If I could, I would bring back ...

1 Answer

Answer :

My Mom.

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t. Who says anyone wants to be brought back to life? You’d only be doing so for selfish reasons.

Description : If you could bring someone back to life, who would it be?

Last Answer : Heath Ledger.

Description : Is it ethical to bring something back to life?

Last Answer : answer:I think it an important technology to explore. (actually, in this case it's not really a technology, but rather just the planting of some old seeds found in a hole) One of the primary ... that should not be taken lightly. But then again, isn't that the case with most scientific advancement?

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Last Answer : answer:It’s like asking if were we to discover a limitless, easy to access power source, would we develop interstellar travel. The answer is: perhaps. It all depends on the people’s will to change, and people generally tend to resist change.

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Last Answer : Oprah Winfrey Show

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Last Answer : I would say my dad but the idea of losing him again in a year might be too much for me

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Last Answer : Yes but would said loved one be normal, or like the guy in American werewolf in London ?

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Last Answer : The clone wars comes to mind—the animated Star Wars series killed off when Disney acquired the IP.

Description : If you could bring back one object from your past what would it be? Why?

Last Answer : I lost a charm bracelet years ago at the river and I’d sell my left arm to get it back. All the charms were special and giving to me by special people some of who are no longer alive.

Description : If we as a species could bring only one person back to life, for whom would you vote to bring back?

Last Answer : Cliff motherfucking Burton Because of his death, Metallica went to shit Also Hendrix, because he was simply the shit.

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Last Answer : Take a battery powered boom box, and a pile of cassettes.

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Last Answer : The jackass who took Pushing Daisies off the air? :-P

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Last Answer : Elvis, Firefly, Beethoven, Mozart, and the J-man. Just to see what the hell he has to say for himself.

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Last Answer : William Henry Harrison. He never got a chance!

Description : When do you think would be an OK time to bring up this subject with my boyfriend?

Last Answer : answer:A lot depends on what both of your future jobs are going to be, and whether one of you will have a career that makes it sensible for the other to follow and pick up what's available for employment ... desk jobs in a stable company and location, and I'm not sure that I'd wish that on anyone.

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Last Answer : My NES when I was a kid. Also my telescope from Sears.

Description : Women who are going to bring a child into the world any time soon, aren't you terrified at what lies ahead for future youth?

Last Answer : Reproducing is not a logical act.

Description : How to bring it and win it all?

Last Answer : First, lose some of your wants (six figures, bigger house). Second, learn a trade, one where your interest/heart lies. Third, in time, work your trade, be happy, and as an added plus you’ll make some bucks.

Description : Did you bring it on yourself?

Last Answer : According to the description, everything.

Description : What would bring on an anxious feeling, when I have nothing to feel anxious about?

Last Answer : Something in the back of your mind giving you signals? Aren’t you about to be traveling? Maybe you think you’ve forgotten to pack something or are a little nervous about the trip, but are not consciously aware of it.

Description : Have you ever written a story with a character you would have loved to bring to life?

Last Answer : I’ve written about some characters that I would love to know in real life, but unfortunately one of my problems as a writer is that my most interesting characters are the bad guys. And I wouldn’t really want them to come to life.