Do you remember your favorite toy?

1 Answer

Answer :

Those little green army men. I loved them! My brother and I would play with them for hours.

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Last Answer : Google provides Johnny Eagle Magumba and Johnny Eagle Red River

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Last Answer : Sorry, I don’t. When I was a wee Austinlad, toys for me were imaginary stuff cobbled together from junk I found in the alley.

Description : What was your favorite toy as a kid?

Last Answer : Legos! omg, i had a chest full of legos. like, literally millions of them. i would build transformers out of legos and voltron too! holy crap. i really am pissed that the lego stores have taken off since my adulthood. i could have used a place like that!

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Last Answer : answer:My 31st birthday. I was just over a month sober. My old girlfriend asked me out, took me to dinner, a play, out dancing, then back to her apartment. The next day we went sailing on San ... a record store, and enjoyed each other and the fun of being in San Francisco on a long spring weekend.

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Last Answer : answer:The last air trip I took before 9/11/01 was to Lima, Peru with my wife in April, 2001. The main things that I worried about were all the lightning bolts that I could see out my window.

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Last Answer : Yes thank you for all you do to keep us all safe. My sister is currently serving in Iraq from the US, she has been there since last July and we are expecting her to come home soon. We are ... good bye to their loved ones to take her troops place. I pray for everyones safe return to their familes.

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Last Answer : Eat, Drink and be Merry… for Tomorrow we be Raptured !

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Last Answer : Seems weird. Why would you have selective amnesia? I have a terrible memory, but I feel pretty confident I could come up with at least one memory for every year of my life. There would be many things ... people would have different memories of, but I'm sure I'd have at least a very general memory.

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Last Answer : Would you be willing to provide more information? How old are the two people involved? Do they live with their parents or on their own/with a roommate? Do they have personal credit/debit cards? Would they be willing to lie or could just being evasive work? Are they already sexually active?

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Last Answer : I guess its because some stupid people record what vpeople say and put it in like a book or notebook and send it out pulically so that everyone can see. Another thing is, maybe YOU copied it from a ... with the original form of whatever you copied and is then sent out to the world and is remebered.

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Last Answer : i think we start early on becuase i know people that remember certain bits of info from as early as 3 or 4. i can honestly remember things around that age as well. not complete memories but ... they arnt necessary. my theory is that a hypnotist could bring them out again. idk just guessin here.

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Last Answer : I’m in my mid-twenties, and I remember a lot. However, like you, it needs to be triggered. For me, usually a scent will do that, and sometimes a snatch of music.

Description : If you could have one toy or item back from your childhood, what would it be?

Last Answer : weeble wobble airport

Description : aside from tiny beanie babies, what was the best fast-food toy series?

Last Answer : Collecting the different body parts of Inspector Gadget. I still remember when I finally got that last arm and had a complete figurine!

Description : What is the rarest or most expensive toy that you have touched?

Last Answer : Not hundred percent sure but I think I touched that space shuttle on display in that museum in Virginia. What I really wanted to touch was the SR-71.

Description : Animated movie fans, are you ready for Toy Story 5?

Last Answer : Can’t say I’m ready for 5 yet as I’m not sure that I’m ready for 4!!! I enjoyed 1, was disappointed in 2, & have not watched 3. So, I’ve not even been thinking about 5 just yet!!!

Description : Would it be fun to have Chucky from Child's Play in Toy Story 5?

Last Answer : Sorry ran out of time to edit Seeing their is a spoof already. Also did you know that Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) did the voice of Chucky and the Joker.

Description : Is it reasonable to allow your kids to have toy guns?

Last Answer : Yes, it’s unreasonable when they’re in the hands of adults

Description : Is it tacky to buy 2 grandkids, from 2 different households, who are about the same age, the same gift (a toy) for Christmas?

Last Answer : If you think they would both like the toy, then no, of course not.

Description : Is it customary for delivery van drivers, to permanently have a large plush toy in the passenger seat?

Last Answer : I’ve never seen that. I have seen a few garbage trucks with a stuffed toy on the front grill as a mascot.

Description : Can you help me come up with a name for a soft toy?

Last Answer : Caribou!?

Description : Have you ever found yourself (as an adult )getting excited over a child's toy?

Last Answer : answer:I'm at a point in my life where I feel anything that brings you joy and doesn't hurt anyone else is worth indulging. Why judge yourself if something makes your heart skip a beat ? Enjoy the ... I haven't felt that way over a toy recently but there are other childish pleasures I've enjoyed.

Description : Why would a praying mantis need a convertible and a boy toy?

Last Answer : Aw man! And here I thought it might involve her getting to bite his head off… The ‘head’line: Male PM looses head over piece of tail. Detectives still unsure as to motive. No suspects at this time….

Description : What is the origin/history of the rubber duck bathtub toy?

Last Answer : answer:Good question for mother goose here. haha Well..looks like they came on the scene back around the turn of the century when rubber became more widely used. They were originally made of hard ... great fun at night time. haha Here ya go a timeless classic.

Description : Do you know the plural of a Jewish toy called something like "sevivon"?

Last Answer : The plural would be “sevivonim” – pronounced “neem.”

Description : Who Remembers and know the name of the 1970"s Early 80"s Commercial where they use a Toy Car at the end it crashes into Toy Blocks at the end they say "a Car is Not a Toy" I think its a drunk Driving Ad Commercial? Where Can I find it on You Tube?

Last Answer : answer:I googled it and got this 2008 ask-public question where they mention this and others.

Description : Did you have a childhood toy that ended up defining you as an adult?

Last Answer : answer:Random dolls and toys, small objects around the house like toothpicks They were necessary tools for my movie studio . It was the early inspiration for my interest in story-telling. A pencil, ... notebook. It was the inspiration for my wish to tell stories in the form of pictures and words.

Description : What kind of weird non-toy did your kids like to play with?

Last Answer : Aden, who is 8 now, used to constantly need to have something in his hand. His favorite was an old eyelash curler. Not only could he hold it easily, it MOVED!

Description : If an intelligent middle aged woman says she has not seen the Toy Story movies do you suspect she is in Al Queda?

Last Answer : answer:I would never accuse my wife of being a terrorist. Also, I would probably divorce her if she started watching and enjoying kids movies.

Description : As an adult, have you ever purchased a toy or item that you once had as a kid?

Last Answer : I’ve looked for a specific toy that a childhood friend had… with no success. But I’ve managed to find several well-loved books that I had as a child, in the same editions. I find it funny that I should want to get them back after so long – but I like having them.

Description : How close to outer space can a toy helicoper go while video recording the trip?

Last Answer : depends on the lift the rotors provide at normal air density. air density decreases with altitude, at some point, the atmosphere will be so thin that the rotors will not provide enough lift to increase or even sustain altitude.

Description : If you could have any toy from your childhood, what would it be?

Last Answer : answer:My fucking plastic giraffe. When I was about 2 years old, I had a plastic giraffe on wheels, but by the time I was 3, I was too big for it. My father gave it away, I was okay with that, I ... I came back from a walk, only to see it melting away in the fire. I will have my revenge one day!

Description : Would you get a toy predator drone for your child?

Last Answer : That thing looks horribly cheap, so no. And in any case, I would only buy plastic models that you have to assemble with glue and then have to paint yourself (airfix/revell), because the building and painting is where all the fun is.

Description : Diorama of toy spaceships on the wall or the ceiling, how do you install it?

Last Answer : I would suggest leaving the landing light on, but then noticed that you were in the basement and that messed up my initial thought! Sorry.

Description : What's the best toy train set?

Last Answer : answer:It really depends on how interested they are in trains. My grandsons like the Wooden Railroad Thomas and Friends because they can change the tracks easily and push the trains everywhere, even ... from the members who have gotten tired of the hobby. Otherwise it can get very expensive.

Description : What particular toy among those you have purchased for children for the upcoming holidays do you secretly want to play with?

Last Answer : Actually, I’m going to let my new nephew open them all and then we are both going to play with all of them. I’m the world’s biggest kid. I love Christmas.