what are the foods a diabetic should avoid?

1 Answer

Answer :

An almost complete list of foods that a diabetic should avoid can be found on the website: ezinearticles.com. This website also offers insight into foods that are acceptable for diabetics.

Related questions

Description : Where can I find a list of diabetic foods to avoid?

Last Answer : There is a fairly comprehensive list of foods to avoid at this website: http://blessedmom.hubpages.com/hub/Foods-to-avoid-with-Diabetes. A general rule of thumb is that processed sugars and starches should be avoided.

Description : What are the foods that a diabetic person must avoid?

Last Answer : You should avoid lots of sugary and fried foods. Don't eat junk foods with lots of sodium either. Basically, try to eat lots of wholesome grains, fruits, and vegetables. And lean meat.

Description : What foods can i eat to avoid diabetic complications?

Last Answer : People with Diabetes should try and eat foods that are - low in fat, low in sugar, low in salt, high in fiber (plenty of fruit and veg) and high in starchy carbohydrates (bread, chapatti, rice).

Description : Where can I find a diabetic food list of the items that I should avoid?

Last Answer : You can find a list of diabetic foods that you should avoid at www.diabeticlivingonline.com/, www.helpguide.org/life/healthy_diet_diabetes.htm or www.Diabetes-diabetic-diet.com/diabetic_food.htm.

Description : As a diabetic, why does eating sugary foods NOT make me thirsty, but drinking a sugary beverage makes me ravenous?

Last Answer : My completely amateur guess, since I am not diabetic and I am not a doctor: It most likely has to do with how rapidly sodas and juices are absorbed into the blood stream. Even a doughnut takes a little bit of time to digest before the sugar hits your system.

Description : Where can I buy diabetic foods in Rhode Island?

Last Answer : You can find local diabetic foods and recipes for Rhode Island at Dave's Marketplace (http://www.davesmarketplace.com/Pages/cfNaturalFoods_Diets.cfm) Candiddiabetes.com also provides recipes suitable for diabetic people, which would mean you could buy most of your food from regular supermarkets.

Description : Where do they sell diabetic foods in Rhode Island ?

Last Answer : Dave's Marketplace sells foods for diabetics in Rhode Island, and has nine stores across the state. However, being diabetic you do not need to eat food labeled as 'diabetic' but rather should aim to follow a ... would be able to tell you more about the best foods to eat and to avoid as a diabetic.

Description : What foods are on the diabetic food list?

Last Answer : When diagnosed with Diabetes it is best to avoid processed and sugary foods. Diabetics should focus on eating foods that are high in fiber, low in fat, and whole grains. Such foods included are; ... fruits high in fiber, whole grains such as oatmeal, and natural beverages such as sugar free tea.

Description : List of Diabetic Friendly Foods?

Last Answer : Would you believe that diabetics can eat food that is flavorful, filling and delicious? It's true. When many people think of the diabetic diet, they think of bland food that's not very ... prefer lightly sweet foods instead of foods that are very sweet, like those that contain processed sugar.

Description : What foods should a diabetic person eat?

Last Answer : Some of the foods a diabetic person should consider eating are fruits, especially apples and pomegranates, spices such as cinnamon, oatmeal, green vegetables, and a diabetic must consume lots of protein.

Description : What are some good diabetic breakfast foods?

Last Answer : You can purchase no sugar added yogurt or pair plain yogurt with fresh fruit. Egg white omelets are a good breakfast choice which you could also pair with a tortilla to make a breakfast burrito. Whole wheat bread is a good choice if you prefer to serve toast or a breakfast sandwich.

Description : What are some diabetic foods?

Last Answer : There are no "diabetic foods" per se. A diabetic eating plan includes foods from all five food groups, including lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy and "good" ... information about diabetic eating plans at www.mayoclinic.com/health/Diabetes-diet/DA00027 AND www.diabetes.org/

Description : What foods are appropriate for a diabetic?

Last Answer : Foods that are low in sugars are safe for diabetics. Foods that have a high fiber content are very good for a diabetic, these would include oats, grains,fruits and vegetables. Talking to a nutritionist is a good idea. They can provide you with a list of foods that are safe and/or beneficial.

Description : What kind of foods should I base my diabetic meal plan around?

Last Answer : There are several websites that offer diabetic meal charts out there so you can plan your meals in advance. They are a good resource for food, and can make eating easier. Diabetes.webmd.com/guide/���sample-meal-plan

Description : What foods are good for diabetic diets?

Last Answer : Your doctor should have given you a list of foods acceptable for people with Diabetes. However there are plenty of recipes on the internet. www.diabeticlifestyle.com

Description : What are some sites that sell diabetic snack foods?

Last Answer : You basically need to look for snacks for your mother that are sugar free. They sell them at most grocery stores in the deli section. www.diabeticlivingonline.com/food-to-eat/nutrition/���top-diabetic-snacks

Description : Where can I find more information on diabetic foods to eat?

Last Answer : There are many websites offering information on diabetic foods. Here is what the American Diabetes Association has to say about diabetic foods: http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/what-can-i-eat/

Description : where can I find a list of foods a diabetic can eat?

Last Answer : Most diabetics should avoid foods high in sugar and fried foods. Many options are that there for diabetics, pick up a specialty cookbook or talk to someone else who is diabetic, they will have many tips and suggestions for you.

Description : what foods can a diabetic eat?

Last Answer : The American Diabetes Association (http://www.diabetes.org/food-and-fitness/food/)offers multiple foods that a diabetic can eat. It is essential that a diabetic does not consume too much suger, alcohol, high sodium foods, and foods with a high fat content.

Description : What foods are healthy if you are on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC) is a great resource for managing diabetes. Visit them at: diabetes.niddk.nih.gov/dm/pubs/eating_ez/

Description : What is list of diabetic friendly foods?

Last Answer : When you are diabetic it can be hard to know what you should be eating and what foods are off limits. Here is a guide which will help you eat right: http://www.realage.com/check-your-health/information-on-Diabetes/diabetic-food

Description : What kinds of foods can I incorporate into a borderline diabetic diet?

Last Answer : The simple definition of borderline Diabetes is having a blood sugar rating that is higher than normal but not quite high enough to be considered diabetes. It is assumed that a borderline ... of water. For more information see http://www.ehow.com/way_5289560_diet-guide-borderline-diabetes.html.

Description : What types of foods would I eat on a diabetic diet?

Last Answer : You should eat foods such as vegetables and fruits that have a lot of vitamins and amino acids. You should stay away from food that are high in fats, sugar, and cholesterol.

Description : What kind of foods are diabetic friendly?

Last Answer : Natural sugars, like those contained in fruits, are normally diabetic friendly. I have heard that those with Diabetes would typically want to steer clear of starches and artificial sugars.

Description : What fast food chains have diabetic friendly foods?

Last Answer : Many fast food restaurants now have more diabetic friendly foods. Most fast food restaurants, including McDonald's and Culver's, offer salads, which are a much healthier choice than French fries. Many fast restaurants also offer wraps instead of traditional Sandwiches, thus lowering the carb count.

Description : Do you avoid foods that have chemicals that would be a high scrabble score?

Last Answer : Are you counting double or triple word or letter spots? I once put down ANOREXIC on a triple.

Description : How can I avoid processed foods without going "food-Nazi"?

Last Answer : Planning and environmental control. Plan ahead of time and prepare the foods before you get stuck with nothing to eat. Always have a plan b as well. Don't bring any of the foods you are avoiding into your ... ahead of time and/or bring your own food. Also, don't be afraid to make your needs known.

Description : I am trying to lose weight. What foods should I especially avoid?

Last Answer : High-fructose corn syrup / sugar Salt / sodium Excessive carbs

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Last Answer : Here is some useful information from the La Leche League, in English and Spanish. You might want to find a breastfeeding (lactation) consultant near you that can help encourage you and your baby to make ... . Alternatively, the La Leche League (I believe) has a phone number you can call for advice.

Description : What foods to avoid with pseudo-gout?

Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : What are some foods I should avoid that are high in cholesterol?

Last Answer : The foods that you need to avoid for cholesterol is fat foods such as fried foods chicken, porkchops, steak, sugar, salt and there are other foods as well.

Description : What foods should I avoid with Whooping cough.?

Last Answer : For whooping cough you have to normally take ginger with honey and also the recommended natural medicine would be to goggle using hot water with bit of salt. It can also be given some antibiotics prescribed by doctor. You will not die when you eat these food.

Description : What foods should I avoid that cause gout?

Last Answer : My grandmother had gout and I remember that she was told to stay away from asparagus, red meat, liver, and sugary drinks such as soda. A couple things that may help to prevent gout are coffee and citrus.

Description : I'm looking for advice on foods to avoid if you have gout.?

Last Answer : Just eat these goods: http://Arthritis.about.com/od/gout/a/foodstoeat.htm I have no idea what foods not to eat because no one wrote an article about it.

Description : What are foods to avoid if you have gout?

Last Answer : If you have been diagnosed with gout, you should avoid eating purine and protein rich foods. This includes hearts, herring, mussels, yeast, sardines, sweetbread, anchovies, veal, bacon, liver, salmon, and turkey.

Description : What are some foods to avoid in order to prevent gout?

Last Answer : Being at high risk for Gout can be a very scary thing! The food you eat can definitely affect the severity of gout. www.Arthritis.com can help you find out which foods help, hurt, which foods to avoid, and which foods to get plenty of! Good luck!

Description : What are the high cholesterol foods I should avoid?

Last Answer : Shellfish is high in cholesterol. Shrimp is also high in cholesterol. Eggs are very high in cholesterol. Mac and cheese and ice cream are high too.

Description : What are foods someone with colitis should avoid?

Last Answer : You should avoid any foods high in fats and salts. These help break down the acids that cause colitis. Remember to always use laxatives after every meal.

Description : What foods should I avoid to lower my blood pressure?

Last Answer : Watch your sugar intake. One healthy snack is cheerios. It also helps lower your cholesterol. Don't eat mayo, it is bad for so many other reasons. I think you can eat peanut butter cups to help, also works as a Viagra type medication.

Description : What foods to avoid in order to not get high triglycerides?

Last Answer : The term triglycerides means the type of fat that circulates in the blood. High triglycerides can cause Heart disease. Cutting fat and calories from your diet can help lower these. Eating more fresh ... your triglyceride count. Cutting out or cutting back on sugary or refined foods will help, too.

Description : What foods should I not eat in order to avoid heartburn?

Last Answer : Spicy foods are the first thing out the window. Next are all of your favorite greasy, deep fried foods. Sodas often can cause heartburn symptoms as well.

Description : What are foods to avoid on a colitis diet?

Last Answer : Foods to avoid on a colitis diet include soda, tacos, lemons, limes, any citrus, pasta, pickles, and any acidic foods. Also, plastic might ease the pain of this unfortunate disease.

Description : What are the best foods for lowering blood pressure, and what should I avoid?

Last Answer : The best way to lower your blood pressure through your diet is avoid salt and saturated fat. It is best to eat a lot of high fiber foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Low fat dairy products and lean meats are also good choices. Talk with your doctor to get a plan that works best for you!

Description : What foods should I eat and avoid to lose weight?

Last Answer : If you want to lose weight you should eat foods like whole grains and nuts and seeds. to lose weight you should avoid red meat, butter and whole milk. All of these foods will not help you lose weight but make you gain.

Description : What are some heartburn foods to avoid?

Last Answer : Some heartburn foods to avoid are acidic foods like Oranges. I hope that I have answered your question to your greatest satisfaction! Thank you very much!

Description : What foods should people with GERD avoid?

Last Answer : Avoid foods such as citrus (Oranges and kiwi), tomato and coffee that directly irritate the mucosa. Other irritants that should be avoided in a GERD diet include onions, large amounts of chocolate, mints and any food with high fat (lipid) content that affect pressure in the stomach.

Description : Foods to avoid with acid reflux?

Last Answer : Understanding foods to avoid with acid reflux can help you to get better control over the condition. Managing acid reflux is something that you can do naturally ...

Description : What foods should a person suffering from acid reflux avoid?

Last Answer : Some tips to helping with acid reflux are avoiding foods that are spicy or contain caffeine. Do not eat within an hour of going to bed at night, and if that does not work Prevacid can be bought OTC.

Description : What are foods to avoid with colitis?

Last Answer : When you have colitis you have to avoid acidic foods, as well as foods that are extremely high in starch content, due to the way it breaks down in the system.

Description : What foods should a patient with GERD avoid?

Last Answer : There are several foods to avoid if you are battling GERD. These foods include: chocolate, peppermint and fat.