posting ads and answering ads

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Related questions

Description : I applied for a job online about a month and a half ago and received no response. The company is still posting job ads, should I apply again?

Last Answer : Move on.

Description : If you were in charge of the James Webb Space Telescope, what questions would you prioritize answering about the cosmos?

Last Answer : I’d like to find Exoplanets that have an atmosphere. I’d start by looking at the handful already identified using our old technology and seeing how much more information we can extract. A planet with an atmosphere has the best chance of harboring life.

Description : What question is "Because the people who don't want to inhale smoke are forced to inhale" answering?

Last Answer : “Why would it be justifiable to exterminate smokers?”.

Description : Does answering spam and telemarketer calls help keep and create jobs?

Last Answer : Yes and no. Yes, the callers get paid, something close to minimum wage. In some cases that plus some commission for the sales that they make. But.. It has large employee turnover – read this because it’s frustrating and hard to be successful.

Description : What are four of the next six things you're going to do (after answering this question)?

Last Answer : Commute home. Take a nap. Go for a run. Go to a 12 step meeting. Answering this doesn’t chaneg anything, it is pretty much how I spend every Friday afternoon.

Description : Do you believe that people should just stop answering a Q when you are satisfied that it has been answered sufficiently?

Last Answer : I totally agree with you, but some people here think they are above the rest and we should do what they want. I do notice if they don’t like the question or the discussion they go into attack mode,and do anything to derail it, if you don’t like it ignore it, and simply don’t participate in it.

Description : Do you prefer asking or answering on here?

Last Answer : Either and neither. Both depend on what I’m doing here at the moment.

Description : If someone asks a question, and you answer that question honestly, even though the answer might upset the OP, should you refrain from answering honestly?

Last Answer : answer:I agree, sometimes calling a spade a spade is the only way to go. If the Jerk fits, and all that. Jerk is pretty mild when it comes to name calling. I think it has to do with A. Who the ... grievance just looking for a cause is okay as long as the word you is not used as an intro. haha

Description : Do any of you ever have the equivalent of writer's block regarding answering questions?

Last Answer : answer:~~Too much gluten. j.k. We all go through changes in motivation and interest. It just happens.

Description : What is the purpose for an answering service at a doctors office?

Last Answer : For people with urgent matters, the answering service may contact the doctor.

Description : When it comes to questions on ethics, are people honest in their answers, or do they lean more towards answering in a vague PC way so as to not appear in an unflattering way?

Last Answer : Most people would knock him off the bike and pound him. And not feel bad about it.

Description : Would it be possible to build a phone answering machine that answers differently depending on who is calling?

Last Answer : My Nokia answering machine feature does just that. Different ring tones.

Description : How many of the hungry will have more food if we forego asking and answering questions on gender, sexual orientation, faith issues?

Last Answer : You asked this question at 4:20 mountain standard time people will have munchies right now.

Description : When answering an old 'thread,' where is the date for the latest answer?

Last Answer : answer:Hi @ShadowHill Welcome to the pod! :-) If you click on the users avatar and scroll down you can see their greatest Q's/answers which will show a date or say 3 months ago, 2 months ago..etc. ... Hit and miss but that is one way to try and get a handle on when the last responses were posted.

Description : Why are you spending your precious time answering this question for me?

Last Answer : Probably for the same reason why you’re asking it, it’s a Q&A site after all…sung to the tune of small world purely to annoy.

Description : Do you mind answering this color survey, which may have deep implications into the nature of consciousness?

Last Answer : I D G

Description : How can I stop eating salt? (READ PARAGRAPH BEFORE ANSWERING)

Last Answer : Contact your doctor. You may need some blood tests to find out if you have a nutrient deficiency that is causing this.

Description : Do you shy away from answering questions that begin "What's the best..."?

Last Answer : I figure they’re just looking for opinions, not fact. They likely just want to know which ‘whatever’ we consider the best, so I’m okay with attempting an answer (unless I have zero clue about the item they’re asking about.)

Description : Do you have an expiration date for answering questions?

Last Answer : No. I will answer a question regardless of it’s age if I have something to add to the discussion. Personally I love it when really old questions are revived in this way!

Description : What is the best way out of answering the question "So who do you think is pretty?"?

Last Answer : “They’re all pretty, I guess, but I like you and [insert name of actress she likes] much better.”

Description : What's the best way to make an mp3 of an answering machine message?

Last Answer : Get someone with an iPhone to record it like you’ve suggested using the “Voice Memos” app that’s on every iPhone, and then have them e-mail the file to you. It will probably sound fine.

Description : Do you ever get performance anxiety answering a question first?

Last Answer : Nope.

Description : If you could have anyone record a message for your voicemail/answering machine who would it be?

Last Answer : answer:HAL 9000. But I’d want it to be a real AI, not just a pre-recorded message. Of course, I’m not gonna make the mistake of letting Hal control my pod-bay doors. My pod-bay doors are gonna be locked by an old-fashioned mechanical key and opened with an ordinary handle.

Description : Do you believe in ghosts [read details before answering]?

Last Answer : No. No. N/A

Description : Why would my period stop suddenly? (PLEASE read details before answering)

Last Answer : Have you noticed any other changes? Have you felt weak or tired?

Description : (Kindly read the details before answering) How much energy would be actually required for a 1 kg object to reach the speed of light in a vacuum?

Last Answer : Infinite. Full stop. Sorry, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

Description : What is the purpose of an "answering service" for a doctor's office?

Last Answer : Are you sure that she was the answering service? I once had a similar experience and it was one of the cleaning crew who had answered. She wasn’t supposed to but got distracted and just picked up a ringing phone.

Description : Why do some people feel the need to piss all over a question when they aren't actually answering the question (examples in details)?

Last Answer : I never got that, either. That’s why most of my Qs are in General, and why I can’t ask some light-hearted ones that I would like to because they’d be moved to Social. I guess some people never master the art of simply not clicking…

Description : Don't you hate it when people don't read the answers to a post before answering?

Last Answer : How is not reading the other posts worse than not reading the details? Especially if it’s a question with more than one right answer…

Description : What cautious responses, if any, should be considered by the adults on this forum when answering the questions of children on this forum?

Last Answer : answer:I do answer the questions of younger members as myself, but with an eye toward their tender years. I remember how life or death everything was in the teen years. I try to have ... to asking questions of kids or adults, why would you unless you specifically wanted answers from those groups?

Description : When were the first telephone answering machines for home use put on the market?

Last Answer : answer:“In 1983 Kazuo Hashimoto received a patent for a Digital Answering Machine architecture with US Patent 4,616,110. The first Digital Answering Machine brought to the market was AT&T’s 1337” So, I guess the early 80’s. Source

Description : Is asking better than answering or answering is better than asking?

Last Answer : I think answering is better because you can be way more sarcastic.

Description : Do you think it rude or fine to repeat another user's idea when answering a question and then not give that user credit?

Last Answer : It’s routine.

Description : How fluther knows how many people observing right now my question or answering it in a real time?

Last Answer : I'm not sure how do they do it exactly, but it shouldn't be that hard. This site is relying on javascript for a lot of the special' features (like composing members). Since the site assumes we ... user leaves the page. I'm betting it's something way cooler and smarter than I can think of though!

Description : "Have you ever avoided answering a question in conversation? If so why?"?

Last Answer : I’ll repeat it until they give me the answer that I want ;)

Description : I am about to take a test in psychology and I need some tips on answering essay type questions?

Last Answer : Check your spelling carefully.

Description : Any tips on answering questions when you're in a job interview?

Last Answer : When you’re in a job interview, you will be being asked questions. You will have to give responses spontaneously, so be planned to give positive examples for your work ethic and your strengths and weaknesses in the work place.

Description : Is a long recorded song clip on one's answering machine or outgoing voicemail -- a form or symptom of egocentrism?

Last Answer : They probably might just want to share the song with other people and see if they like it, but it could also be something else.

Description : I need advice on answering clients requests on last minute work or even asking for creative work done over the weekend?

Last Answer : First, when someone first comes to you with a project, give something with your process on it in writing and your boundaries. Example (Not to meant to be comprehensive, just to give you the idea.): How ... say (and repeat as necessary), I'm sorry that's not possible. Never get into explanations.

Description : If a chatterbot were answering some of the Fluther questions, would the moderators detect it?

Last Answer : Not directly. The user agent string would (hopefully, if they knew what they were doing) make the bot appear to be a normal user, and it would post at a rate that would make it appear to be human. ... ban them , it's more about looking to say this user posts garbage, so we should ban them .

Description : How do you use the 'style your text' help when answering a question?

Last Answer : Where it says “strong” or “emphasis”, that is where you place your text, if you get what I’m saying.

Description : What do you think of people answering "42" to any question?

Last Answer : Um, what!!!?!?!?

Description : Do you avoid answering questions from people who you frequently disagree with?

Last Answer : I refuse to answer questions by people that I know are homophobic.

Description : I was answering Mary's question about weight loss and the page vanished from the screen. Where did it go?

Last Answer : I have had that happen several times, it is confusing and a bit annoying. You get into writing a comment for a question and you go to post it and the question has disappeared. :\

Description : What is the best online question answering site?

Last Answer : This is an interesting question, but it should be noted that in the context of that article "question answering" is about a machine mediated AI approach, not a fully human approach like we use here at Ask-public

Description : What's the best phone (with answering machine) to buy?

Last Answer : Are you talking a wall phone or a cell phone?

Description : What excuse do you give for not answering your mobile phone?

Last Answer : answer:“Sorry, i have caller ID” or “i forgot to take it off silent”—this one works quite well if you frequent the cinema.

Description : How Do I Put a message on a GE Answering Machine?

Last Answer : answer:Your answering machine gives you massages? In all seriousness, do you see a Greeting button? And if not…didn’t it come with a manual?

Description : What is the funniest, best, or most creative/original outgoing message you have ever heard on a telephone answering machine?

Last Answer : George Costanza

Description : Is it just me, or is McCain avoiding directly answering the question and bashing Obama?

Last Answer : answer:Yup. I am watching and I have Factcheck up. And McCaine is LITERALLY going down the list of debunked items he has tried for months and spewing them out again. He just said im going to answer the ... is all he is doing. He is really coming off as a loser. He just got burned on Energy!