What does the term "internet 2" refer to when designing a web page...precisely, how is that different than internet 1 sites?

1 Answer

Answer :

Um… Do you mean Web 2.0?

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Last Answer : If your hosting service allows you to manage the .htaccess file, you can set the default page or pages in it. See http://davidwalsh.name/directory-index-homepage-htaccess

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Last Answer : Web design First…River Dancing Second!! Good luck!

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Last Answer : Ruby. Maybe Python. Avoid PHP at all costs.

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Last Answer : I prefer Coda and CSS edit 2. Coda simply appeals to my taste more than Textmate. Coda has built in documentation which I use regularly. But many of it's options, such as bonjour editing where two people can edit a ... . As far as CSS Edit 2, I don't think it really has a contender. It's quite nice.

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Last Answer : answer:This is probably your best bet for getting PHP, Apache, and MySQL running easily. http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html It works well on most operating systems. I can't help with Dreamweaver ... add that xampp runs on your computer. No need for a external server. It is great for testing.

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Last Answer : I nominate [at]jp.

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Last Answer : I am giving you the names of some sites from where you can copy the code. Site- 1 Site- 2 From these two sites you will get all the code for creating Wapkiz site . If you need more sites, please let us know in the comments.

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Last Answer : Web Design means to determine what a website will look like or its general appearance. Your job as a web designer will be to create a complete web site template. For example, what will be its ... need to have detailed knowledge about PHP, MySQL as well as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Bootstrap .

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Last Answer : 1. Personal skills are more important if you want to work as a web developer. In many cases, appointments are made on the basis of personal skills, even if they do not have educational ... burden of work and money, both men and women can work as web developers without any predominance.

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Last Answer : Web development is the lifeblood of a web site. Web Development is the process of making every piece of design that a web designer makes functional and dynamic . A web site can be divided into ... to have detailed knowledge about PHP, MySQL as well as HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, Bootstrap .

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Last Answer : A web server is a special kind of hardware and software that can be used to understand any data stored on that server that can be accessed via the Internet.

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Last Answer : Web site publishing is when a web site is spread worldwide through the internet.

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Last Answer : I can give you a quick version. A product is a something that we sell to the client, be it a service like web design or whatever. A project is a short lived project. Like designing ... . The project requires various experts input to complete, but when it is complete, the project is finished.

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Last Answer : answer:From Wikipedia: A beta version is the first version released outside the organization or community that develops the software, for the purpose of evaluation or real-world black/grey-box testing. The ... stage, it is named after the Greek letter beta, the second letter in the Greek alphabet.

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Last Answer : Usually you use ANSI codes for colors. This will assume that the console is an ANSI terminal or ANSI terminal emulator. ANSI codes usually look like escape sequences. e.g. [32m (set to green). If you ... 's getting away from your question. I may be wrong, but I believe the cmd window supports ANSI.

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Last Answer : sounds to me like two separate insert statements... or maybe i don't understand the question...

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Last Answer : Different types of data types can be easily mixed in intermediate language.

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Last Answer : Those who work with different applications of multimedia are called multimedia content developers.

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Last Answer : ANS: D

Description : Which of the following is the MAIN advantage of multivariable segmentation: A)provides more information about the individuals in each segment B)allows the company to develop a marketing mix that will ... a larger number of segments D)allows more than one variable to be used to segment markets

Last Answer : B)allows the company to develop a marketing mix that will satisfy customers in a segment more precisely

Description : Do web sites need a user agreement page?

Last Answer : it matters what kind of page it is, but usually web pages that need a certain age minimum or any other law stuff a user agreement page is necessary

Description : A Web site's main page is called its– (A) Home Page (B) Browser Page (C) Search Page (D) Bookmark (E) None of these

Last Answer : Home Page