What would be a good gift for someone who just had twins?

1 Answer

Answer :

If she’s planning to nurse…another set of breasts. Two just won’t be enough.

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Last Answer : Pedicure/Manicure. Day spas have mother-to-be massages.

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Last Answer : If you cheated with an identical twin, no they can't tell, with a run of the mill paternity test. If they are paternal twins, they will be able to check and see a difference. The only way they could ... basic. I don't think we've come that far to be able to test the difference for identical twins.

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Last Answer : Offer to babysit for a night or so. That would have been the best gift ever for me when my kids were young.

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Last Answer : answer:What about a book/stuffed animal combination? I know he's too little to read right now, but reading to a child is a wonderful bonding experience for baby and mother alike. Perhaps The Velveteen Rabbit with ... when he is able to read it himself. I'm a big believer in the gift of reading :)

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Last Answer : That’s actually really sweet. I haven’t seen it done before, but it seems appropriate and awesome.

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Last Answer : I brought a copy each of Dr. Spock’s baby and childcare book, and T. Barry Brazelton’s book on newborn care. No one else brought anything like that, and the mother-to-be tells me that she has used that gift the most. On the card I wrote “Here are the manuals.”

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Last Answer : We always dig deeper for close family…I’m not sure that’s too helpful. But if you have any spare cash, start a savings acc’t for the baby. Maybe others will follow suit; in 18 years the little guy will have his/her college fund. Skip the onesies and stuffed bears.

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Last Answer : If they are covered and discrete, I don’t care.

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Last Answer : I had spontaneous vomiting. As in no warning. It made for an exciting few weeks. Whenever you can, try to eat something that is good for you ...I would try to eat a little bit of peanut butter ... your OB first if you consider this .) Is this your first pregnancy? (Congratulations on the baby, BTW)

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Last Answer : Respect the fact that no matter what, the baby’s needs come first.

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Last Answer : My trick for the permanence/separation spazz-out times was to put my bras on a rotation. Before putting one in the wash, I put it in his bed/crib/wherever he was. That way, if I had to leave for a second, he could still smell me.

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Last Answer : answer:webmd Planned Parenthood is really good about answering a lot of questions. I know they will talk to her before the procedure. (At least they used to, I went with a friend years ago.) I ... Also, Planned Parenthood has a lot of answers to questions about abortion, online. I wish her the best.

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Last Answer : This seems like a lopsided question – surely no one would seriously favor that?

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Last Answer : Just knit 12” squares in pleasing colors. A person at a knitting store can teach you how to weave them together (with wool and a large needle with a big eye) as will the online knitting sites.

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Last Answer : I don't know if this counts, because I gave birth in a hospital, but in a birthing room decorated to look like home, and with a mid-wife. My husband (at the time) and my best friend were with me for ... of the same things over on his side of the bed but he wasn't as calm and soothing as she was.

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Last Answer : When the nurse comes in, if the father isn’t there, the Mom makes the call. My daughter had to deal with this issue. She just waited till the time was right.

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Last Answer : I have now idea what Pete Buttigieg is doing or not - it's none of my damned business. Although being an intelligent and conscientous guy, my guess is that he is probably on email and phone calls each ... the right and option to take this sort of time. Do you think, @JLeslie that they are slaves?

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Last Answer : No, I definitely would want to be as clear headed as I could be. I imagine it takes much energy, and experience, to take care of them. Washing, poo, pee, feeding, etc. And I’ve seen on YouTube recently how they can harm you, sometimes unintentionally. One hit with their trunk and you’re dead meat.

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Last Answer : Ambien? Note: I don’t have children. I didn’t realize you have kids @flo.

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Last Answer : He is a dybbuk inhabiting the body of Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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Last Answer : Like pretty much all religious references to gods and other figures representing concepts and archetypes, the grim reaper is not a literal figure, except in overly-literal representations in art and parody, ... the state after a body dies, and yes certainly those occur in proportion to the dying.

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Last Answer : Mimishu1995 I m with you on this, your friend doesn’t know what she is talking about. A 2 month old infant cries only because of very basic needs, they are not yet developed enough to be “making demands”. An infant that age needs reassurance, not some whacko discipline.

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Last Answer : Every show or movie that includes abortion seems to minimize the impact, so in that way, they have a million times over. Seems as if she approves of the content: Directors Chuck Konzelman ... as a clinic director for Planned Parenthood, as well as her subsequent conversion to anti-abortion activism.