Okay i am 14, and I want to get in shape! please help me!! :)

1 Answer

Answer :

First things first – get yourself a physical from a doctor. Complete with blood tests.

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Last Answer : I think there's definitely a push towards healthier habits here in America. I'm trying to gain weight and I've noticed that so many things nowadays is light or less than 100 calories or ... I started eating a healthy diet about three years ago and have been healthier since. I also work out.

Description : Getting in Shape by Climbing the Fitness Pyramid

Last Answer : Getting in Shape by Climbing the Fitness Pyramid Eighty-Five percent of Americans recognize that regular physical activity is important to good health, but only 40% lead active lives. "The big problem ... maintaining an active lifestyle is to find something you do well and enjoy, then have fun."

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Last Answer : Try bench pressing lighter weights and working your way up in weight. That might help build your arm strength.

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Last Answer : answer:I've had two. Neither tried to sell me nutritional supplements, although he does it. I told him at the beginning I wasn't interested, and the only nutrition thing he tells me is, Eat before you ... prone to quit earlier. My problem is I don't get to see him often enough. hope that helps.

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Last Answer : answer:I always think pale skin is better, personally… But I will say that tanned, you look like Guy Pearce in Memento. That’s at least partially the hair, though.

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Last Answer : Either that or buy bigger shorts.

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Last Answer : Go for a vacation in the mountains… your red blood count will rise to combat the thinner atmosphere. You might get dizzy for the first day.

Description : What is fitness?

Last Answer : Yes to both questions, especially the latter. Skinny does not equal fit or healthy by any means.

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Last Answer : Best way is to do both at the same time. Cut out the fats and extra carbs, some fat and carbs are important though and work out accordingly. You will build muscle as you lose extra fat ... eggs, whey powder supplements. GNC makes a killer Banana whey protein powder that is awesome mixed with OJ.

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Last Answer : If your a full grown adult no. If your a 11 year old sixth grader , fer sure.

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Last Answer : Old style snowshoes. They’ll give your legs one heck of a workout.

Description : Do you own a Gold's Gym membership?

Last Answer : answer:Nope but if you are thinking about joining a gym ask for a tour. Also they can break down all that information for you. It might be helpful to make a list of things you require and a seperate ... other gyms as well. I am always getting flier for free gym trials and they come in the paper too.

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Last Answer : I studied Shorinji Kempo, although, looking at that description, my sensei's was a more pragmatic style. Our focus was less on competitive or structured forms, more on doing whatever necessary to ... opponent that I was likely to meet in real life would almost certainly be larger than me).

Description : What fitness goals have you accomplished that you're proud of?

Last Answer : I lost 80 lbs and walked a marathon in 2003. I have managed to keep most of the weight off since then.

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Last Answer : There are disorders that screw with the body’s natural production of hormones, or the ability of cells to respond to them.

Description : Which are some great lower body workouts without being stuck in a gym?

Last Answer : I have a mini stair stepper that takes up very little space. I use it while watching tv. You can also do lunges and squats. These have all helped me.

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Last Answer : answer:Haha, here in the Netherlands, we talking about the people Americanizing , i.e. obesity getting more common. (Though, Americanizing is often also used for other negative influences from the US, e ... common to cycle from A to B, due to the general absense of mountains and natural slopes.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m having trouble even picturing a manual treadmill. Maybe you could see if you still have the manual, or call the company who makes them?

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Last Answer : The placebo effect.

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Last Answer : I learned this easy formula for a healthy weight: food intake=excersice output That’s all there is to it, really. :)

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Last Answer : Tie one leg to one horse, the other leg to another horse, and yell “Gidde Up!”

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Last Answer : She should probably find classes or trainers geared toward post-partum recovery in addition to following her doctor’s advice.

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Last Answer : It lets you know your heart rate.. But that’s useless if you don’t know where it should be.

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Description : How can I strengthen my grip and fingers?

Last Answer : They make finger strengthing exercise machines. Its a fairly simple design. Two handles and a spring in the middle. That’s it. Sorry I cant get you a link to find some. Just google it and you’ll know what I mean.

Description : How to get six pack abs?

Last Answer : Do several crunches while looking this question up in a google search.

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Last Answer : I loved rollerskating on the bumpy concrete sidewalks of New York streets. Roller blades I did one time, and so much fun, but different. I think the skates used more leg muscles. Blades were more like ice ... -up sport, and skates, more for kids. I wonder if that is true, or just my experience.

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Last Answer : In general, I suggest you look at K1 or MMA fights on YouTube to get a sense of strengths and weaknesses of each martial art. From my personal experience, I'd suggest Muay Thai. It has the best value ... be suitable for street fights. Sorry, I haven't tried Krav Maga so can't say anything about it.

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Last Answer : Elliptical is easier to stay on for a longer time, IMO. I find treadmill boring, elliptical can actually be fun and i believe you do burn more calories in a shorter time (as compared to treadmill) with an elliptical.

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Last Answer : An old mortal enemy acquaintance of mine used to claim that she had an orgasm from climbing the rope. This was in middle school.

Description : Why do i get a stitch in my back after doing pushups?

Last Answer : It sounds to me like you're not warming up before you exercise. Do you do any cardio before you work on your upper body? Also, you probably need to work those muscles, too. Rowing is a good ... of those rubber tubes with handles on the end. Did wonders for me when I was having upper back trouble.

Description : How to Make a Weight Loss Fitness Plan ?

Last Answer : Having a toned body not only looks appealing, it also promotes good health. For some people, the first step to achieve that figure is to lose weight. Losing weight is quite challenging, ... go signal. For more information regarding this article, read Top ten ways to effectively lose weight.

Description : Fitness Glossary

Last Answer : T-Z Target heart rate - The ideal intensity level at which your heart is being exercised but not overworked. Determined by finding your maximum heart rate and taking a percentage ... strength and flexibility, breathing exercises for cleansing, and/or meditation for relaxation and stress reduction.

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Last Answer : Whether you are doing a warm-up stretch or a cool-down stretch, the stretches will basically be the same. You want to make sure you are stretching your whole body even if you are just ... sides. Repetitions: This should be executed several times, a few times throught your workout if you like.

Description : Correct Workout Order exercise

Last Answer : Correct Workout Order When working out it is best to train larger muscles first and smaller muscles last. Training large muscle groups (thighs, chest, and back) will take a majority of your ... train your back muscles. Order of exercises really helps in your development of a great physique!

Description : Fitness For Kids

Last Answer : Do your children spend more time inside the house watching television or playing computer games than they spend playing outside? Do you know that motivating your children to be active not only ... physical activities together may also increase the amount of quality time you spend with your child.

Description : Baseball fitness tips

Last Answer : Dropping The Rear Shoulder: A Common Hitting Error According to Jerry Kindall, coach of the U. of Arizona baseball team, dropping the rear shoulder at the start of the swing is one of the ... will help them to keep their shoulders level and their head motionless for better eye-focus on the ball.

Description : Basketball fitness tips

Last Answer : Run, Stop & Shoot Drill For Unhurried Shots When players are moving quickly before taking a shot (i.e. while dribbling, getting open for a pass,etc.), they often continue to hurry while they shoot. ... pace, have the shooters sprint to the key, catch a pass, and then go up for an unhurried shot.

Description : Swimming fitness tips

Last Answer : Use Explosive Breathing For Better Buoyancy Every beginning swim class has a "sinker" or two - students whose body density is greater than that of the water, and who swim low in the water or even ... pattern keeps air in the lungs for most of each stroke, which keeps them higher in the water.