Top 10 fictional or nonfictional books about autism?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:One “fictional book” that I can think of is “Rainman goes to Mars” it’s all about an autistic man, his younger brother and the whacky adventures they have in a $5 billion spacecraft headed to the red planet. In seriousness, I think you meant to say fiction/non-fiction book. A fictional book is one that has never been written.

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Last Answer : Monk.

Description : What do you think is the best way to teach young adults on the autism spectrum to draw?

Last Answer : Spend some time getting to know them. Ask them what their interest is, and how they go about showing their interest to, say, a deaf person. Asperger people need a reason to be passionate about something.

Description : How many of us here on Fluther are on the autism spectrum?

Last Answer : Not me.

Description : Does autism ever go away?

Last Answer : My guess? No. If a person claims that it “went away,” they probably learned to live with it. I have a learning disability. Always have, but it wasn’t really apparent until recently. And I still suffer from it.

Description : Do I even have autism?

Last Answer : None of us can diagnose that. But my guess is, you still have autism, you have just learned to connect with people. That's a wonderful thing, to compensate, when you have a disability ... say also, I think people with disabilities are interesting-they function in different ways than common people.

Description : Should autism be cured?

Last Answer : answer:Bipolar is treated with chemicals and drugs. It is treated with Lithium which reduces the swings of mood. The drug is also used for swings in people on the spectrum/autism not for autism but for the mood ... from me. I don't know how to talk to the hate group idea for Autism Speaks..

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Last Answer : It doesn't sound like it will be a tolerable situation to have her live with you. Have you discussed with your family (the family that you live with now) what your concerns are? I'm sure they are ... and the whole family to tolerate her. Is it supposed to be for only a short term or indefinitely?

Description : What causes autism in children?

Last Answer : Nobody knows what causes autism. We have a lot of clues, and it is an active area of research. But for the moment, the specific cause remains a mystery. We therefore do not know whether or not ... does have an answer, however. Autism is between four and five times more common in boys than girls.

Description : For those of you who have or know kids with autism sensory issues, do any of them use chew-able toys? Where can I get them?

Last Answer : cazzie My gf is an OT and recommended going on Amazon and searching for Chewelry. If he is biting through things, she recommends “high resistance.”

Description : How is your ethics, if you know, or know of a person who has the cure to autism but will not release it unless paid big, would you release it had you the opportunity?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t want to be cured :p If you had asked the question almost any other way, then I would be inclined to get the cure out there. This though? While not as bad as “curing” excess melanin or epicanthic folds, still makes me bristle.

Description : April 2 is World Autism Awareness Day. Are you going to do anything to raise awareness or your own?

Last Answer : answer:I didn't know until I read your Q. Maybe I'll link some information on a Facebook status. The day means to me that we are still trying to figure out all the intricacies of autism. I also think days like ... today. I'm not sure if all of the labels are good or bad. A little of both I'd say.

Description : Is it any worth keep arguing with someone who has autism?

Last Answer : answer: Somewhat autistic is not a diagnosis and can mean anything. If you are frustrated by how a so-called friend is treating you, find a new friend. You have been around this particular mulberry ... something.

Description : Is there any possibility that ADHD and Autism can exist within the same person?

Last Answer : Yes, autism is often associated with other psychiatric disorders, including ADHD, OCD, and phobias. Source.

Description : Were any of you diagnosed with autism? How's life?

Last Answer : I’ve been diagnosed with everything, depending on which doctor I am seeing. I have bad anxiety when uncomfortable. My child hood and most of my adult life were pain. Fast food and cola gave some relief. I stock up on Cola whenever possible.

Description : Is Autism just the next step in the evolutionary process?

Last Answer : answer:Tony Attwood in his book A Complete Guide to Asperger Syndrome did quote a saying of an Aspie which had the same content as the title of your question. I think it's true in some ways. ... people I love to use the phrase ugly duckling . Their value can only be revealed until much later.

Description : How do you cope and raise a child with Aspbergers Syndrome or High-Functioning Autism?

Last Answer : answer:Until your child is diagnosed, why even worry? Aspergers syndrome is no longer a diagnosis, but the people who have high functioning autism are often very intelligent people. They often have social ... a child psychologist? I think you're worrying too much, but they'd have better answers.

Description : Is there a correlation between transsexualism and autism?

Last Answer : answer:I am trans and very active in a large community of trans people in my home city. I haven't noticed any correlation with autism; I know of two trans people who are diagnosed with Aspergers, ... likely than average to be on the autism spectrum but I have not seen any actual studies about it.

Description : How do I find a steady job when I have high functioning autism?

Last Answer : answer:I hired a guy like this. He is a brilliant microcontroller programmer. I tell him what I need and he goes off and does it. Check out Freescale, Cypress, Arduino, etc. I also have ... the minuses even though it causes me some stress. My recommendation to you is to learn something technical.

Description : Do you have any information about anti nmda receptor encephalitis and a possible connection to autism?

Last Answer : Never even heard of it until your question. It makes sense in women. If the immune system is going after similar cells in the ovaries the cells in the brain would get similar treatment. But why ... That might be a link to why vaccinations and autism were thought to be related at one point. GQ

Description : Einstein debate was he on the autism spectrum ?

Last Answer : answer:I would have taken Einstein to Vegas with me for sure. your link is broken

Description : Working (dealing with) children who have Autism; what does it take?

Last Answer : I’m merely an admin for our SpEd department, but from what I’ve seen, anyone can do well in this type of education as long as they have patience, a love for the field and some good organizational skills.

Description : Autism is now at 1 in 88 in the USA. What do you think is attributed to this increase besides greater awareness?

Last Answer : Not vaccines.

Description : Can anyone provide me with any information on the Namenda studies on autism?

Last Answer : answer:Here's one study. The Clinical Trials Network [at Mount Sinai] sponsored by Autism Speaks in addition to Forest Pharmaceuticals are sponsoring several trials with memantine to study its impact on language, ... able to get your hands on Namenda for a bit longer. Anything else you want to know?

Description : Do you bellieve that some Asthma medication cause Autism?

Last Answer : If you read carefully, you will have noticed that there are objections to the study’s methodology. That means it is too soon to say, and we must wait for further peer-reviewed studies on the same topic before we know for sure.

Description : Have you ever heard of bipolar autism? Could this be a new disorder on the rise?

Last Answer : answer:You never know, the world’s full of possibilities. :) If you are concerned about this…you can always go check it out with an expert in the field, but as you said, the chances of diagnosis are pretty slim. Best Wishes.

Description : How much of an affect will the recent retraction of the first paper linking MMR to autism really have?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, I think the genie is already out of the bottle on this one. People have their opinions; usually facts (or medical studies) don’t mean much to them.

Description : Are you aware of the increase in Autism and Autism spectrum disorder?

Last Answer : more autistic people?, or more doctors diagnosing people with milder cases of it than we had before?

Description : How fun is it to work with people with varying forms of Autism?

Last Answer : My Son is Autistic it is not fun. It is very hard work . When they make procress it is fulfilling.

Description : Is there a genetic marker for Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Last Answer : We had the tests done and yes there are genetic markers…PM me and I can look up the test for you (honestly, my wife is the more knowledgeable one on the subject, so I’ll have to wait until she wakes up to get you the answer and references).

Description : Do you have a personal experience that persuaded your opinion on the possibility of MMR immunization causing/increasing chance of autism?

Last Answer : No anecdote will be of any use. A. I immunized all at once on a regular schedule kid is fine. B. I immunized all at once on a regular shedule kid has autism. C. I rearranged the schedule kid ... I rearranged the schedule kid has autism. etc. etc. etc. Vaccines DO NOT cause autism, plain and simple.

Description : Well Known Autism Speakers?

Last Answer : Jenny McCarthy has been outspoken on the subject.

Description : What's the deal behind the relationship between autism and finger length?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t have an answer for you, but my ring finger is longer than my index finger too. Just making sure you don’t feel strange about your finger lengths [equal]P

Description : Is chelation an ethical treatment for childhood autism? Should government studies be carried out?

Last Answer : answer:There is currently virtually no scientific study of this use. The NIH put their planned study on hold. I think there would serious concerns because of the nature of the chemicals used in the treatment. ... . Until they are, I think possibly it should be banned as an off the books use.

Description : Are you surprised by the study that suggests (some) autism may be caused by watching television?

Last Answer : Sorry, forgot the link:

Description : ors with autism: What Interesting ability did you find out you could do, but the vast majority couldn't?

Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol

Description : ors with autism: What Interesting ability did you find out you could do, but the vast majority couldn't?

Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol

Description : ors with autism: What Interesting ability did you find out you could do, but the vast majority couldn't?

Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol

Description : ors with autism: What Interesting ability did you find out you could do, but the vast majority couldn't?

Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol

Description : ors with autism: What Interesting ability did you find out you could do, but the vast majority couldn't?

Last Answer : I can make dolphin noises lol

Description : When is "World Autism Awareness Day" celebrated ? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : Friday, 2 April

Description : Are people born with autism?

Last Answer : Yes of course people are born with autism.

Description : What is autism ? What is autism ?

Last Answer : The chromosomes that determine the physiological properties of an organism are called autosomes. Of the 46 human chromosomes, 44 have autosomes. These chromosomes control the various physiological features of the human body.

Last Answer : Autism What ? Autism A Emotional Developmental Problems Which Nerves Or Of the nervous system Structure, Enlargement Caused Abnormality As a result Is. Autism Infected Baby Naturally Increased To get up Difficulty Is ... course That Leave To give Will be Baby Of course Mom Chest Milk To feed Will be

Last Answer : human Emotional Of formation Something Problems Due Autism Yes. But Of That's right Because Still Well Clear No.

Description : Is this somehow manageable?

Last Answer : A mental / nervous disease. But the spectrum is more apt, because there are those who are only slightly affected, some are very. It cannot be cured, but it can be treated in childhood with special education and attention.

Description : What is autism?

Last Answer : There can be a number of symptoms. Read here:

Description : How did my child develop autism?

Last Answer : Research suggests that the development of autism is rooted invery early brain development. However, in most cases, no one causecan be identified. Research has identified several genes that ... and certainbirth complications, particularly those that may involve oxygendeprivation to a baby's brain.

Description : Autism?

Last Answer : DefinitionAutism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills.Alternative ... common in relatives of autistic children. Chromosomal abnormalities and other nervous system (neurological

Description : Causes of Autism in Children?

Last Answer : Autism is a disorder that impacts the lives of hundreds offamilies in the United States. Children with autism do not developcommon social skills that other children develop. The cause ... medication, orexposure to toxic substances that can explain the formation ofautism in children who