Is it a bad thing if my next door neighbour's cat has moved into my house?

1 Answer

Answer :

Perhaps you should ask your neighbor first. He or she may have an opinion. Most of us with cats got them from shelters and no problems, some problems, or severe problems.

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Last Answer : I've given you a Great Question because it was well written. Welcome to Fluther. That said, mayhaps a bit of foul-smelling substance? Bug spray, bleach, etc. - spray some on the reducers/door jambs. ... deter her from coming back, I expect. Please do not send poor little Ciara to her death. :(

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Last Answer : answer:I'd be worried that he might be get himself into an argument and be unable to defend himself with these new kitties. You have to remember that cats aren't the most social of creatures to ... other legitimate sources, so read up a bit and play it safe with introducing the cats to each other.

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Last Answer : No. I would not. Is it creepy? Unusual might be a better word. And it kinda seems like a lot of work with everything else you’re planning. Letting go is a good thing sometimes. Personally, if anyone wants to venerate my body I’d rather they do it while I’m still alive. But that’s another story…

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Last Answer : Cats who run under the sofa are just being shy. Cats who run for the door are being curious. I had a cat who would meow and meow at the bedroom door until I let her out and closed the door, then she meowed and meowed to get back in. She simply wanted to be on the other side, not in or out.

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Last Answer : I've always wondered about those I don't have any personal experience but from what I read and have been told, they work but sometimes the collars are lost or don't register with the device. I ... Reports has tested them? PS Your cats are lucky to have such a good human to research for them!

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Last Answer : Could you hook up a baby gate in front of the door so they’d literally have to jump 3.5 feet in the air and get around both you and the person on the other side of the door to get out?

Description : Cat Behavior - Bad Manners or afraid?

Last Answer : Try pure lavender oil on cotton balls wherever the cat goes (make sure the oil has not got any fillers or fragrances). Put them in ceramic dishes out of kitty’s reach. My holistic vet would do that and it would help to calm the animals in the exam room.

Description : Bad Cat! Any suggestions to get him to stop chewing wires?

Last Answer : answer:Some cats have a thing for certain plastics. Our dull human noses cannot smell the difference between yummy plastic and boring plastic though, and I would wager that the already chewed cable ... rabbit fur sometimes works, but never the cruelty free polyester substitute; cats are cruel.

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Last Answer : answer:A mouse bit my hand when I was 10 years old, so no. As long as you’re not feeding kittens to pythons, I wouldn’t feel too bad. Btw, does anyone think I could be harboring some kind of dormant virus? Because I never got the bite checked out.

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Last Answer : I have no idea, when it’s bad weather my cats head for the hills and hibernate until it’s over.

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Last Answer : answer:Cats require more fat and protein than dogs. Dogs can manage on a partially vegetarian diet, partial, but cats are true carnivores. It won’t kill a dog, but, is is too rich in fats and for many dogs would lead to obesity.

Description : Is it bad for my cat...

Last Answer : My cats drink out of the toilet regularly with go real harm. Not sure about the beta bowl. Have you tried a fountain?? My cats will not drink out of a water bowl, especially if it’s near their food. They prefer running water, or my water glass.

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Last Answer : Are you using some kind of enzyme stuff like Nature’s Miracle?

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Last Answer : Maybe you’re a witch. And the cat is your familiar, it is there to tell you to get ‘back on the path’.

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Last Answer : Does he have a litter box?

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Last Answer : answer:Take your cat to the groomers for a flea bath, treatment, or to your vet for some advantage flea prevention medication. Then bomb your house, wash all animal bedding and vacuum thoroughly before you bring ... . I have no fleas issues in my area but use it for the spring and fall tick seasons.

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Last Answer : A week is a long time to be on his own. Can you get a petsitter? Ah, sorry, just reread and saw the note about friends coming by. Personally, I would be a bit nervous about putting him into an ... about a pet slipping out of an open door and being lost. But I'm kinda paranoid about things like that.

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Last Answer : We use Feline Pine. The look of it actually reminds me of Hampster food – too big to get stuck in kitty paws. There are benefits other than your kitty not tracking the litter around your house, too. It’s much safer for said kitty and generally smells a lot better. :)

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Last Answer : My vet told me to keep the kitten in a room with a closed door for a week to let the other cat be curious, but not threatened. (They said the older cat might kill the kitten.) We kept the ... staying. This allowed the older cat to establish who will be the dominant, or Boss cat, in the household.

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Last Answer : I have no clue why she's doing it, but maybe if you wash the towel and put it away, she'll stop. One of mine gets in the bathroom trash, picks up some toilet paper in her mouth, stops and drops ... seems to lose us when we go to bed. She'll wander around crying until I call her into the bedroom.

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Description : Do cats greet you at the door when you get home like dogs do? In what manner?

Last Answer : answer:Mine almost always does, yowling like a bansshee and rubbing my leg, because he thinks that when I come home, regardless of the time, it’s time for him to eat. Much to his chagrin, sometimes it’s not. Cats are great.

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Description : The cat next door was killed in a road accident at the weekend. My cat appears to be pining. What should I do ? Should I get him another friend?

Last Answer : I've had that happen before, only it was my dog that died and my cat was very depressed for a long time. All the cat's i've had were very much like people, and your poor thing must ... friend. But be careful with that, because some cats who lose a close friend become very aggressive to other cats.

Description : The cat next door will eat my dogs food, but my dog hates the cats food. what gives?

Last Answer : Cats are mean – they love putting one over on dogs. Our cat will hide the dog’s treats, even though he doesn’t like them himself. Our dog will eat anything, especially loves any of the cat’s leftovers. If the cats in your case are strays, then they are not so fussy – survival comes first.

Description : How long would you have to keep a cat indoors until it is reasonably certain that it would come back if let out, and not disappear forever into the wilderness?

Last Answer : answer:I have no idea when it comes to kittens. When we adopted my grandmother's seven-year-old cat, we kept him inside for about ten days. We then showed him around the garden using a leash. We did ... to keep it indoors. And then slowly introduce it to the outside world. :-) I hope this helps.

Description : Why does my cat go into the bathroom to meow?

Last Answer : She wants you to go hang out in there with her! WHY AREN’T YOU THERE NOW, DAMMIT? :-p

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Last Answer : It’s not the blood. My cat is a male, and so am I, and he does the exact same thing. Now that it’s getting cold, he wants to snuggle up to me at night, and he licks my hands. I just think it’s his way of saying “thanks for keeping me warm!”

Description : My cat got into a fight with a stray and her ear is all messed up - how can I clean it?

Last Answer : I would take her to the vet for an antibiotic shot, and professional check. She might have punctures other places under her fur, as well, that could abcess if not treated. That happened to my cat once ... 't seen, and had quite a time clearing up her infection from that one tiny puncture. Good Luck!

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Last Answer : I have a cat who insists on drinking water from a glass tumbler. For some reason, she likes to stick her head all the way in to drink. She also drinks from the toilet, floor after ... /

Description : How long after giving birth does a cat go into heat?

Last Answer : Way sooner than I thought. We took a stray in, she had kittens, I took her in to be spayed 6 or 7 weeks later and it cost extra because she was pregnant! Then she went missing. We called ... Google says they will cycle continuously for a time until they mate, have a false pregnancy or it gets cold.

Description : Why does my cat knead her paws/claws into things?

Last Answer : Cats do that to their mothers. It means they’re comfortable and content.

Description : What is your advice on bringing a cat into a household with a dog?

Last Answer : it’s a recipe for disaster, cats are trouble. Buy your dog a couple of fuzzy toys that squeak, that is all the companionship they need. Works for our dog.

Description : After you moved out did you knock on the door to your childhood home or just walk in?

Last Answer : answer:I walk right in. Most of my adult life I have lived out of state, but when I am in town I would never knock, I would have a key. My parents when they are visiting me also have a key and ... their home. I say just ask them to knock first. Or, keep your doors locked. My door is always locked.

Description : Can a pet cat be trained to walk on a leash?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : What should I do about my sick cat?

Last Answer : You might want to do some research in your area. I recently had to have my dog euthanized & a neighbor helped me find a vet that would come to my house to handle her final moments. My dog was at ... popular all over the country due to people's busy work schedule. So you might want to look into it.

Description : How much responsibility do I have for a cat poisoned by it eating my “Hawaiian Ti” plant?

Last Answer : Very responsible. Just as responsible as you would have been, if your toddler gulped down a bottle of bleach it found in an unlocked and easily accessible cabinet.

Description : How did you successfully get a cat not to claw the furniture?

Last Answer : Here's how I approached it, some five months ago, when I took Nouri with me from Greece, to live together. I kept an eye open to see where his first scratches would happen. When that happened to ... 'll most likely will stay with just that one spot. My Tsounouri does. Have much fun with your kitty!

Description : I got a black cat. Will you help me name him?

Last Answer : Ebony

Description : What breed or breeds of cat would you consider to fit the label "Standard Issue Cat"?

Last Answer : Well, all the un-bred cats, broadly referred to as Domestic Short Hair (DSH) and Domestic Long Hair (DLH). Breeds are all their own standards, it seems to me. And of course, each has their own personality.

Description : Will my cat become an electric cat if he bites through my smartphone charger cable?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : Traveling with a cat?

Last Answer : How about a cat carrier for sleeping and take her out to the car in it in the morning?

Description : Can you train a cat to cuddle?

Last Answer : No. You can’t train a cat to do anything. A cat will only ever do what it pleases, nothing more.

Description : How can someone humanely rid a cat from their property?

Last Answer : Humane trap, and a shelter a few towns away.

Description : My cat ran away, again?

Last Answer : Does your mom not like the cat? My best advice is move out, since you can't make your parents do anything and you can't make them care. I know you're saving money for whatever, but you have to prioritize ... cat running away, I'd say she doesn't seem to see the sense of urgency about it that you do.

Description : So my cat just ran away and I can't find her?

Last Answer : Some animals never get used to a cage. Personally, I would not look forward to being restricted to my house regardless of the comforts involved. Your cat was attuned to those good old days when she ... , another feral convert who turned out to be the best damned cat I've yet to come across.

Description : Is it possible that we have the most adorable cat in the universe?

Last Answer : Pics or we can’t say!

Description : Cat and dog lovers, would you agree a dog-cat hybrid could be the best pet ever?

Last Answer : A dog that uses kitty litter box. Cat that actualy gives a crap about me instead of considering me as replacable staff.