Are 'females' generally worse in the field of comedy than 'males'?

1 Answer

Answer :

Is “females” different from females. Is “males” different from males? There are and were hysterically funny women comedians; Lucy Arnez, Carol Burnett, Gilda Radnor, Goldie Hawn, Ellen DeGeneris, the early Joan Rivers, Phyllis Diller, Wanda Sykes, for starters.

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Last Answer : answer:Young Frankenstein has been my favorite comedy for decades now. Also Shaun of the Dead, Trading Places, Coming to America, The Breakfast Club.

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Last Answer : answer:Of course there are limits. Just watch a clip of Kramer from Seinfeld (Michael Richards) going off during a nightclub performance where he continually rants at a heckler and goes so far as to call him ... to love every comic. If you don't like a comic, turn the channel or just walk out.

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : I'm not a huge user myself, but there's

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Last Answer : answer:Lewis Black is funny, as is Margaret Cho And Stephen Lynch is a singing comedian… Think Adam Sandler-esqe Eddie Izzard is also pretty hilarious… I’m sure there’s quite a few more

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Last Answer : Ans: (c)