To date, what has been your most embarassing moment in life?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I have a few of them, although as I have gotten older the embarrassment doesn’t last long. My first one was when I was 11 and wearing pantyhose for the first time with a dress. I walked to school (it was picture day) and played on the playground for a while. My best friend arrived and let me know that I had tucked my skirt up into the back of my nylons. My most recent happened when we were skiing as a family. I was lined up for a quad chair and I was lost in thought (which often happens to me). Suddenly I thought I had missed the chair and I shuffled madly to catch it and ended up getting dragged by a bar at some guy’s feet. They stopped the chair lift, my husband and kids were killing themselves laughing and the guy said, “You really wanted to sit with me, hey?” That embarrassment lasted the rest of the day and I still giggle about it.

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