Are you a perfectionist?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I am, but only for certain things. I don’t know if there is a theme or pattern to it, perhaps there is when it comes to creativity, but for the most part I think it is random. Some times, I will do a bad job, or just leave something as “that is good enough for now”, yet with other things I will get very bogged down in details, and won’t leave it alone until it is finished. With some things, like art, that is when I really become a perfectionist, I think it has to do with my lack of talent. If I paint something or draw something, I can guarantee I will never consider it to be finished or good enough. I will start with a black and white outline, then color it in like a cartoon, and it will look good. However, then I will try to add some shadow, and it will look better, and before you know it, I am not happy until I have drawn every single hair, freckle and grain of sand separately. It probably, thinking on it more, has something to do with how much passion or will there is to do something. It is very rare that I start doing something I don’t want to do, and then get all perfectionist about it. Usually I will be more of a perfectionist on things that I actually want to do, or am passionate about. I have been learning how to solve the Rubik’s Cube lately, and while I can now solve it, and solve it quite fast, I still have not shown or told anyone, because I can’t get it under 15 seconds yet. I mention it, because it is the latest thing I have become a perfectionist over. Another, is stamp collecting. I have recently got back in to it, about two or tree weeks ago. I am quite capable of spending 20 minutes trying to peel a used stamp from paper, knowing fully well it is only worth a half a penny.

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Description : Just do your best but Don't be a perfectionist?

Last Answer : An individual’s best is never perfect as long as that individual is human. It is impossible for the best performance by a human to be perfect. We are all flawed. Perfectionism is a character flaw. It is even a symptom of at least one mental illness.

Description : Are you a perfectionist?

Last Answer : answer:I've had the same experience as you but it's very sporadic. It's not just that the time is shorter but sometimes, for me, there is literally no time at all. I generally re-read my Qs ... of the time, but really annoying nonetheless. I just assumed it was a glitch of unknown reason or origin.

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Description : Are you a perfectionist?

Last Answer : Yes. Yes, I am.

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Last Answer : My father and brother are both like this person you are describing. In my experience, it does them very little good to reassure them as a family member. Sometimes it helps to have someone who is in ... humanity. It's not a foolproof guarantee that they'll feel better, but it might work. Good luck.

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Last Answer : Wow! I'm all for clean and organized, but sounds like she takes it to the extreme. I don't know if you can really get along with someone like that unless you are the same way. I would imagine it would ... arguing a while they start to wear down. I don't know. I think it would be a tough road though.