?_requestid=603701

Description : Where can I find reliable information and possibly some recipes for a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : It is important to learn about Diabetes and proper dietary intake. Recipes and meal plans will help you feel better and keep Diabetes under control. http://diabetes-meal-plan.org/

Description : What are the signs of being a pre diabetic?

Last Answer : While it can difficult to detect whether or not someone is pre diabetic, you should have a blood test if you have concerns about it. Also have a discussion with your doctor about your concerns. The ... for in your health record and family history plus the blood test and help you out from there.

Description : Where can I find out more about diabetic diet menu?

Last Answer : To learn more about diabetic diet menu, you can purchase books at a book store. You can also research it online for recipes. Some webpages do guide you through with the diet menu. Please ... link for more information about diabetic diet menu: http://Diabetes.webmd.com/guide/sample-meal-plan

Description : Where can I find out more about diabetic diet sheet?

Last Answer : There is a lot of information about Diabetes available online. Three sites that provide diabetic diet sheets or specific information about a diabetic diets are scribd.com/doc/3874913/Diabetes-Diet-Sheet; Diabticdietsample-info.com and mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes-diet.

Description : What kind of fruits are allowed in a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The fruits that are high in sugar contain good sugars and are not really bad for you. Fruits great for a diabetic diet include bananas, Oranges, and apples.

Description : What kinds of food can one eat when on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : Diabetic plans typically limit the amount of sugar and carbohydrates a person consumes. Following a high-protein, low carbohydrate meal plan is recommended.

Description : Learning How To Follow A Diabetic Diet?

Last Answer : It can often be difficult to learn how to follow a diabetic diet. With so many concerns over blood sugar and how the diet affects it, it can be difficult to stick to a certain diet. ... online reviews. By learning how to follow a diabetic diet, it should be possible to regulate the condition.

Description : What is the best diabetic diet plan for Type II diabetes?

Last Answer : I would just stick to natural foods or you can look into a diet on Diabetes.webmd.com/eating-right. If you need to also you could talk to a doctor or nutritionist about a personalized diet plan. :)

Description : What does a diabetic diet consist of?

Last Answer : A diabetic diet is a balanced, healthy diet eaten in portion control. A diabetic diet calls for avoiding excessive sugars or carbohydrates that turn to sugars in your body. When balancing your diet you should carefully consider the amounts of each type of food you are eating for each day.

Description : Where can I find menus for a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : Online you can find diabetic diets at DiabeticConnect.com or www.diabeticdietfordiabetes.com. A well stocked bookstore is also a great option as you can browse various books for diabetics in order to find the best one for you.

Description : What is the diabetic diet chart?

Last Answer : You can request a diabetic diet chart from your doctor or your fiance's doctor. Or you can also check online for the answer. However, this may take a longer time to research.

Description : What is the diabetic exchange diet?

Last Answer : The diabetic exchange diet was originated in the 1950s. Dietians today do not always recomend this diet. The following provides additional information: www.diabeteslibrary.org/View.aspx?url=DiabeticExchangeList

Description : What is a diabetic exchange diet?

Last Answer : The diabetic exchange diet is a helpful meal planner that divides the foods into six ways: starch/bread, meat, milk, vegetable, fruit, and fat. An easy diet that is based on high nutritional value.

Description : Looking for a diabetic diet menu online?

Last Answer : You want to eat healthy, not completely deprive yourself. There are sample diet meals that you can find on the internet or hotlines you can call for info about that. I suggest getting the basic needs and creating your own meal based on the needed nutrients.

Description : What are some low carbohydrate diabetic diet plans available?

Last Answer : The Dukan Diet and the Atkins Diet are two low carb, high protein diets that would probably be great for diabetics but I recommend consulting your doctor before starting either of these. For low carb recipes for diabetics, I recommend this site: http://www.lowcarbdiabeticdiet.com/

Description : What is a recommended and healthy Diabetic diet?

Last Answer : You can find the best diets for you by going on WebMd.com or something to find out the best diet for you and your body type and suggest some foods for you.

Description : What is a diabetic safe diet I can eat?

Last Answer : It is important that diabetics consult their doctors about which foods are okay to eat and which foods they should avoid. In general, a diabetic wants to avoid foods that are high in sugars, such as ... very important that diabetics eat at the same times every day and that they do not skip meals.

Description : What is the best diet for diabetic?

Last Answer : The best diet for a diabetic is one that consists of low sugar and high amount of protein and vegetables. It is essential to avoid as much sugar as possible as a diabetic.

Description : Is there a diabetic diet plan to help me lose weight?

Last Answer : Yes there is a diabetic plan to help you lose weight. A great website to find more information and specific meal plans is http://www.naturaldiabetics.com/diabetic-cooking/

Description : Where can I find a sample diabetic diet plan?

Last Answer : There are a number of places you can find a sample diabetic meal plan. One place is WebMD. Another is Diabetic Diet For Diabetes. http://diabetes.webmd.com/guide/sample-meal-plan

Description : Is cinnamon good for diabetic people on a diet?

Last Answer : Cinnamon is an excellent spice to consume for diabetics. It has been discovered that cinnamon may act like insulin and help your body better cope with Diabetes. Here's more information about it: http://diabetes.webmd.com/features/diabetic-diet-6-foods-control-blood-sugar?page=2

Description : What is a good diet plan for a diabetic.?

Last Answer : An excellent online source for diabetics is http://www.diabeticlivingonline.com It includes many different recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enjoy

Description : What changes in diet are needed to reduce blood sugar levels for a diabetic?

Last Answer : Avoid carbs and eat a healthy diet with lean meats. For additional information, please see: Diabetes.webmd.com/.../diabetic-diet-6-foods-control-blood-sugar

Description : Where can I find diabetic diet recipes?

Last Answer : http://www.diabeticlifestyle.com/ http://www.dlife.com/Diabetes/diabetic-recipes/ http://www.diabeticlifestyle.com/recipes http://diabeticgourmet.com/recipes/

Description : Where could a diabetic-friendly diet meal plan be found?

Last Answer : There are multiple websites that can help you find a diabetic-friendly diet. Some of these websites are: www.mayoclinic.com, www.diet.com, and www.myalli.com. All three sites offer great ideas for a diabetic-friendly diet.

Description : What are good diet plans for a diabetic patient?

Last Answer : WebMD and the Mayo Clinic online both offer sample meal plans that can help a diabetic maintain a health blood sugar level. Hers is a link to webMD's page: Diabetes.webmd.com/guide/sample-meal-plan and here is a link to the Mayo Clinic's page: www.mayoclinic.com/health/diabetes-diet/DA00027.

Description : Where can I find a copy of the diabetic exchange diet online?

Last Answer : There are a few sites online to get a copy of the diabetic exchange diet. A good site to find it is www.essortment.com/diabetic-exchange-diet-26719.html

Description : What diabetic diet is the most nutritious and healthy that is free?

Last Answer : The best diabetic diet i have to date is actually available through diabeticconnect.com. They offer a book called the complete diabetic meal plan for free.

Description : What is a healthy diet for a diabetic with type 2 diabetes?

Last Answer : A healthy diet for a diabetic with type two Diabetes would be a diet consisting of a lot of wholesome foods, like whole grains, green vegetables and vitamin-rich fruits.

Description : Are there any websites that can help me find diabetic diet chart?

Last Answer : Several recommendations for a diabetic diet chart are: 1. Diet Health Club - http://www.diethealthclub.com/explore/diabetic-diet-chart.html 2. Ehow - http://www.ehow.com/way_5316373_diabetic-food-chart-diet.html 3. Carry fitness - http://www.carryfitness.com/Diabetes-diet-chart/

Description : Is there a decent diabetic diet?

Last Answer : For a list of recommended foods for diabetics and foods diabetics should avoid, I recommend this article from Mayo Clinic: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/Diabetes-diet/DA00027

Description : What type of diet should a diabetic eat?

Last Answer : Diabetics basically need to eat foods that are low in sugars and fat content. Here is a link to a website with more information on diabetic foods. www.Diabetes-diabetic-diet.com/���diabetic_���food.htm

Description : What are some diabetic diet recipes?

Last Answer : There are many websites that would have information regarding diabetic diet recipes. One website I know of is called dlife.com. It has a good,fast,easy, and cheap cooking book regarding diabetic diet recipes.

Description : What is the diabetic exchange diet, and is it just for diabetics?

Last Answer : There are several diets that are safe for people with Diabetes to eat, and are also healthy for people who do not have diabetes as well. www.dlife.com/diabetes/diabetic-recipes

Description : Where is the best place to find a diabetic diet plan?

Last Answer : The best place to find a diabetic plan is at Diabetes.com. Here you will find insight and information that leads to healthy living for anyone with either type diabetes.

Description : Does the diabetic diet actually work?

Last Answer : Information on whether the diabetic diet actually works can be found on websites such as www.how-to-best-lose-weight.com/Diabetes-diet.html, www.zimbio.com/Weight+Loss/.../Does+a+Diabetes+Diet+Work, and http://www.ehow.com/how-does_4777438_calorie-diabetic-diet-work.html

Description : Are there any websites that can help me find nutrisystem diabetic diet?

Last Answer : Some great websites to help you find more information on the Nutrisystem Diabetic Diet are: www.nutrisystem.com, weightlossgo.com/lose-weight/nutrisystem-reviews/ and www.dietspotlight.com/nutrisystem-review. Each of these sites highlight the pros and cons of the diet.

Description : Where can I find a free diabetic diet plan?

Last Answer : There are many websites that are available for a free diabetic diet plan. Such websites include: www.free-diabetic-diet-plans.com, www.mayoclinic.com/health/Diabetes-diet/DA00027, and diabetes.webmd.com/guide/sample-meal-plan.

Description : Guidelines for a Diabetic Diet Sheet?

Last Answer : Having Diabetes requires a lifestyle change to manage your blood glucose level. This involves developing a diabetic diet sheet so that you know what and how much you should eat and when to ... should also include controlling portion sizes to manage your weight and having a regular meal schedule.

Description : How much dairy can a person on a diabetic diet have?

Last Answer : Milk is good for you even if your a diabetic. You should have at least 3 cups of milk a day.If milk is good for a baby immune system then its good for you.

Description : What foods are healthy if you are on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) is a great resource for managing diabetes. Visit them at: diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/eating_ez/

Description : Where is a diabetic diet food list?

Last Answer : You can find a diabetic food list on the following website: http://Diabetes.webmd.com/diabetic-food-list-best-worst-foods. They have helpful information.

Description : After following the diabetic diet guidelines, will this ensure that my diabetes will go away?

Last Answer : You have a very good chance of making your Diabetes go away if you followed the guidelines precisely. It also depends on the type of diabetes you have. It may or may not go away, just hope for the best but you do have a good chance of it going away.

Description : What kind of diet do I need to follow if I am borderline diabetic?

Last Answer : If you are a borderline diabetic, you should have lots for fiber in you diet because fiber help in melting the fats and sugar in your food and must always eat natural food.

Description : What kinds of foods can I incorporate into a borderline diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The simple definition of borderline Diabetes is having a blood sugar rating that is higher than normal but not quite high enough to be considered diabetes. It is assumed that a borderline ... of water. For more information see http://www.ehow.com/way_5289560_diet-guide-borderline-diabetes.html.

Description : Is Nutrisystem D the best diabetic diet available?

Last Answer : Nutrisystem D yes is the best diabetic diet if you do exactly what you need to do. You can loose weight you can loose inches follow with a diet and exercises just need to try it.

Description : What types of foods would I eat on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : You should eat foods such as vegetables and fruits that have a lot of vitamins and amino acids. You should stay away from food that are high in fats, sugar, and cholesterol.

Description : What is the carb intake for a day on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The carbohydrate intake for one day on a diabetic diet is usually low since most people with Diabetes is overweight. So a calorie range of 1,500 to 1,800 calorie diet per day can be the daily carb intake.