If life functioned the same way as Photoshop...?

1 Answer

Answer :

If you could use this for transportation I’d cut/paste myself to where I want to go!

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Last Answer : Is just waiting for the first W reference.

Description : How would you go about making this photograph the way it is with Photoshop?

Last Answer : Depends what the original photo looked like. Without a reference to the original photo, I'd guess that it has been colorized, the contrast has likely been adjusted, it was either sharpened or a filter has ... text in what looks to be Times New Roman, it doesn't appear to have any special effects.

Description : Is there any way to fix my Photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:some ideas > restart > shut everything else down > work with smaller images unless you really need the resolution > Photoshop doesn't free up memory when you close a file, it only does when ... a good stopping point, save my file, and restart everything ASAP when that happens. Hope it helps.

Description : How do graphic artists keep image notes? Is there any way to add notes in Photoshop? (see details)

Last Answer : I’ve always used a separate layer for notes, then just turned those layers off when exporting the image. Since the jpeg doesn’t support layers, anything that’s hidden will not appear in the final image nor be retrievable from the jpeg file itself.

Description : Is there any way to do this without Photoshop (or equivalent?)

Last Answer : Is the pdf protected or editable?

Description : Is there a way to combine panoramic images in GIMP like you can in Photoshop?

Last Answer : I don't think the Gimp does that but there is another piece of OSS that I've used in the past to create panoramas and multi-images stitches is hugin. Last time I used it I had some stability problems under ... out. Takes a bit of toying with to get the hang of it but once you do its quite useful.

Description : Would this detective work be a fairly easy task for a PhotoShop adept?

Last Answer : I don't think it would be that difficult if you can easily discern the difference in ink colors. A good photoshop person could dial in on the exact color and eliminate that color. But it ... need is an expert at manuscripts. Original texts are still being found on medieval vellum that was reused.

Description : Windows 10 and Photoshop CC are not mixing well with the disk usage?

Last Answer : I’ve used photoshop with Windows 10 with no problems. My guess would be you don’t have enough RAM and Photoshop is having to store the active image in virtual memory ie on the hard drive.

Description : Adobe Indesign/Photoshop question or where else can I ask this?

Last Answer : answer:Does the image have any alpha channels? If so, remove them. This can be done in the photoshop channels window. Or could you have accidentally saved it as a different format with the incorrect extension in the file name?

Description : Why does my image lose resolution when I upload it into Photoshop?

Last Answer : Are you viewing it at 100% zoom?

Description : Photoshop type software question (details inside)

Last Answer : Does not exist

Description : What's a good Photoshop-type process to transform stock photos with identifiable faces into illustration or "art" with a more abstract/anonymous effect?

Last Answer : filter>filter gallery

Description : What is the best computer software to edit photos (except photoshop)?

Last Answer : If you’re looking for a free app, Picasso might work for you. It’s certainly nowhere near professional-grade for photo editing, but it does give you some decent options.

Description : How can I learn Photoshop and InDesign in about 10 days?

Last Answer : Start messing around, think of something you want to do, and google a tutorial for it, you can’t really learn everything in that sort of a period.

Description : Is there a photoshop expert who would like to manipulate this photo for me?

Last Answer : answer:I am the cheapest person who has ever lived. I also love photography and changing photos. So, I have good news. I found a FREE program online called TwistedBrush Open Studio by Pixarra. I ... if that sounded like a comercial but I love this software!) http://www.pixarra.com/download.html

Description : What's Up With my Photoshop CS 8.0?

Last Answer : To my knowledge, Photoshop CS current version is only at version 6. So I don’t understand your question, especially when you say that CS 8 is an “old” version. Photoshop is not even at version 8 yet!

Description : Any Photoshop enthusiasts in the house?

Last Answer : I could give it a try. But I want your soul in return.

Description : Is this old photograph manipulated somehow (photoshop)

Last Answer : answer:If it was manipulated they did a good job, and choosing an old photo is a good choice since it is easier to hide the after effects of their work. Zooming in on the male head however, you can see a ... I'm no expert, but I'd say just a head swap because of that and the way they are facing.

Description : Photoshop Cs5 - change lasso color?

Last Answer : Hm. Good question. Let me know if you find an answer.

Description : I need photoshop help (making an image spin)

Last Answer : I have an app on my iphone called GifVid 2 I am not positive but I think you could use that to turn the photo into a gif that would rotate but wow, that would take your battery down fast if you had it going continuously, at least I think it would!

Description : Can anyone suggest the best laptop for heavy photoshop and corel painter 12 use? With a budget of £500 or less.

Last Answer : I have read and experienced that most graphic designers prefer Mac. Now I am sure that will start a fight with someone but 85% is the figure I always heard bandied about. I know that I ... have crashes or freezes with my macbook pro regardless of how huge the photoshop and illustrator files become.

Description : What is Adobe Photoshop Lightroom?

Last Answer : answer:Adobe Photoshop family – Comparison guide Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Adobe Photoshop family

Description : Photoshop 5: How can I lower the image quality even more without sacrificing size?

Last Answer : answer:You probably need to resize the picture you're using to smaller dimensions and make sure you're not saving it with layers. I don't have Photoshop 5, but I would imaging it's similar and you can ... under the File menu and will give you an optimized file for use on screen. I hope it helps.

Description : Photo Editing: Adobe Light Room or Photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:I know and teach them both. For your needs as described, I'd go with LightRoom. It's a good solid digital darkroom with nicely organized tools and presets. The learning curve isn't too bad. If ... I've been using it for over fifteen years. But truthfully, it's a convoluted beast of a program.

Description : What's the difference between the Photoshop Creative Suites?

Last Answer : answer:If your son qualifies for a student version, then go for that. The student versions will have the same software as the non-student versions, and the price difference is huge. Adobe suite 5.5 has ... a whole lot more. Highly recommended if he wants to learn a lot in a minimal amount of time.

Description : Does anybody know of the existence of a website/forum where one can 'order' a Photoshop job?

Last Answer : You can try Retouch Pro.

Description : How do I make a custom brush in Photoshop with the following attributes (details inside)?

Last Answer : answer:It's simpler to work in illustrator for this brush if you are averse to pen pressure. The reason for this is because the brushes in Photoshop are not mathematical, yet in illustrator ... the lines [everything actually] in Illustrator are mathematical. Hope this helps you understand the why .

Description : How do I go about setting up a Photoshop file for screen printing on T-shirts?

Last Answer : I've never done the printing myself, but I have submitted images to cafepress.com to be printed onto shirts. It sounds like you've hit the important points, but also I wanted to mention that if you want ... to save it as a GIF or PNG (preferably a PNG because GIFs are shitty quality), NOT a JPG.

Description : What are your thoughts on Photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:First off, Photoshop is overpriced; use GIMP instead. Personally, I think it's a little bogus to retouch photos for any purpose other than to restore a damaged original, but when you consider the ... anyways. I mean, a fake picture of a fake body/face is almost as fake as utter fiction!

Description : What are your thoughts on Photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:First off, Photoshop is overpriced; use GIMP instead. Personally, I think it's a little bogus to retouch photos for any purpose other than to restore a damaged original, but when you consider the ... anyways. I mean, a fake picture of a fake body/face is almost as fake as utter fiction!

Description : Do you know any good sites for learning photoshop?

Last Answer : This is a good introduction to all the tools: http://elitebydesign.com/how-to-master-photoshop-in-just-one-week/

Description : What is the best Photoshop or similar program to get for an iMac? Another Mac question. Sorry.

Last Answer : It’s Adobe Photoshop, CS5 is the best as it’s the newest, probably. But you have to look for a mac version. I have Adobe Photoshop from CS4 on my MacBook. :)

Description : Why does Photoshop crash so often?

Last Answer : answer:Yes, I've long experienced this. This is one of many bugs, bad design elements, and instability issues of Adobe's software. Three or four months ago, I switched to Pixelmator. Many would call it a downgrade ... current problem, I'm not sure what to tell you. Just don't close it as often. ;)

Description : Vector art pasted into Photoshop appears pixelated?

Last Answer : answer:Hi, neener! It sounds like the process of copying/pasting the art into Photoshop should be modified a little. Have you tried exporting your InDesign document as a PDF then importing it into ... pasted smart objects are being displayed poorly on your screen but will print just fine. Good luck!

Description : How do I get true dimensions in photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:A: Maybe the rulers are set to pixels or centimeters instead of inches? (Sorry I don’t have Photoshop on my work machine and can’t tell you exactly where you can change that setting in the menus). B: Save as PDF

Description : Adobe Photoshop Question: How many times can you install it into a different computer?

Last Answer : answer:Any single user adobe product can be installed on 2 computers. A primary & secondary. But they cannot be running simultaneously. Using the internet, when you activate your product, it checks to ... I would not install it on a borrowed laptop. Because that would use up your last activation.

Description : How to create a Shadow effect in Photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:1. make a dark grey rectangle the a little smaller than the object 2. make sure its rasterized, right click layer and select rasterize layer' 3. in the top menu: filter > blur > gaussian ... ready for sleep. Just mess around with those steps, youll get the intended effect down after a bit.

Description : Is it okay to run Photoshop CS5 on a Macbook?

Last Answer : You could run it, but it will most likely bog down that computer big time Photoshop can use up alot of memory. With only 1gb of RAM you're going to be hard pressed for memory and the more intricate you get with ... freeze up on you. If you are able to add more RAM to it then that's what I would do.

Description : Photoshop CS4 (for Mac) won't open!

Last Answer : They are here.

Description : How can you make an orbiting blur in photoshop?

Last Answer : answer:it's hard to tell what you need without some sort of picture reference. But maybe you could do something like I have done here. These were two photos I did for a company ... .graphic-design.com/Photoshop/motion_blur/index.html or http://www.photoshopessentials.com/photo-effects/motion-blur/

Description : How to save a picture from Photoshop.com?

Last Answer : Try taking a screen cap by hitting the print screen button, paste it into a photo-editing program like paint, and save it from there.

Description : How would I create this effect in Photoshop/Illustrator?

Last Answer : I don't know if there is some easier shortcut, but it can certainly be done in any multi-layer vector graphics program. You might want to play with opacity of each layer, perhaps setting selecting either the ... . Play with it, and see what you come up with. What would you call it, Crystal World?

Description : How do I put a background behind Photoshop on a Mac?

Last Answer : Hit the letter “F” (full screen) to toggle three different sizes background. I think twice fills the screen to gray and three times makes it black.

Description : Photoshop and Printing Issue?

Last Answer : 7.5 / 8=.9375 3 / 4=.75 So obviously that is going to get funky when you scale it. So I would scale it so the 8 is right while keeping the proper proportions. Then you accept the white-space or you use scissors to trim them.

Description : Photoshop freezing up?

Last Answer : Time to switch to GIMP. :)

Description : Does anyone know any good photoshop/brushes websites?

Last Answer : I don’t know if this will be helpful or not but I really love my apple and the software that came with it for photoshop. Also, I have used the free stuff from Kodak.

Description : Does anyone know any really good sites on the internet to learn photoshop without paying?

Last Answer : http://revision3.com/pixelperfect/ I have learned so much watching his videos. Go back to the beginning to learn the basics. Watch them all and you will be a pro.

Description : Quick Photoshop Question?

Last Answer : Give it a try and see if it'll work. There might be a limit, but I would guess not. However you might be prevented from both using the software at the same time if you're using the same network ... of my dorms, by the end of the year about half the dorm was using the same copy of Microsoft Word.

Description : In PhotoShop CS2, how so I create a filter layer using a photo?

Last Answer : Open the saved photo in Photoshop. Select All (ctrl-A in Windows, cmd-A in Mac OS) Copy Open the destination image in Photoshop Paste (it will automatically create a new layer) Filter/edit the new layer to take out the parts you wish.

Description : I just bought Adobe Photoshop and it won't open?

Last Answer : We need a little more info. Did it put an icon in your start menu or dock? Does it try to open then fail? Where did you buy it from?