How would you feel about giving up the internet?

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Related questions

Description : What are some good limits for giving personal information on the Internet?

Last Answer : answer:First off, don't give out info about friends and family. Just don't. If they want that info out,they'll post it themselves. Personally, I give very little in the way of hard ... nearby ones. And I've been known to occasionally add a little noise to the signal by inserting misinformation.

Description : Do you feel like you waste time on the internet? If so why?

Last Answer : Yes this happens to me. Sometimes it is boredom or loneliness, but more often than not it’s procrastination. That’s what it is right now, for instance. Damn the groceries!

Description : Do you feel guilty after spending a lot of time on the internet, as if you have been wasting time?

Last Answer : I have to take breaks. In a lot of ways it is wasting time. In other ways, I benefit from what I learn on here….so it balances out, I s’pose.

Description : How do you feel about the relative anonymity of the internet?

Last Answer : That’s my favorite part! Nobody knows I’m a loser unless… oh, wait…

Description : How do you feel about being "found" by an old friend through an internet search?

Last Answer : well a radio personality that I listen to uses facebook solely to find old high school friends. So long as your not making fake facebooks to stalk someone anonymously then its totally ok.

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Last Answer : answer:@dverhey Well if IE sucks how bad is Chrome? Seriously, chrome belongs with AOL its horrible and disgustingly bad. Use IE or Firefox or, one of my favorites, seamonkey

Description : Is it normal that using a site such as this one for about 4-5 hours, uses up about 100 meg of internet allotment?

Last Answer : Whoa, certainly not. Even if you are refreshing a lot, it should load stuff from your cache. I'd be hard pressed to push 10MB in an entire day of refreshing. Something else is using up your internet. ... the way, the term you want is bandwidth , not internet space which doesn't really exist :)

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Last Answer : Your computer is connected to your router which is why you have the full wireless signal, however your router is not communicating with the modem properly or modem is not working properly therefore no ... unplugging it may have reset some of the settings so the router and modem aren't communicating.

Description : have you ever hooked up with someone off the Internet?

Last Answer : I highly advise against it. There is too much to conceal

Description : Is it true that Donald Trump is starting his own internet service provider or social media website?

Last Answer : So that all of us can speak our minds without being censored. He acquiesced after pressure from all sorts of people. Since making his decision final, he did express a desire to be communicating with people in the moment again.

Description : What internet sites do you miss?

Last Answer : Well, this isn’t an actual site, but my GAWD I miss Flash! I played soooo many games that used it and they’re all gone now.

Description : Do you usually browse the internet with your volume off or on?

Last Answer : Off, always. I do not want to be slammed with noise, whether voices or music or sound effects, every time I enter a site or something pops up.. I watch newscasts with the sound off, shop with the sound ... for that and then right back off again. I wish it were as easy IRL as it is on the computer.

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Last Answer : I think the nature of war and technology has changed so much since then; if the question is If WW2 had been fought with technology from 2021, what would it have been like Then answer is no, ... the means or the ability to fully understand the thinking of that time in this age of relative peace.

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Last Answer : Yes, we would survive. Doubt we would survive if they took away our phones…

Description : What is the cheapest Internet provider?

Last Answer : Usually there is only one ISP in an area, like Spectrum or AT&T !

Description : Is a knee jerk reaction to call an internet picture a fake about as bad as blindly believing a ridiculous picture is real?

Last Answer : Maybe she was sarcastic in calling it a fake? Making fun of people announcing ‘everything’ these days as such? I mean, it doesn’t look fake at all, and what in Pete’s name could the possible reason for faking this photo be? To try to fool Mr or Mrs FBuser?

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Last Answer : Internet where I live coming in by wire / fiber optics. Who is doing the install ?

Description : Just a curiosity: Do you think we, as a civilized world, are moving towards a world where, thanks to Internet, media, etc., criminality doesn't exist, but also, where privacy doesn't exist?

Last Answer : Read this book link David Brin wrote about this exact question 21 years ago. I’m not going to recap the whole book for you, because it is well worth your time to read it. Quick summary: there is no such thing as privacy.

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Last Answer : I don’t but I read recently that it’s something that can be hacked, and then you no longer have power over your lights and house’s heat and air conditioning. To me, that’s scary and outweighs any convenience about coming home to a warm house or a cool house.

Description : At what point would you say you’re unhealthily obsessed with the internet and decide to stop to get a normal life back?

Last Answer : I think it’s interesting to see the differences between generations. For the younger kids, it’s a cultural thing. For older people, there’s no pervasive norm. It seems more about personality.

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Last Answer : Any government can restrict access to the Internet if it wants. Global internet access in North Korea for example is only permitted with special authorisation. Online services for most people is restricted to a ... of the sites I wanted and I could search using Baidu, China's equivalent of Google.

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Last Answer : Verizon lost power – – - – - – - – - – – - Too! Sorry for the obvious – - – cable, 4g and most internet need power too

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Last Answer : I'm going to guess that the Comcast WiFi has only current encryption methods, and not the older kind, and that your laptop might only be able to handle the older kind, it's possible a driver could ... hib on the comcast, and set it to the older style encryption then connect your old laptop to that.

Description : Why do people share their private moments over internet?

Last Answer : I don’t know. I find it really weird.

Description : Should some prisoners be allowed to have access to the internet?

Last Answer : No. Or, at the very least, it should be heavily monitored.

Description : Did you notice that people, in general, are much more cynical, serious and literal minded on the internet than in real life?

Last Answer : Sure. Because it’s easier to be an offensive and officious asshole on the internet, where there is no accountability. It’s much more difficult to be obnoxious when someone is looking you in the face.

Description : What do think advertisers would try to sell you based on your internet search results?

Last Answer : answer:I googled catheters once while looking up an answer for a question on ask-public. For the next month I had catheter and urinary incontinence ads all over facebook and elsewhere. If they ... -public questions I have answered, I will have some very odd advertisements that will make me laugh.

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Last Answer : answer:Based on my past experience with Internet discussion boards (and it's considerable). Once a website's gods have decided the interactive functions are more of a hassle than a desirable feature, they ... of luck. I'd start looking for a new movie-discussion site. @filmfann might know of one.

Description : If a person finds Wikipedia too often factually incorrect, what is a good, free internet encyclopedic alternative?

Last Answer : Conservapedia.

Description : How do we determine the fine line between freedom of speech and being mindful of cyberbullying on the internet?

Last Answer : answer:Banning anyone who is attacking others, and reporting such cases, even if you are not the victim. If Bob wants to act an asshole, he can get to another website where that shit is allowed. ... , or blocking the person. It's not like school bullying or domestic violence where you can't escape.

Description : What are your thoughts on Internet censorship?

Last Answer : No private entity is obligated to allow you to say whatever you want.

Description : How did the internet look like when it was just a new thing?

Last Answer : It looked “like this”> This is literally the first website ever made.

Description : Internet keeps going out?

Last Answer : answer:Do you have any neighbors with FIOS and if so, do they have the same problem? You could browse through here and look for people in the same boat as you. DLSReports - Forums → US ISPs ... But probably it's worth the calling first. They can check the quality of the signal reaching your home.

Description : What's the least expensive, most effective way to stay connected to the internet on the road?

Last Answer : answer:A smartphone without without phone service works fine as a little computer with wifi. Rest areas in many states, and most restaurants, coffee shops, etc. have free wifi. Same thing works with a $100 tablet or whatever laptop you might have.

Description : What country is the closest to getting the content of the internet right without getting the free speech part wrong?

Last Answer : whichever country has zero restrictions.

Description : Should we censor the internet?

Last Answer : If we start censoring the sites, ISIS will just find other sites to do their job. Soon the whole internet will need to be censored. And that will affect other people who use the internet for neutral purposes like learning and such.

Description : How do I fix my PS3 which stopped playing Blu-Rays after losing wireless internet connection?

Last Answer : Are these DVDs you have plated on that unit before? Many DVD players require software updates before playing newer coded films. I had to force feed a software update on mine last year.

Description : What would you say to: "People can find the telephone numbers on the internet"?

Last Answer : answer:A more relevant question is, Why do we still have phone books? . I don't have an 8-track player, nor a VCR. Certain things are obsolete. Phone books are one of those things. ... notice that it's 2015, technology has advanced since 1985, and society has changed as a result before responding.

Description : My internet consumption seems out of whack, what could it be?

Last Answer : answer:I believe you're going to have to provide more details including the type of ISP and living conditions (apartment building, single family dwelling, etc.) Have you changed your password yet, ... the ISP immediately. They should be able to give you a short list of possibilities and solutions.

Description : Is this some sort of internet-wide hoax?

Last Answer : Load of hogwash is what is happening!

Description : Why do some apps require Internet acces while others do not?

Last Answer : answer:Some games store all your game data on their servers. These are generally the horrible click once a hour to get some resource and then they charge you if you want to speed things up. Or it can be ... you ads. My rule of thumb is to pay for apps and not download ones with in app purchases.

Description : Why do women post such off-putting pictures on internet dating sites?

Last Answer : Probably due to those who use dating sites are essentially desperately sad loser types with little or no common sense to speak of.

Description : What's your best rural Midwestern U.S. internet connection?

Last Answer : answer:Cable or satellite? I have hear good things about Exede (owned by Viasat). I believe that just recently - like in the past 6-8 weeks they doubled their speeds. You would have to check. I have ... (also satellite) and were not at all pleased. Slow and jerky. But this was about 2 years ago.

Description : When people state falsehoods on the internet, are you likely to dispute them or are you likely to let it go?

Last Answer : Oh, I will correct morons all day long.

Description : What's the best provider of rural internet service in the United States [Midwest]?

Last Answer : Hughesnet is the best we’ve been able to find. We first tried Verizon, then Wild Blue, but their plans were too expensive for what we need.

Description : Do you generally believe what people say about themselves on the internet?

Last Answer : answer:It could be that I am incapable of lying, but I take people at their word. I think there is something about the anonymity (no NSA jokes please) that allows people the freedom to really talk about themselves in an honest way. I could be way off though.

Description : Is it OK to ask my neighbour to share their internet?

Last Answer : Well, I’d say if you’re wiling to pay half the bill I don’t see why she wouldn’t let you.

Description : Care to share any strange occurrences of "the internet is watching us"?

Last Answer : answer:In looking up info to answer a fluther question a couple months ago, I did a Google search for info on catheters. Until I went and re-tweaked the Google ad preferences, I was getting ads for ... I dated a woman briefly back in 2008; her picture pops up on linked in about once a week.

Description : What do we Internet users need to know about the Heartbleed Bug, and how should we react?

Last Answer : answer:I run a few servers. Libssl has been upgraded and recompiled apache against the new version. Changed out SSL certs too. Users have been reminded to change passwords. As a end user I ... add that this is just about the worst possible thing from a security standpoint that could possibly happen.