Can there be anything worse than life itself?

1 Answer

Answer :

Did you ever see the movie Operation Dumbo Drop?

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Last Answer : answer:This is a loaded question. It cannot be answered without implying the OP is correct in assuming a termination of a pregnancy is by definition a selfish act. It should be reworded.

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Last Answer : Should I try shooting myself in the face? Might be fun.

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Last Answer : It is said that you do not see the highs, if you have not suffered the lows. And one mans suffering is anothers mans daily occurrence. I am not sure what its relationship is to desire though?

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Last Answer : Not much in the large scope, but my husband and son would lose their caregiver and so would probably have to be institutionalized. And five dogs and six cats would need homes.

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Last Answer : I never regret the things i do.. Just the things i never did…

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Last Answer : I've never Experienced giving birth but I've heard it is extremely painful. I have how ever experienced a kick in the pants. I'd say about 75% of a kick to the nuts is drama and an act to get ... . And usually the penis obsorbes most of the blow. So I would have to say giving birth is more painful.

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Last Answer : answer:Homeless. I'm pretty resourceful, so, I'd find a way to survive. For a year, it'd be a challenge (and shitty one at that), but, I think that I could do it. Prison? Being confined and told ... , the chance of being ass raped and/or the possibly of getting my ass kicked (you never know). Nu uh.

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Last Answer : It's not necessarily when I'm feeling sorry for myself but whenever I see someone on a corner or at an intersection holding a sign saying I will work for food , that is always an indication to ... very appreciative and thankful for everything I have in life and not to take any of it for granted.

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Last Answer : (C) Both in the cities and in the rural areas, the life of the natives is worse than that of the European New Zealanders.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, because humans forget history and inevitably end up making the same mistakes. Your case however is pure coincidence plus selective perception. Think of all the years this did not happen. And think of all the people this did not happen to.

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Last Answer : Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : Still battling with the quitting smoking thing. So every five fucking minutes is a horrible, painful decision about lighting up. Luckily I have been able to push work to others so I don’t have that stress. I want to punch a kitten.

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Last Answer : I have a pretty positive attitude about most things. I have had some traumatic events occur, but yet they actually were blessings in disguise. Every cloud has a silver lining and that’s especially true for me. I have a lot to be thankful for and I realize I am lucky in many ways.

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Last Answer : answer:Without a High School Diploma your odds of landing any job, let alone a good one, are very slim in today's world. You might be one of the lucky few who has some other skill or just ... But if you don't finish High School you will be severely hampering yourself for the rest of your life.

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Description : What are clues are there that life in Clapham got worse after 1066?

Last Answer : in the time of king Edward it was worth £10 now £7.10shillings