How do I ship a cat across the world?

1 Answer

Answer :

Ummmm. I don’t think you can necessarily ship a cat across the world by itself. But you could probably do a carry on kind of thing. I don’t know. I would try it.

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Last Answer : Yes

Description : What should I do about my sick cat?

Last Answer : You might want to do some research in your area. I recently had to have my dog euthanized & a neighbor helped me find a vet that would come to my house to handle her final moments. My dog was at ... popular all over the country due to people's busy work schedule. So you might want to look into it.

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Last Answer : Very responsible. Just as responsible as you would have been, if your toddler gulped down a bottle of bleach it found in an unlocked and easily accessible cabinet.

Description : How did you successfully get a cat not to claw the furniture?

Last Answer : Here's how I approached it, some five months ago, when I took Nouri with me from Greece, to live together. I kept an eye open to see where his first scratches would happen. When that happened to ... 'll most likely will stay with just that one spot. My Tsounouri does. Have much fun with your kitty!

Description : I got a black cat. Will you help me name him?

Last Answer : Ebony

Description : What breed or breeds of cat would you consider to fit the label "Standard Issue Cat"?

Last Answer : Well, all the un-bred cats, broadly referred to as Domestic Short Hair (DSH) and Domestic Long Hair (DLH). Breeds are all their own standards, it seems to me. And of course, each has their own personality.

Description : Will my cat become an electric cat if he bites through my smartphone charger cable?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : If you were moving and had dead cat pets buried on your property then would you dig up the cat bones to take with you when you moved to a new house?

Last Answer : No. I would not. Is it creepy? Unusual might be a better word. And it kinda seems like a lot of work with everything else you’re planning. Letting go is a good thing sometimes. Personally, if anyone wants to venerate my body I’d rather they do it while I’m still alive. But that’s another story…

Description : Traveling with a cat?

Last Answer : How about a cat carrier for sleeping and take her out to the car in it in the morning?

Description : Can you train a cat to cuddle?

Last Answer : No. You can’t train a cat to do anything. A cat will only ever do what it pleases, nothing more.

Description : How can someone humanely rid a cat from their property?

Last Answer : Humane trap, and a shelter a few towns away.

Description : My cat ran away, again?

Last Answer : Does your mom not like the cat? My best advice is move out, since you can't make your parents do anything and you can't make them care. I know you're saving money for whatever, but you have to prioritize ... cat running away, I'd say she doesn't seem to see the sense of urgency about it that you do.

Description : So my cat just ran away and I can't find her?

Last Answer : Some animals never get used to a cage. Personally, I would not look forward to being restricted to my house regardless of the comforts involved. Your cat was attuned to those good old days when she ... , another feral convert who turned out to be the best damned cat I've yet to come across.

Description : Is it possible that we have the most adorable cat in the universe?

Last Answer : Pics or we can’t say!

Description : Cat and dog lovers, would you agree a dog-cat hybrid could be the best pet ever?

Last Answer : A dog that uses kitty litter box. Cat that actualy gives a crap about me instead of considering me as replacable staff.

Description : How to look after a stray cat?

Last Answer : The best thing that you can do is to find a good home for it. If you can’t find a good home for the kitty then take it to the Humane Society. Please don’t try to take care of this kitten at your house. It needs and deserves good care.

Description : Why should I care if it's a cat, dog or squirrel, on a plane, if it's caged and has the papers?

Last Answer : If it's caged, it can be shipped. The article never mentioned that the animal was caged. In fact the article is a shit job of coverage, since isn't clear whether the animal was confined in any way ... you care? One excellent reason is that your flight can be delayed 2 hours by some fool with a pet.

Description : Is a 5 year old cat too old to be declawed ?

Last Answer : Is there any other way? Any other option? Why would the apartment care if she is declawed? Is it a furnished apartment?

Description : Do you have advice for the owner of a very timid cat?

Last Answer : Beautiful kitty! My hairdresser, an experienced cat owner, recently adopted two kitties – one of whom was very shy. I think he basically did what you are doing, was friendly but not obtrusive, and the cat became more outgoing over a matter of months.

Description : Me my Girlfriend and her Cat?

Last Answer : Get the cat to the vet ASAP. Vomiting blood is not normal. Assuming the litterbox is clean (clean it daily) and the cat has used the litterbox in the past and it has stopped using it we get back to the ... would make my GF choose between me and her cat. I'm pretty sure the cat would win. Good luck.

Description : Is there any simple solutions to make our cat less staticky?

Last Answer : Add humidity to your air and/or a little bit of moisture to your cat.

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Last Answer : That cat probably male is territorial or threatened? Give it own food/water dish/bowl.

Description : I adopted a cat, but now dad doesn't want her?

Last Answer : Just throwing it out there, but maybe you can get two cats to keep each other company. That was traditional thinking when I was growing up.

Description : Do you enjoy confusing a cat?

Last Answer : I like waiting till they’ve got their paw on the laser dot and then shutting it off. They lift up their paw expecting the dot to be beneath, but alas! It has vanished.

Description : How to get rid of a stray cat safely and for good without calling animal control?

Last Answer : 1. Take Pic of cat 2. Put pic on flyer that says found cat . 3. Hang flyers up everywhere in a 4 block radius 4. Join Facebook and then look for lost/found pet groups in your area and join ... anyone's looking for the cat If you don't have any cats already, you should adopt the cat if possible.

Description : Have you ever seen or heard of a cat that does this?

Last Answer : Sounds like he is just surveying his domain and then decides to go back inside, probably to eat or nap again. Cats are quirky creatures. Every morning my big guy gets up with me and then ... his food bowl deciding whether he wants out now or should eat breakfast first. Breakfast usually wins. haha

Description : When did a cat and dog you owned realise they could get along with each other?

Last Answer : I’ve always known. It was a piece of cake. I said, “Dog, here is kitten. Kitten here is dog,” and I just turned them loose. Of course, I also knew my dog wouldn’t go after the kitten.

Description : Why does our cat bite my boyfriend but not me?

Last Answer : I’m guessing you hit it on the head. Your cat does it because he wants to (Who knows what goes on inside a cat’s head)? But it continues because it’s allowed, meaning of course that he doesn’t get squirted with a spray bottle when he bites your boyfriend.

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Last Answer : They know by instinct the attraction to the leader of the pack, or their mother. Burt they have no concept of “love.”

Description : Will a cat clean himself no matter how young he was when abandoned?

Last Answer : Sure, cats are naturally fastidious groomers. Their mothers clean them and stimulate them to go to the bathroom when very young but they will naturally groom themselves as they mature. A cat the stops grooming itself is usually a sick cat.

Description : Is cat hair a problem with short haired cats like Siamese?

Last Answer : They can still have all the same problems with fur. It’s just less fur. Some people who aren’t allergic to cats, will have terrible allergy problems with Siamese cat’s hair….

Description : Are sheets and bed covers just as clean whether a cat sleeps on them or not?

Last Answer : Well sure, you’re going to have cat hair (the amount will depend on how much the cat sheds), but otherwise it’s fine. As mentioned in the other thread cats are, generally speaking, pretty meticulous about keeping themselves clean.

Description : What kind of musical instruments could a cat imitate?

Last Answer : Busted bagpipes

Description : Rick and I just realized that in the 3 years we have had our cat, Vanta, we have never heard her purr. Is that very odd?

Last Answer : Those both seem odd to me. I wouldn’t have a clue why. A vet could tell you better. My mom once had a kitty with a very quiet meow. I can’t remember why it was tho.

Description : My cat gave birth in unknown area?

Last Answer : Walk around the neighborhood and talk to people. If, after an hour or two, you get nowhere, then make signs and hang them up.

Description : Given the natural abilities of a cat and those of potential predators, is it safer during the daylight hours or at night?

Last Answer : Depends on the predators in your area. Up here our woods are full of Coyotes, Bobcats and Mountain Lions and great Horned Owls at night. My cats are never allowed out at night, only during the day. ... still be a problem if there are feral cats in the neighborhood and roaming dogs are a risk too.

Description : Have you ever snuck up on a cat while it is sneaking up on a bird?

Last Answer : answer:I meow to cats. They meow back. Never tried scaring one, but I’ve seen it. It’s hilarious.

Description : Would a cat notice you wearing cat ears and a tail?

Last Answer : Loli, what are you up to?

Description : What is the best way to get the smell of cat urine out of a leather jacket.

Last Answer : Is sunshine a option where you are at?

Description : If my cat meows, does that mean she wants attention or love?

Last Answer : answer:My cat would do that every once in awhile. I always though she was either talking to herself or lonely for her own kind. She never seemed in any distress. Cats are very intelligent animals. ... never bored, always something to do and I don't remember him ever meowing for no apparent reason.

Description : Why does my cat sleep on my feet?

Last Answer : answer:She loves you and wants to make your feet warm. Welcome to ask-public!

Description : Can you answer a couple of my questions regarding adjusting my cat to becoming indoor/outdoor?

Last Answer : Very hard on the cat IF you first let him wander outside AND then isolate him. Especially a male cat that has the instinct to roam at night. We had at different times in our life growing up at ... behavior that you mentioned. Perhaps look for a mate..It has to be compatible at they are territorial.

Description : Feral cat on neighbors roof and doesn't want to come down. Does anyone have any insight?

Last Answer : Try putting the food closer to the other end of the board, lure him down with it. By “lure him down” with it, I mean put some stinky (canned cat food, tuna or sardines) away from the roof and then leave him overnight. He likely won’t come down with you guys nearby. Nice of you to try so hard.

Description : Why isn't there a remedy/cure for the T gondii parasite that can pass on from cat poop to humans if it is so dangerous?

Last Answer : answer:That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works. Remedies and cures for disease do not just happen because we need them . Someone, probably some corporation - in fact, the kind of ... It's a risky business. You don't get drugs in the pipeline just because it's so badly needed .

Description : Should cat bathing machines be banned?

Last Answer : answer:No, we should just take anyone who uses them on cats who hate them, and put them in a machine that turns them into cat food. Failing killing everyone responsible, yes, they should be banned.

Description : I can't tell if this cat is stray or feral?

Last Answer : Probably not too feral, if he’s eating from a held spoon and sniffing your fingers. Sounds like a homeless cat who was hurt by some people in the past so doesn’t trust them. I’d say there’s hope.

Description : Fluff time: large cat vs tiny dog, which is better to possess?

Last Answer : Large cat. They are more affectionate.

Description : Does a cat sensing a miscarriage looming seem unbelievable to you?

Last Answer : I think that’s possible, dogs can be trained to smell cancer cells afterall, no question there’s things we don’t see/hear/smell etc that other animals might be better equipped to notice.

Description : Cat Behavior - Bad Manners or afraid?

Last Answer : Try pure lavender oil on cotton balls wherever the cat goes (make sure the oil has not got any fillers or fragrances). Put them in ceramic dishes out of kitty’s reach. My holistic vet would do that and it would help to calm the animals in the exam room.

Description : Would shaving a cat do anything at all to curb someone's pet allergy?

Last Answer : I agree it’s ridiculous. The cat’s fur serves him in a lot of ways. What can he do without fur? If she is allegic to cat she shouldn’t have a cat in the first place.