1 Answer

Answer :

1. Cauliflower is a nutritious vegetable. Scientists have found anti-cancer material on the surface of its leaves. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore have found a chemical called iso thiocyanates in cauliflower leaves. Scientists have found that to reduce the risk of colon cancer by half, you need to eat about two pounds of cauliflower and similar vegetables a week. Scientists also say that eating a little more than an ounce of cauliflower leaves a week can halve the risk of cancer in the body. Another study found that the application of iso thiocyanates extracted from cauliflower leaves reduced the size and number of breast tumors , which could lead to cancer. 2. Cauliflower leaves are rich in Vitamin A, Calcium , Nutrition and Iron. 3. It contains about one and a half times more calcium than black squash , 3 times more green squash , twice as much red squash , 6 times more lentils , 6 times more pomegranate and jute , 6 times more spinach and stalk , 25 times more mulberry and 5 times more cow's milk. There are more. 4. Cauliflower leaves have much more iron than almost any food. For example, 4 times more iron than green spinach , 1.5 times more than stalk spinach , 10 times more than kalmishak, 12 times more than radish and 5 times more than spinach . Food energy is also much higher than almost all vegetables. There is plenty of vitamin 'A'. Each 100 grams of edible cauliflower leaves contain 626 mg of calcium and 40 mg of iron. Cauliflower contains more iron than potatoes , radishes , sweet pumpkins , eggplants , tomatoes , chickpeas and squid. However, this nutritious cauliflower depends on the variety and place of production.

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Last Answer : ★ Benefits of Cabbage: According to nutritionists, every 100 grams of cabbage contains - food energy - 25 kcal sugar - 5.8 grams sugar - 3.2 grams dietary fiber - 2.5 grams fat - 0.1 ... in the process of digestion of food. Moreover, cauliflower fiber plays an effective role in digestion of food.

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Description : What can I do with leftover steamed cauliflower?

Last Answer : Form Cauliflower Pizza Crust. Transfer squeezed cauliflower to a bowl. Add egg, oregano or basil, cheese, salt and pepper, and mix well. Using your hands, flatten pizza dough on prepared baking sheet lined with parchment paper and sprayed with cooking spray.

Description : Can you eat broccoli and cauliflower raw without dip?

Last Answer : I assume @Rarebear is being facetious. He is wrong. You can certainly eat them raw.

Description : Got any good and easy cauliflower recipes?

Last Answer : answer:I love this recipe Sorry about it being NSFW

Description : What are some healthy and delicious ways to cook/prepare broccoli, cauliflower and squash?

Last Answer : Healthy? Steam ‘em up and serve with a few drops of apple cider vinegar. Delicious? Steam ‘em up and serve with a cheese sauce. Squash? Bake in the oven, serve with butter or margarine, sprinkle with brown sugar. NOW I’m hungry!

Description : Does using cauliflower in lieu of pasta and bread save a lot of carbs?

Last Answer : answer:I often eat cauliflower instead of potato. It's really quite versatile. We mash it up if we want to have mashed potato with something. I've not tried the pizza idea, but I've heard about ... into MyFitnessPal. It came up with 100g having total carbs 5g. Bread (wheat) 100g. Total carbs 49g.

Description : Do you have any good (especially new) recipes for preparing cauliflower?

Last Answer : I’m no cook but I’ve been seeing a lot of menu items using creamed cauliflower as a low cal replacement for potatoes. It’s pretty good but sometimes a bit bitter. I think it would probably be good with half potato and half cauliflower.

Description : Can broccoli or cauliflower be canned/heat preserved?

Last Answer : As far as I know, it cannot. But due to prior knowledge I have also seen people do crazy things with vegetables and fruits, so canning might be a possibility, they aren’t very sturdy though, I think that is why manufacturers deter from them.

Description : Anyone have a tried and tested recipe for cauliflower soup?

Last Answer : I always go to Food Network;charset=UTF-8 now to search for new recipes and you can read other cooks reviews and tips for shortcuts and making some recipes even better.

Description : Skewering cauliflower florets and grilling; does it work?

Last Answer : Yes I think so. I would toss them in olive oil salt and pepper and cook until desired doneness.

Description : What's your favorite cauliflower recipe?

Last Answer : Slow cooker for 4 hours… with other veggies like potatoes and celery… beef broth and meet of some sort

Description : Do you have a recipe for cauliflower, coconut milk and coriander soup?

Last Answer : Could this be it, my dear?

Description : Why are my cauliflower all foliage and no curd?

Last Answer : ph should be 5.5-7.5...................try putting a ring of composed horsemansure around it and water...........should improve...........we saved eggs shells and dry & break them up. ... around the plant and work it in the ground before adding lime & composed manure...............Happy Summer.

Description : can you trim back cauliflower leaves?

Last Answer : That means next year plant those plant away from each other....as more space is needed you must have done a great job amending your soil......I would only give them a haircut on the pepper side... ... also trim the pepper so only a little is off of each one. Leaving them both happy. Happy summer.


Last Answer : When you cut off the floret do a slanted cut on the stem right under the head. Next ones will be a little smaller. ph should be 5.5-7.5 Be sure to soak them in ice cold water with salt to get out any critters before cooking them. They are delicious cooked and mashed like potatoes.

Description : low temp for cauliflower plants ?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what is the browning on cauliflower?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Should I cover my cauliflower with plastic during the day or just keep covering it at night? with frost cloth

Last Answer : can you make a tent type cover over the rows above the veggies so it does not touch. The 30 degree weather can kill them and or stunt there growth in the 30's.

Description : What does it mean when the Cauliflower head is turning yellow?

Last Answer : time to harvest -yes it is ok to eat --make sure it is cooked-threw

Description : what is the best time to plant cauliflower

Last Answer : depending on where you live.............late may or early june.................in NE PA we waited for the 1st moon in June then planted the plants. Tomorrow Aug 7, I will be harvesting the ... real fast off so I don't bring them inside until I have cleaned them or broccoli real well............

Description : How do you know when to pick Cauliflower?

Last Answer : pick before any flowers come. not all will be large like the store. cut on a slant under the head as more will come but will be smaller. put the veggie in very cold water with salt and push it under ... so that any inside will rush out I do this right outside so I don't get them into the house.


Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why is my cauliflower not white like in grocery store

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can you still use "Ricey Cauliflower" Had streak hot weather, then cool again.

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What is the gray ash on my cauliflower and what do I do about it w/out bad chemicals?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do ou grow cauliflower?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : The leaves on my cauliflower, broccoli and brussels sprouts are large, should they be pruned back for a better harvest?

Last Answer : I would not cut those leaves back.....we always get a lot of leaves before the tiny heads start. they protect the vegetable from wind, sun and water damage. Do a mix of 1 teasp of liquid hand soap ... ....just pull it out and hang it on a rope off the floor and the chickens will eat every drop.

Description : Can you eat cauliflower greens?

Last Answer : Call your local County Extension Office.

Description : How do u plant broccoli and cauliflower?

Last Answer : amend your soil with very old cow or horse manure with lime, leaves grass clipping and or hay....mix this with a cultivator............rake it flat and either cover it with the garden cover or ... ......I do that with lettuce....I never buy prepackaged cut lettuce from the store only head lettuce.

Description : cauliflower diseases?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why did cauliflower, of all things, become the go-to ingredient replacement?

Last Answer : It has a pretty neutral flavour. Tbh I love cauliflower rice

Description : How to make Cauliflower Potato and Tomato Curry ?

Last Answer : Ingredients: cauliflower 2 cups large pieces , 500 gms large pieces of potato , tomatoes also cut into large pieces 9 gms , 5-6 pieces of onion , 2 whole green chillies, 2 teaspoons of cumin ... with tomato , cauliflower pieces , coriander leaves , cumin powder and a little water and cook and serve.

Description : How many kilocalories are there in 100 grams of cauliflower ?

Last Answer : 100 grams of cauliflower has 30 kcal.

Description : V trojobalu?

Last Answer : Yes - and it's better than cauliflower.