How do you die from low blood pressure?

1 Answer

Answer :

Lots of things can make your blood pressure drop. One I know about is septic shock. Your blood pressure plummets (I’m not sure exactly why) and there’s risk of organs shutting down. My conjecture as to why a drop in blood pressure harms your organs is that without enough blood pressure, blood can’t be pumped successfully and probably organs die of oxygen deprivation. I’m sure there are other jellies more knowledgable than me on this who can give you more info.

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Last Answer : answer:Healthy Heart Journal This is an app for iPhone. Not sure if it’s also available in other forms. According to the website, it’s available for “phones” and syncs with Google Health (which I didn’t even know existed).

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Last Answer : everything you want to know and way more than you ever needed to know as well EDIT: I DID read what you wrote. The device is probably fine. Did you try another device?

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Last Answer : I have a b/p cuff.. Instructions are to sit quietly for 15 minutes (I did this after getting up) and stay calm and centered. Following instructions, take B/P in each arm and average the figures.. Keep a journal. 4 weeks should give you an average.