What is your best excuse for being late?

1 Answer

Answer :

Because I am the boss, so I can.

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Last Answer : answer:I think he means, I have no clue what any of that means, so I'm going to take a stab at it. His response does not truly answer the original message. What a dramatic way to say, I like you ... good or bad or neither. No one here can tell you for sure. You're just going to have to ask him.

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Last Answer : Not a whole lot. My middle name is awkward silence.

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Last Answer : I avoid strangers.

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Last Answer : Humour has been outlawed by the order of the Führer.

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Last Answer : I ingest an inordinate amount of alcohol and marijuana. Nearly all of my conversations are strange.

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Last Answer : answer:Take this as a lesson to learn from, and let him go. Why would you bring up trust discussions with someone you have just met and don't know? Whether or not he is worth knowing, you have set the ... that was how you met me. He hasn't even had a chance to prove himself one way or the other.

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Last Answer : Under their “private message’ to you there is a button that says “Reply.” Click on it and a comment cox will open up. When you are done entering the message, you can send it and it will show up in that person’s account as a “Message for you.”

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Last Answer : Fuck Off works for most things.

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Last Answer : answer:Maybe they were taught not to talk about themselves and to let other people talk about themselves. Maybe they are shy. Maybe they are afraid you’ll judge them. I don’t know. Personally, I might just ask something like “Why don’t you talk about yourself?”

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Last Answer : Quick. Check your PM’s.

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Last Answer : answer:Are you talking about a formal debate, or something more relaxed? In formal debates, you look at a variety of things. Here is the list from the American Parliamentary Debate Association. It suggests ... In political debates, the public is the judge, and they get to judge however they want to.

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Last Answer : answer:Being open minded is the ability to consider other options, not necessarily accepting them. I have ideas I am convinced of, but I will still listen and consider other sides or ... are some I have changed position on due to someone presenting convincing evidence. Welcome to fluther.

Description : Do you feel proud after every difficult accomplishment of yours each day?

Last Answer : Not really. I tout my accomplishments to my boss, but I don’t say anything about my skills. I let my accomplishments speak for themselves. Fortunately, my boss notices. That’s why I decided to work for him.

Description : Do you enjoy having a wide circle of acquaintances?

Last Answer : Very few. Welcome to Fluther.

Description : How well do you know the world you're living in?

Last Answer : And that covers your 3 questions for the day – a little fact about fluther that I know.

Description : Your behavior with respect to power and ambition?

Last Answer : Sure. Why do you ask?

Description : Question about yourself?

Last Answer : There is no way to even estimate my “full potential”, and therefore no way to determine how far short of that I have always – must always – fall. But I don’t let it bother me too much any more, either. In fact, apart from questions such as this, it’s not even a consideration.