Do or have you known a hoarder?

1 Answer

Answer :

I am a hoarder. :) Not extreme, but maybe a 4–5 on a scale of 1–10. I come from a family of mild to moderate hoarders. I’m not as bad as the people you see on T.V. but it does complicate my life.

Related questions

Description : Ever known a hoarder? Why do you think that people become hoarders?

Last Answer : Yes I have. When she wanted to sell her house, it took months to clean it out. She had pathways through the house, but every other square inch was filled to the brim. I’m definitely a packrat, but I don’t understand what happens to take someone from that to hoarding.

Description : Is there any thing that could have turned you in to a hoarder of that thing?

Last Answer : My wife accuses me of hoarding cast iron cookware. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a collector. There is a difference.

Description : If you were a "spartan", how would you deal with a hoarder?

Last Answer : answer:Not that I'm advocating for this. But my husband is able to cope with my borderline hoarding tendencies because he's spatially oblivious. He once managed to miss this huge coffee table that I had ... 4'x4' table. More realistic answer, organization and storage. Agree to a one-in-one-out rule.

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Last Answer : answer:Is there a reason you're keeping this stuff around? A collection of magazines isn't unheard of (I have over 200 Playboys myself, and a ton of old comic books), but keeping stacks and ... t bear to part with, you might want to get a second (trusted) opinion on your organizational skills.

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Last Answer : Somewhere in between.

Description : Do you know any true hoarders and you think the show hosts/doctors try to make the hoarder give up too many of their possessions?

Last Answer : I never saw that show but I feel people should be able to keep their junk,along with all 35 cats! Long live crazy cat ladies!Those wacky!@#$%^& XD

Description : Do you have a family member that is a hoarder and is in need of a declutter plan?

Last Answer : Hoarding is a psychological problem. There can be many reasons why your family member may be a hoarder. There are services available to you and your family member. Both a psychologist and a professional organizer will help your family member and a declutter plan will be put into place.