How do you keep potatoes from sprouting?

1 Answer

Answer :

Cook ‘em. (That’s really the only way I know.)

Related questions

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Last Answer : It’s perfectly fine. As long as they are not extremely green, you can eat them.

Description : got leaves sprouting from stalk in water,what's next?

Last Answer : Celery is best for locations with longer cool seasons with a good amount of moisture. This will give you the best result. You should start transplanting them about 2-3 weeks before the last frost. ... them about 8-10 inches apart and water them often ensuring that the soil does not become soggy.


Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : please tell me how to plant a sprouting sweet potato to make a vining plant.

Last Answer : My neighbor does hers outside in the dirt where the sun hits it............has a little trellace for it, looks nice all summer, then in the fall she digs it up and stores it for next year.

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Last Answer : I would call them and tell them...............maybe bag them up and send them back & get a refund. I buy them local. The farm stores have them so does Walmart.

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Last Answer : Yes, first invert the seed so that the root is at the top and pointing up. Pour 1/2 teaspoon of honey on the root and cover with a newspaper for 3 to 4 hours. Invert the seed so that the root ... show green in about 3 weeks, then wait 3 to 4 years for the mature plant to produce fruit. -Birdy

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Last Answer : try vinegar first...............can you pull it out by the root.........if not try weed killer.................if you decide on vinegar, it will short term kill any grass but that grows back. Everytime you cut the grass it must smell like onions.....and a lot of animals don't like that smell.

Description : are sweet potatos safe to eat after sprouting

Last Answer : As long as the potato is still firm and not soft, it is still safe to eat. Remove the sprouts by digging into the potato a little to remove all of it.

Description : Are my soft red potatoes ok to eat?

Last Answer : Am cooking some of them sliced in the frying pan with margarine. Will update how they turned out .

Description : Is it safe to eat frozen sweet potatoes?

Last Answer : Yes, it will be safe. Just reheat them, don’t try to eat them frozen! What is “all this info about food poisoning”? There have not been any new or different food safety concerns recently. Reheating cooked vegetables that were frozen is not a significant source of food safety concerns.

Description : Which potatoes microwave better?

Last Answer : answer:I usually use a russet potato, the brown skinned baking type, but any potato would work. Just depends on the size for the baking time. A large russet takes about 10 minutes, maybe a minute or two ... I would check it after about 5 minutes. If you cook too long the ends will become rock hard.

Description : Are potatoes a wonder food?

Last Answer : answer:Potatoes are pretty great. And as you say, the price is incredible. I’ve had to cut way back on carbohydrates and I miss the potatoes most. About once a month I make some. My favorite is simply boiled potatoes with salt and pepper, especially the little red ones.

Description : What makes McDonalds potatoes so good?

Last Answer : answer:What I read a while back is you have to put the fresh slices of potato in some sort of sugar water. Then deep fry them. I think it was in vegetable shortening, but possibly that is against the law ... fries do have sugar in/on them. Hopefully, she will see this Q, I don't remember her name.

Description : Do you have any recipe for oven baked potatoes that taste good?

Last Answer : answer:Fried foods are not inherently unhealthy or fattening; that is a result of which oil they are fried in. And, like tofu, much of the flavor of potatoes also comes from what they're cooked ... so many dairy farms), but found Brummel & Brown to be quite tasty despite having half the calories.

Description : Trivial question of the day: When you are served a dish that includes cut up potatoes, do you prefer large chunks of potato or small chunks?

Last Answer : I don’t discriminate against potatoes. I love them all equally.

Description : What's your favorite recipe for scalloped potatoes?

Last Answer : I like Julia Child’s recipe in “The Way to Cook.” If you don’t have that book, you should get it.

Description : Do you have any suggestions for interesting fillings for jacket potatoes?

Last Answer : answer:Coronation Chicken. (for the benefit of non-UK readers this is pre-cooked chicken mixed with curry and mayonnaise) Chicken and pesto (it's usually a pasta sauce but it's very versatile) Combine a ... it up and use salmon. A bit of ketchup in the mayo turns it into Thousand Island dressing.

Description : What's your secret to yummy mashed potatoes?

Last Answer : Lazy method, but tastes smashing :¬)

Description : Do you actually bake your baked potatoes, or do you just nuke 'em in the microwave?

Last Answer : Rub ‘em in salt and stick them in the microwave. Takes too long for them in the oven.

Description : Someone told me that potatoes and onions should not be stored in the same bowl--is this right?

Last Answer : answer:I’ve never heard or read that. The only effect that would have that I can think of, is that eventually the potatoes might slightly smell and perhaps even taste like onions, but that’s a good thing to me, because I love onions!

Description : Are baked potatoes a good diet food?

Last Answer : It really depends on the person, their specific health issues and dietary needs, what the purpose of the diet is, and how it’s structured. There’s no one “right answer”.

Description : What is the difference between yams and sweet potatoes?

Last Answer : I think they are very similar. I prefer Yams, but won’t turn down a Sweet Tater.

Description : Bread, Pasta, Rice or Potatoes?

Last Answer : Pasta! All the way!

Description : How can I get involved in and give back to my Brooklyn community in some way that involves food but doesn't involve mindlessly scooping mashed potatoes onto a cafeteria tray at a shelter?

Last Answer : Can you get kids (or poor folks) started doing community gardens? There might not be a lot of land to develop there, but some people garden on the roofs of buildings. It would bring a (sort of) nature experience and nutritious food to people who probably need both!

Description : What are some different ways to cook sweet potatoes?

Last Answer : You can wrap them in foil, and cook them in a crockpot. It makes baked sweet potatoes.

Description : Would someone please tell me the best way to reheat mashed potatoes if you don't have a microwave oven?

Last Answer : hey, we didn’t have a microwave til i was 17, and my mom used to reheat them with a little milk on the stovetop with a sauce pan. another option is to make an ad hoc potato pancake, and fry the leftover potatoes into patties (or one big one) on the stovetop.

Description : How do you like your mashed potatoes?

Last Answer : I made them once with Jalapenos and Cheddar Cheese. I didn’t get the consistency quite right, but I’m going to try again. They tasted great.