Can climate affect language?

1 Answer

Answer :

Indirectly: climate affects culture, culture affects language.

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Last Answer : For starters, you missed the meaning they have in culture. For example, at a school near my home there's a huge oak tree. Twenty years ago it was just an oak tree in a cow pasture, but now it's a ... arborist to come out and make sure we don't damage it in anyway and that it's healthy and all that.

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Last Answer : Depends on one's mother tongue, one's ability to learn languages in general (some have it easy, others less so),and possibly also one's age. For me, being Dutch (neighbor of Germany, and speaking a ... with Spanish, but French have less difficulty with Spanish). I'll have a look if I can find it.

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Last Answer : Here is a nice lesson on using any. In essence, Any is normally used with plural and uncountable nouns in questions, negative and conditional sentences.

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Last Answer : Since he doesn’t know you, I’m assuming he knows how much you are willing to spend so I would think he’s referring to your socioeconomic status, or what he perceives it to be based on your income.

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Last Answer : My bet is that language acquired in childhood would be difficult to erase, particularly if everyday fluency were extended into the teen years.

Description : What foreign language should I learn and how?

Last Answer : I don't know which language you should learn, but I thought I'd share a method: I recently found out that I have access to Rosetta Stone for free through my public library. I was just on the ... might just be the first level of their program, but that's still something, especially to get started!)

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Last Answer : It will depend on how much you interact with native speakers and try to internalise as your own and overall time spent.

Description : Does anyone else get irritated by imprecise language?

Last Answer : All language is imprecise, that's why there is skill to writing. We usually balance brevity with precision. Your particular case doesn't really seem like a big deal unless they decide to be sticklers for ... I think once you try organizing people or events, you tend to give others a bit more leeway.

Description : How do you learn another language?

Last Answer : Watch Spanish Sesame Street and other YouTube and TV channels.

Description : Please show me videos of Conrad Black using wordy advanced language?

Last Answer : Enjoy this. By the way,, this was easily found using if you need more, or just go to

Description : Any language learning app?

Last Answer : Not sure if we’re supposed to provide Google answers but this looks like a reputable article from Huff Po that describes several. I’ve heard good things about DuoLingo and LiveMocha connects you with a live speaker of the language you are studying.

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Last Answer : Example please.

Description : How would you characterize the differences between Canadian French language and French language as spoken in France?

Last Answer : answer:As different as American English is from English English. The characteristics are common to instances of languages that are separated by geography and culture.

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Last Answer : answer:My dog isn't allowed to differ from my opinions. Plus, if she could talk, I'd have to stop that. She's seen too much.~ A cow would say moo.' A pig would say oink.' A cat would say ... better than me, without enslaving an animal. Now you're just being a dick.' A turkey says goble.' Etc .

Description : Have you ever heard (and liked) a song in a language you don't speak?

Last Answer : answer:There have been lots of foreign language hits in the US. “Volare, oh oh! Contare, oh oh oh oh!” “Bleu, bleu,!‘amour est bleu.”

Description : How would you define language?

Last Answer : Language is a way for two or more people to communicate in a fairly unambiguous and consistent manner.

Description : Language question: How do you pronounce "Doge"?

Last Answer : According to Slate, your guess is probably as good as mine, but I would go with “dohj”.

Description : When explaining something to a child, do you pay attention to your use of language?

Last Answer : That speech obviously went over the 2 year old's head. But one of the great joys in dealing with little kids is to watch them riddle and sort the input flooding in. Yesterday it was my turn to drive ... you can bet that they will catch up with you and quickly. And that is exactly what you both want.

Description : Have you ever been in a situation where you would pray or trade for understanding a different language in an instant?

Last Answer : answer:Google is working on that for you. Google plans to upgrade its Translate app to be able to interpret conversations between people speaking different languages in real time. Following in the ... company Quest Visual as part of its Word Lens tool. Google acquired Quest Visual in 2014.

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Last Answer : Rosetta Stone?

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Last Answer : answer:There are plenty of reasons not to. They aren’t GOOD reasons, but still…

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Last Answer : I think definitely yes. Even in a void babies will start babbling.

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Last Answer : answer:Servers generally only operate effectively with 1 language per user at the same time. It makes the code easier. Although you may just have invented a really cool website! I wouldn't try to ... pain. Anyway, in answer to your question Never question a geeks coding format. Just walk away.

Description : What language would you choose to speak fluently (other than your native tongue), if you had a speech talisman that gave you the ability to do so?

Last Answer : Spanish, it’s so useful here. Second, ASL. Another language I picked up but stopped using. Third, Italian. My whole mom’s side speaks it.

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Last Answer : No, we’ll never know what it was. The first written language that we know of was probably Sumerian

Description : Can you lurve in another language?

Last Answer : You mean this?—-> ルーブ!ルーブ!

Description : Does it bother you if people have conversations in another language in front of you, and only speak English when you are spoken to?

Last Answer : Can’t say I’ve ever had that experience.

Description : Which foreign language would likely be the easiest for a native English speaker to learn?

Last Answer : answer:Four skills needed; Reading, writing, listening and speaking. Spanish gets my vote. All of the Romance languages have the same grammar but Spanish is by far the easiest to pronounce. Speaking French well is a real challenge. German grammar is formidable as is their three-gender noun system

Description : What language(s) do you recommend for a bilingual speaker to learn?

Last Answer : Latin, Japanese, and of course German

Description : What do you think is the best language?

Last Answer : Sign language.

Description : What is a good way to improve listening skills when learning a foreign language?

Last Answer : Chinese movies? It helped me understanding what english speakers say.

Description : From an evolutionary point of view, why did humans develop language?

Last Answer : answer:Animals use language to a degree as well. They use it for protection, hunting and gathering, teaching their young, passing directions to others of their species, etc. Even creatures as small as ants ... we inhabit. And it wouldn't have taken us 4 billion years to get where we are today.

Description : What language are you very fluent at other than English?

Last Answer : Malayalam, Hindi,Tamil.

Description : English language colloquialism question ...which is the better noun?

Last Answer : answer: She redefines stupidity. She has set the bar below ground. She's a dull beacon of stupidity. Your friend's phrasing will be easier to understand, but you could save the day if you make fun of the ... thing: She takes stupidity to a new level. No, I haven't got a good way to do it.

Description : What with "What with..."? [Question on English language].

Last Answer : In this usage, it means “on account of.”

Description : For languages that have been around for a while, how close are ancient texts to the modern form of the language?

Last Answer : answer:Consider Sumer is Icumen In is the oldest known English poem, yet it's damn hard to read for a non-scholar. And it's only 8 centuries old. For something in Aramaic or ancient Chinese or Hindi, ... cuckoo; Don't ever you stop now, Sing cuckoo now. Sing, Cuckoo. Sing Cuckoo. Sing cuckoo now!

Description : Suppose a person who couldn't write or speak raised two babies into their adulthood, would the two raised people create their own language?

Last Answer : Emperor Frederick II allegedly tried that. Reportedly the children died.

Description : Know of where I could find a free sign language course online?

Last Answer : YouTube has some videos on signing. If you Google free sign language lessons you’ll find some too.

Description : What are some examples of the unnecessary complexity of language (and is it actually unneeded complexity)?

Last Answer : answer:My opinion is that the complexity is not unneeded. (How'd you like that? A double negative-unneeded complexity perhaps?). I think that what people might put forward as unneeded complexity actually ... in other cases it action isn't a negation at all. Confusing, and probably deliberately so.

Description : In what language are your thoughts formulated?

Last Answer : Except when I am in France, I think in English.

Description : When chatting to a person who doesn't have the same native language, should you write in clear, formal language or is it useful to use colloquialisms?

Last Answer : answer:What’s his purpose in chatting with you? Personally, I’d be as natural as possible with him, and explain any terms he doesn’t understand.

Description : How can I translate English text to Hindi language?

Last Answer : Paid translation is the only way to go with a document that large. You can translate simple sentences or a few words using something automated, but larger pieces are just going to be garbled. It also depends on what you’ll be using this for.

Description : Anyone have an opinion on a good language learning program?

Last Answer : I only have experience with one program, and that’s the Rosetta Stone program. I really liked the program and know many other’s that have used it and liked it as well. They have 2 different Spanish programs (Latin America and Spain), along with a lot of other languages.

Description : What are the best language learning programs in the market currently?

Last Answer : Rosetta Stone. It works the portion of your brain that functions language so well.

Description : Theoretically, could some language be acquired before birth?

Last Answer : answer:Oh my! Dragon riders of Pern! Love it! I don't think language can be acquired before birth. To learn words you have to be able to hear them in a physical context and a cause and effect. ... say the baby can't hear and respond to emotions. But that has nothing to do with a specific language.

Description : What pivotal phenomena lead English to become the dominant language of the world?

Last Answer : The American Revolution, with subsequent American economic expansion

Description : What would the simplest language be like?

Last Answer : Sign language. American signers find that, with only a couple days exposure, they can speak to French signers.

Description : Do you only listen to music that is sung in your native language?

Last Answer : Absolutely (not). I listen to music in all sorts of languages that I don't understand. That's partly because I'm a fan of classical, which is either religious music in Latin or operatic music in Italian ... language, even if I don't understand what they are saying-that's not what's important to me.

Description : Are our pets better at learning our body language than we are at learning theirs?

Last Answer : No. I would cite anecdotal evidence ad nauseum… but just no.

Description : If a person speaks a very complicated language as his native tongue, would this make it easier to learn other languages?

Last Answer : Yes. If the person has access to a lot of phonemes (if vowels have a lot of different sounds in Complexinese, for example), then that person will be naturally better at differentiating phonemes in other languages. If it’s just complicated because it’s crazy and chaotic, like English, than maybe not.