What places have you been that are so nice, you think they should be on everyone's bucket list?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Big Sur A boat ride down the Li River, through Guilin, China.

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Last Answer : Grace Cathedral

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Last Answer : Roaming the markets is fun, but maybe difficult for the kiddos. In the same area down by the beach you can take a horse drawn carriage tour which is great! And you have to have to have to take them to the ... Hymen's Seafood it's famous and so good. I didn't have dessert there but I bet it's great.

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Last Answer : Could I suggest you visit Portugal as well?

Description : Places to stay in Lakes District, Patagonia?

Last Answer : A list of some hotels in San Martin de Los Andes http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&client=safari&rls=en&q=hotels%20in%20Lakes%20District%2C%20Patagonia&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl

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Last Answer : Mexico is expensive? Maybe our dollar is doing worse than I thought… I’ve found some great bargains in Tijuana.

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Last Answer : How far is Manchester from where you live?

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Last Answer : If you are talking about Ireland as in “Republic of Ireland” then that’s not part of the UK. Northern Ireland however is. I’ve never been but I hear the giants causeway is quite spectacular.

Description : Where are the prettiest places in Switzerland that are reachable by train?

Last Answer : Check out the ‘Top Destinations’ and ‘Mountain Resorts’ here: http://www.magicswitzerland.com/train_travel.htm and you should definitely try the Panorama express http://www.raileurope.com/europe-travel-guide/switzerland/index.html?WT.mc_id=CJ.swiss_travel.affiliates&collectCGIParams=1