Are the feet really "connected" to the body?

1 Answer

Answer :

Well, I do…especially when they’re cold!

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Last Answer : Usually people tell you to ignore peripheral neuropathies unless there is something organic going on, but this sounds like it is distressing you, so maybe a call to a neurologist is in order.

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Last Answer : Vaseline. Put it on thick at night, and wear socks to bed.

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Last Answer : Soles of shoes wearing out when you wear shoes?

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Last Answer : answer:Tingling all the time? That can be neurological rather than circulation. That is a see the doctor symptom. Basic tests like a blood test to see if you are low in B12 is probably in order, but he will probably order other tests also. Are you having any other medical symptoms?

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Last Answer : answer:Since you are paying for the service and don't like the set-up, ask for another arrangement. There seem to be very few choices; you either lie on a table or you sit in a lounge chair ... read his website. Photos The treatment seems to stop at the ankle and well below the end of the jeans.

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Last Answer : Well, if you have dry skin it is soothing. Whether or not you have dry skin, a nice little foot rub always feels good.

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Last Answer : From the knee down? Do you have a history of shin splints? Are you wearing good shoes?

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Last Answer : It’s when your ankles turn inwards. It’s a side effect of flat-footedness. You are going to want the sturdiest arch support that you can find. You might even consider purchasing orthotic shoe inserts. The resin ones hold up for a long time – mine are nearly ten years old.

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Last Answer : The can be many reasons. One is low blood pressure.

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Last Answer : I get this all the time. I just have a fan running and hang my fee out.

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Last Answer : The majority of time it is actually related to nerves and their blood supply. If you are a younger jelly it is a bit uncommon to have all these things happening. There is something called Hereditary ... might have something akin to this. As we get older we all have more problems with this stuff.

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Last Answer : I’ve had that happen before after a 12 hour shift in crappy shoes. I went home, took of the shoes, soaked my feet in warm water and then massaged them. The next day I went out and bought a better pair of shoes to wear at work.

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Last Answer : Sounds vascular. How’s your pulse at the wrist?

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Last Answer : Genetics, buddy.

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Last Answer : Wear socks then?

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Last Answer : You are experiencing the symptoms of hyperventilation (look at the central nervous system symptoms - paresthesias mean numbness and tingling). You may also experience tingling around your mouth in addition to your hands and ... itself. Edit: I modified it a bit. Also, don't pass out in the tub

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Last Answer : bone spurs?

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Last Answer : I get eczema as an allergic reaction, but not that specific type (and not on my feet). My allergist prescribed mometasone furoate cream, and it generally clears it up pretty quickly. Maybe you should check that out.

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Last Answer : My kids get really dry skin in winter, especially my youngest. I use Cetaphil instead of soap, which the doctor suggested. It doesn't dry out the skin like soap. Also, don't use water that's too hot, ... and it lasted all winter. I only used it on one kid, every other day after his bath. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Not a symptom I ever had but perhaps related to fluid retention, which causes swollen feet and ankles when pregnant - hormonal related.

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Last Answer : answer:Yeah I do it. But I don’t know why. It just feels good. I also do it when I’m sitting down (without shoes on). See if you can catch yourself doing it then too.

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