How do you overcome your insecurities?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t have body issues really. I am what I am. I am woman enough for me, but apparently not women enough for most men. I deal with that. But I have insecurities in other area, most definitely. How do I deal with those? By simply diving in. By getting myself in so deep that I have no other choice than to succeed, if only to save face, if only to keep from embarrassing myself. I don’t know how this might translate into your situation or anyone’s but that’s basically how I have always dealt with my insecurities, at least the ones that really mattered to me. I wish I had something more concrete, more helpful, but if you can think of any way to just “dive in” so that you have no choice but to “sink or swim” I bet you will be surprised by what you are capable of. I know that may not make any sense, but it’s all I’ve got. Edit: Actually, I do have body issues, but they are so surpassed by my other issues that they are kind of near the bottom of the list, to be honest. Or maybe not, they may be more in the forefront than I care to admit, anyway, I am about to start babbling on about this or that or something else so I will stop there

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