If the world was going to end in 30 days how would you spend your time.

1 Answer

Answer :

I’d spend time with my friends and family.

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Last Answer : answer:I set myself at either 65 or the first time I crap my pants, whichever comes first. I figured 65 due to the fact that it’s a fairly healthy age before any big problems occur, yet long enough to have a full life. Aging to that point is something that terrifies me to no end.

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Last Answer : answer:I've always been told that I need to be more assertive. Speech and leadership classes and books that I read on verbal transactional analysis helped. I learned to see how other people saw me (that was painful) ... assertive when I had to. It was never easy. It's not who I am. Good luck to you!

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Last Answer : No. I think there should be enough for everyone. So that we don’t have to care what people do in private and public.

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Last Answer : answer:That's depend on how people view life. Some see life as being alive, get a job and live like a normal person. Some want to do something they want before they die. Some has no goal in ... living for today In summary, this question depends on each individual and doesn't have a right answer.

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Last Answer : Not really. Our organisms manifestation is just that, a manifestation of how the DNA dice were rolled to bring us into existence. We could all, just as easily, manifested as a grapevine or a goose ... of swimming and sunning, virtually no predators to worry about, and a long, stress free life. haha

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Last Answer : answer:A question for the ages. What do you value. What makes you happy. If the answers to these questions are reasonable and not destructive, move that direction. If they are unreasonable or destructive, ... do. Attitude is EVERYTHING. If you really think about it, it is not all that complicated.

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Last Answer : answer:Self actualization has to do with being the best person we can be. That means continuing growth no matter how old we are. It's not a matter of taking chances, it's a matter of being open ... going after new things just because they are new, but trying new things as they are presented to you.

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Last Answer : I am, at forty-two, ever so slowly, approaching “content”. Unfortunately, this glacial pilgrimage is often punctuated by times of restlessness and impatience. I try to be as zen-like as possible, but I’m an aggressive dude.

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Last Answer : answer:I am Life therefore I will Live. In Living I will Love, for Love is the essence of all Living. The Love given in Living will be reciprocated back to me from all the Living. And since Living ... than Dead, I will lack nothing in Loving. Loving my neighbor as myself is the essence of my Life.

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Last Answer : answer:If you live long enough, you'll realize what most of the rules are for. What you describe as no obedience to the structure and demands of contemporary society is a nice way of saying anarchy. ... we've built with the blood, sweat and tears of our forefathers. I'll see you in Disney Land.

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Last Answer : answer:Absolutely. For a very long time I've felt this void (as you call it) where I think a parent or a mentor should be. I've never really had someone to look up to or seek advice ... guidance or wisdom. Instead, I feel very alone and rudderless sometimes. Just figuring it all out on my own.

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Last Answer : I think they’re the same concept framed two different ways. The former sort of tries to justify such behavior by making it sound like the other person deserves it. The latter is what I agree with more, and says that behaving badly is not justified just because someone else did it first.

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Last Answer : I’d say “Well you shouldn’t have yelled heel.”

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Last Answer : A winning lottery ticket (because then I’d travel the world).

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Last Answer : I’ve always wanted to do crazy stuff like put the wind to my back and pull up stakes, go where my whimsy takes me. Then I think, “Yeah, and then how are we going to pay the bills?”

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Last Answer : I should stop staying up so late!

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Last Answer : answer:@wallabies: “I’m not the kind of person that believes in this kind of thing, but I can’t ignore it anymore.” Sounds like you might be that kind of person. What exactly is it that you can’t ignore anymore? Maybe you could provide some details.

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Last Answer : You look at your value reflected back from the eyes of those who love you.

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Last Answer : answer:I was dumped by a woman I liked a lot in highschool because she heard a rumor I hooked up with another woman. It was completely out of nowhere and she wouldn't even tell me who said it, which either ... with me, or she was irrational as f*ck. I didn't even get a chance to prove her wrong.

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Last Answer : No thanks, I do not wish to offend anyone. Each to his own, live and let live! I’m crawling back into my own hole!

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Last Answer : “What kind of apple was eaten in the Garden of Eden exactly?”

Description : Soul Purpose - Do You Know Why You Are Here?

Last Answer : First atheist president. :D

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Last Answer : Working on it.

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Last Answer : One thing I forgot to put in there was my job, that was another silver lining. I threw myself into my work and forgot my troubles as I helped others. I handled the Volunteer Services ... visually impaired and multi-handicapped people. I really miss the work, the people, the interactions, etc..

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Last Answer : I can cope with trauma better than I thought I could.

Description : Now that I am 50, I sure see things differently. I see that my parents did the best they could and were really great parents. I also understand that I am doing the best I can...I wonder if those who are older have any words of wisdom?

Last Answer : answer:If you have been a multi-tasker, anticipate the ability to slow down. Studies show that multi-taskers cannot maintain the mental capacity to do so as they age. The body continues to age, so ... of what to expect. Take care of yourself, and there will be many new adventures to experience.

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Last Answer : Fluther or pay a shrink.

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Last Answer : Suicide is legal in Oregon. It has not caused any problems.

Description : What is the greatest thing about the future?

Last Answer : We have no way of knowing.

Description : Does anyone ever question why we are here on earth?

Last Answer : answer:@clairemck - Has anyone else ever experienced this? Absolutely! I probably haven't gone a single day in the past 22 years that I haven't thought about this. If you are younger and just ... Dig into this question with a positive attitude. Good luck with what you find. You are not alone.

Description : Do you ever wonder if you're really worth it?

Last Answer : I would say you matter a ton to me. I think of you as my little sister.

Description : When you ask yourself, who am I doing all of this for (life/living; perhaps, struggling), your answer is?

Last Answer : answer:Myself and those who love me, mainly my parents. When times have been really bad, I think of how my parents would feel if I were no longer here. I think about how their lives would be ... The struggling is for me. I know my struggles will pay off and make being here happy and fulfilling.

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Last Answer : answer:Personally my family and health are top of my list. Money is an added bonus when my priorities are tickety boo.

Description : How do you develop passion?

Last Answer : Identify a need in your life and pursue it. The more you do it the more you should become passionate about it .if not move on and try something else. You will know it the minute you find it you ... It also can help greatly if you have a mentor you look up to who can help you develop your passion.

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Last Answer : answer:Q: “How does one develop faith and trust for the future?” A: By striking out on your own and building the character, will, and confidence to succeed by your own means. Mistakes can be infinitely more interesting and important than easy success. Embrace chaos. Thrive in chaos.

Description : I am not coping with my "failure" this month at work.

Last Answer : I've worked in toxic workplaces, and they do make you feel like you've been gutted. My suggestion would be to take a day or two off and pamper yourself. If you feel lousy, your not going to ... Going in to that environment day after day is not going to help you step back and evaluate your choices.

Description : I think I am in an online" relationship" that is all a lie, I really need advice?"?

Last Answer : Google his name and address and see what comes up. His business venture sounds shaky at best. I have met a few very nice people online but also have flushed out some impostors and when that does happen it is never pretty.

Description : Would van Gogh have been such a good artist if he wasn’t bipolar?

Last Answer : It's a balance. Medication is necessary for some people to keep them alive. Some need it for a time then can taper down. Some people are self aware enough to realize when the illness is ... the symptoms. Those who deny the symptom will probably get into trouble. meds suck Death sucks more.

Description : Where did all the “good” guys go?

Last Answer : “I want a real man like the one they used to make in the old days.” Well hello there. :-)

Description : I think I never really learned how to live. Any shared insights?

Last Answer : get out of bed, and get out in the world. make yourself known!

Description : How does one develop a thicker skin?

Last Answer : A few more days on fluther and your skin should be as thick as a buffalo hide. But seriously, as long as you can handle being taken advantage of, lied to and friendless in your industry, why change ... what would be the attraction in getting ahead ? I'd just as soon hang with you, @Just_Justine.

Description : I live in a constant state of "fright or flight" how do I change this?

Last Answer : Step back and breathe. A long hot bath always helps. Take a break from reading the news. Count your blessings and write them down. Think of those worse off then yourself. Talk it over with ... to stay standing no matter how painful it is. Otherwise, those worries will just keep runnin' free.