How long should I give him to respond before moving on?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would hope he would at least call, but then again, you sent a text, so perhaps he’ll respond in kind. I would give him a week, and then assume either his feelings have changed or you read him wrong. Good luck.

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Last Answer : ask-public is a site for solutions, if you don’t have one don’t post a answer, and it says in the description that the relationship won’t work so i don’t think hes going to “get over it”

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Last Answer : yuk.

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Last Answer : Nope. Move on. You have a lot of life ahead of you. There will be plenty of loves. You have to trust me on this. Right now, at your age, everything is new and everything is forever. Don’t believe that. Be cool. You will find a love, and maybe many loves, before you are gone from this earth.

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