A binary search tree whose left subtree and right subtree differ in hight by at most 1 unit is called  A) AVL tree
B) Red-black tree
C) Lemma tree
D) None of the above

1 Answer

Answer :

A) AVL tree

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Last Answer : Answer: 2

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Last Answer : C) True, True

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Last Answer : B) Binary tree

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Last Answer : (D) A single atomic proposition on left side or an empty left side.

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Last Answer : (A) Leftmost derivation

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Last Answer : (B) A parsing algorithm which performs a left to right scanning and a right most deviation is RL (1).

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Last Answer : (C) 14 / 36 

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Last Answer : (B) 2/3

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Last Answer : B) Converts a java program into bytecode

Description : State True or False. i) While overloading operators new operator can be overloaded. ii) The binary operator such as +, -, * and must explicitly return a value. A) True, True B) True, False C) False, True D) False, False

Last Answer : C) False, True

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Last Answer : D) Project

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Last Answer : B) State of presence

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Last Answer : (B) a Binary operator.