Who is Baba Looey?

1 Answer

Answer :

He was the burro in Quck Draw McGraw. Here is a picture of him.

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Last Answer : Anyone who doesn’t support free expression needs to shut the fuck up.

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Last Answer : perhaps they are introverted themselves?

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Last Answer : I am all for gun ownership, but I do not understand gun culture.

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Last Answer : I’m pro-choice. However, I have serious qualms about the late-term abortion of healthy fetuses. That is abortions that take place after 20 weeks. I realise there may be reasons why an abortion at a late stage might be justifiable, the idea of aborting a fetus at such a late stage disturbs me.

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one.

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Last Answer : answer:This is a holdover from the days when passing horse drawn carts might splash water, or some other tragedy befall an expensive, elaborate garment. These days, when the dude I’m walking with and I are both in worn jeans and a heavy metal t-shirt, the gesture is basically meaningless.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think we're more bigoted. When I compare my high school culture (mid 70s) to that of my kids ( 00s), I'm very heartened. I once asked my kids if they ever ... in trouble. The remnants of the culture of bigotry resent their loss of acceptability and try to reassert their relevance.

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Last Answer : Meaning that you prefer to have no insurance? Your job doesn’t offer you insurance coverage, and you have no other source? $200 wouldn’t buy you a single trip to the emergency room or a doctor visit plus prescription. What will you do if you get sick or you’re in an accident?

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve never seen a purple cow I never hope to see one But I can tell you anyhow I’d rather see than be one. Gelett Burgess However, we did paint the door to our office purple. It made it easier for folks to find us. We were the only purple door on the entire street; possibly the entire town.

Description : Should America accept Syrian refugees?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. Emma Lazarus stated it with eloquence.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think I notice an age trend here. But it seems that from 14 people start to complain. Teenagers complain about families and schools like you said. As people grow older their complaint ... By the way those who complain about the government tend to be delusional or need to get a life.

Description : Should we privileged people of the US cut some slack to those immigrants from 3rd world nations on possible body odor?

Last Answer : answer:I've heard these same comments most frequently made about the French and last I checked, they're not exactly a Third World country (many apparently don't believe in either frequent bathing nor in ... conference for movement theater performers.) And this was in a week or two in the summer :).

Description : Who are your heros?

Last Answer : My mom. I’m still learning from her.

Description : Did you know that the word "thug" is racially charged? [Details]?

Last Answer : answer:It depends on the context If thug is used to describe urban looters and marauders as we saw in Baltimore, and since nearly all of them in that case were black, than a clever linguist ... used to describe white mobsters and union goons. In that context, everybody says Well, that figures