How would one go about finding a suitable petsitter?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I asked at the upscale pet store where I buy my dog food. They gave me local recommendations and said they knew them personally. I had my husband ask his colleagues at work. I asked at my vet’s and one of the vet techs did pet sitting on the side.

Related questions

Description : Do you tip a petsitter?

Last Answer : Yes, if they provide good service to you and your pet, I believe you should tip them. I would tip them 20%...but then, again I always tip for anything 20%.

Description : How do you go about finding a good pet sitter?

Last Answer : Try @Mama_Cakes

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Last Answer : answer:Most likely he is nearby. I have heard that cats often do not go far and tend to hide nearby. Alert all your neighbors to keep an eye on their yards and garages and check the ... posters around the neighborhood today and keep searching! Good luck, nothing is more upsetting than losing a pet!

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Last Answer : @casheroo, I would think it’s reasonable. Use a personal day if you can, and if your absence is not going to cause a lot of hardship on others. There’s a lot of sickness going around.

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Last Answer : answer:Also, This is Oscar

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Last Answer : Did you try putting a box outside? Preparing a digging area for them outside?

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Last Answer : Dude, who cares? Pass the pipe.

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Last Answer : She wants you to go hang out in there with her! WHY AREN’T YOU THERE NOW, DAMMIT? :-p

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Last Answer : The only time my cats go bonkers after pooping is when they have a “cling-on” (a piece of poop stuck in the hair around their anus). Other than that, no clue.

Description : Do you think it is unsanitary to train a cat to go on the person's toilet?

Last Answer : answer:I think it would be a lot more sanitary than dealing with a litterbox. In fact I have seen self cleaning litterboxes designed to empty into the toilet. edit: Found the link

Description : For those of you have a lost a pet, did you go and another pet soon after?

Last Answer : nope. I had to grieve for the loss of the pet before I could consider a new one. In my case I rescued my Akita as a puppy and had him for over 12 years. It took me 9 months to rescue my new puppy. Nothing can replace the pet, so when its time you will know.

Description : Is there a technical term for when cats go crazy and tear through the house for no apparent reason?

Last Answer : answer:Aww.. kittehs. I have no answers, but, I love it when my boy does that..

Description : What should I do with my cat who keeps wanting to go outside?

Last Answer : You can choose between applying Frontline to the outdoor cat once every thirty days or keeping him inside.

Description : Just what is it about freshly made beds that makes cats go wild?

Last Answer : cats like to ruin all that is perfect….. but at least it’s cute :)

Description : How long after giving birth does a cat go into heat?

Last Answer : Way sooner than I thought. We took a stray in, she had kittens, I took her in to be spayed 6 or 7 weeks later and it cost extra because she was pregnant! Then she went missing. We called ... Google says they will cycle continuously for a time until they mate, have a false pregnancy or it gets cold.

Description : Would you let a cat or dog go free in the wild?

Last Answer : I have found pets let loose in the woods. A 50% chance of euthanasia, with decent food and care, is a much better outcome. However, personally, I seek out no-kill shelters and support them. ... an ecological or health disaster. They prey on other animals and they can spread diseases such as rabies.

Description : What should we do with our grieving cat when we go out of town?

Last Answer : I would definitely leave him home flying animals especially a cat is very stressful and should be avoided.

Description : What the hell is in catnip that makes cats go nuts?

Last Answer : answer:From How Stuff Works: Although no one knows exactly what happens in the cat's brain, it is known that the chemical nepetalactone in catnip is the thing that triggers the response. Apparently, it ... and why one has to be careful about using harsh chemical cleaners where a cat may walk, etc.

Description : Why do cats go so crazy when they are in heat and meow so loud.

Last Answer : I think you answered your own question.

Description : Can a pet cat be trained to walk on a leash?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : What should I do about my sick cat?

Last Answer : You might want to do some research in your area. I recently had to have my dog euthanized & a neighbor helped me find a vet that would come to my house to handle her final moments. My dog was at ... popular all over the country due to people's busy work schedule. So you might want to look into it.

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Last Answer : What about bobcats?

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Last Answer : Very responsible. Just as responsible as you would have been, if your toddler gulped down a bottle of bleach it found in an unlocked and easily accessible cabinet.

Description : Is a cat's hearing and smell as keen as a dogs?

Last Answer : They're different, but yes, more or less. Dogs have more smell neurons and more of their brain seems to be devoted to smelling, but cats may be more sensitive, as they have 30 V1R receptors versus 9 in ... tell where it is to within 3 inches. Their ears can each rotate and aim to zero in on sounds.

Description : Kittens or puppies?

Last Answer : I am sure most people could not tell the difference in a taste test.

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Last Answer : Here's how I approached it, some five months ago, when I took Nouri with me from Greece, to live together. I kept an eye open to see where his first scratches would happen. When that happened to ... 'll most likely will stay with just that one spot. My Tsounouri does. Have much fun with your kitty!

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Last Answer : Ebony

Description : What breed or breeds of cat would you consider to fit the label "Standard Issue Cat"?

Last Answer : Well, all the un-bred cats, broadly referred to as Domestic Short Hair (DSH) and Domestic Long Hair (DLH). Breeds are all their own standards, it seems to me. And of course, each has their own personality.

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Last Answer : Lol. Apparently it’s derived from a thick British accent saying “dear little”.

Description : Will my cat become an electric cat if he bites through my smartphone charger cable?

Last Answer : Yes

Description : When cats are washing themselves, are they "doing the laundry", or "taking a bath/shower"?

Last Answer : Yes for both.

Description : If you were moving and had dead cat pets buried on your property then would you dig up the cat bones to take with you when you moved to a new house?

Last Answer : No. I would not. Is it creepy? Unusual might be a better word. And it kinda seems like a lot of work with everything else you’re planning. Letting go is a good thing sometimes. Personally, if anyone wants to venerate my body I’d rather they do it while I’m still alive. But that’s another story…

Description : Traveling with a cat?

Last Answer : How about a cat carrier for sleeping and take her out to the car in it in the morning?

Description : How does a cat's body know how long to make its whiskers?

Last Answer : I found this‘s%20whiskers%20are%20proportionate,is%2C%20the%20longer%20its%20whiskers article. (I don’t know why the link won’t paste right.) Let me know if it’s not coming up.

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Last Answer : My dog is an equal opportunity dog hater. She hates all dogs. I would bet she would be racist, classis(classism?) and a bully.

Description : Can you train a cat to cuddle?

Last Answer : No. You can’t train a cat to do anything. A cat will only ever do what it pleases, nothing more.

Description : What is the longest you've owned a pet and what were they like?

Last Answer : I have a 21 yr old cockatiel and my oldest dog was 15 when we put him down, cancer. My cockatiel is old, cranky and wants to be left alone with my other bird, usually. He only gets excited ... loved to go with us everywhere, loved everyone and all animals, loved water-we had a great life with him.

Description : How can someone humanely rid a cat from their property?

Last Answer : Humane trap, and a shelter a few towns away.

Description : Fans of musicals, does watching the Cats movie trailer give you goosebumps?

Last Answer : No. I think it looks stupid and I enjoyed it on Broadway.

Description : Is it normal for older cats to stop covering their litter box droppings?

Last Answer : Have your friend replace all of the old litter with new fresh stuff. Wash out the litter tub/box. If your friend uses scented litter, try unscented.

Description : Is this behavior normal for a kitten?

Last Answer : Kittens play like that and it is a normal thing for them. I usually kept two in order that they can play together. But when I had cats/kittens we didn’t cut there claws since they are very pliable still.Usually there claws get naturally cut back by allowing them to climb on tress etc.

Description : What is it with cats and their spidey sense when bedding gets manhandled?

Last Answer : They have very good hearing and can locate soft sounds, and even when partly asleep (i.e. most of the time) they are tracking what is happening where. Different cats are interested in different things, and ... hear you doing that from far away and come to see if you'll play that game with them.

Description : My cat ran away, again?

Last Answer : Does your mom not like the cat? My best advice is move out, since you can't make your parents do anything and you can't make them care. I know you're saving money for whatever, but you have to prioritize ... cat running away, I'd say she doesn't seem to see the sense of urgency about it that you do.

Description : Cats and dogs being derived from lines of apex predators, how intelligent would you be willing to make them before it made you scared of them?

Last Answer : As intelligent as questioning orders.

Description : What's the English (and by English I don't necessarily mean UK), term for trimming cats' nails?

Last Answer : It’s called “declawing.”

Description : Why do cats hate being flipped off?

Last Answer : Cats hate any challenge to their authority & being flipped off makes them feel challenged!!! The only thing cuter than a pissed off cat is Babies & their cats

Description : Do you use flea protection on your animals that are outside every month?

Last Answer : Yes. You do not want fleas; they do not want fleas.

Description : So my cat just ran away and I can't find her?

Last Answer : Some animals never get used to a cage. Personally, I would not look forward to being restricted to my house regardless of the comforts involved. Your cat was attuned to those good old days when she ... , another feral convert who turned out to be the best damned cat I've yet to come across.