How do banks and credit card companies know that fraudulent charges occurred on your card?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:It is unusual when your card is used in a city/country different to where it is ordinarily used or when it is being used for large amounts, or any amounts that vary from your usual spending. They have spending trends for each card and they check dodgy transactions accordingly. If it keeps happening then yes someone has your details and is essentially stealing from you. Inform your bank and get a new card issued. They usually have their own inquiry procedures to determine whether your claim is genuine. I think go sooner than later if this keeps happening.

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Description : How To Prevent Fraud

Last Answer : How To Prevent Fraud Even the most honest and law-abiding civilian can be deceived and tricked by scammers. In this world we live in today, it's hard to set apart trustworthy people, and those ... vigilant, and keep the tips above to avoid fraud and prevent scammers from getting the best of you.

Description : In which scenarios fraudulent credit card transaction may not be reversed?

Last Answer : One scenario is when you child makes an online purchase on your credit card.

Description : Do all banks have debit card charges?

Last Answer : I think every bank has a charge somewhere hidden in there, Chase I know has a yearly maintnence fee. Although some banks do charge a monthly fee if you do not use your card. I choose the yearly fee because even if I do not use my card for months my account is still the same price and not locked.

Description : Why can't a credit card company stop monthly charges from posting to an account after the account has been closed?

Last Answer : You must have, at some time, agreed to automatic withdrawals. And you should have to do the extra work because it’s your money-you bought the services, not Amex.

Description : Can I contest charges on my credit card from 4 months ago?

Last Answer : yes you can contest, for I believe, a year from the credit card statement date; this may vary by card company. have your statement upon which the charge is listed as well as information about the ... a legitimate claim. it may take a couple statement cycles for a credit to show up. good luck.

Description : Credit Card Charges

Last Answer : Yes. The credit-card swiping machines indicate to the credit card processor whether the card was swiped or had the number typed in.

Description : Where can I size up secured credit card charges?

Last Answer : Your best bet to compare credit cards is to look at each credit card separately from there related companies.However, there are some third party companies (such as kanetix) that will do the work for you.

Description : What investigation takes place when you report fraudulent activity on your debit card?

Last Answer : answer:So, it depends to a degree on your bank's policy. You've attested wrongful charges, Netflix will look into it to see if it was indeed wrongful. They may or may not find it so, definitions get a ... later I got a letter saying, in short you're fine, all charges taken care of . So good luck!

Description : Why do banks care if you use debit or credit when paying with your bank card?

Last Answer : The law protects you if you use a credit card for purchases. You are not liable in case of fraud, etc. The bank must pay or go after the company, and you have limited liability. With a debit ... like gasoline or groceries. Instead, use your debit card to pay bills you are sure you owe, etc.