Are penny hoarders wasting their time?

1 Answer

Answer :

Seems pointless unless you take them to a change counter. Hoarders are always ‘waiting’, drives me crazy.

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Last Answer : answer:It's not the weigh that makes someone lose their looks but whether they continue to take care of themselves or not. Example If someone gains weigh and starts looking like Honey Boo Boo's mom . ... and go downward. For me, looks start at the top of ones noggin, goes downward and inside out.

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Last Answer : answer:Go with the weigh-in right after your morning whizz, since most of us hit the bathroom first thing. That’s the closest to fasted weight since you didn’t consume anything for hours. The extra two pounds you see is water weight, basically. Why are you weighing yourself multiple times a day?

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Last Answer : Water, vitamins and calories - you are doing great. You can create a slimmer waist if you do cardio - it will burn the fat all over your body. And crunches are your best friends now. Start eating food ... consume enough of proteins. It's a long way but the results are worthy of every minute of it.

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Last Answer : They appreciate the challenge maybe.

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Last Answer : answer:What kind of terrain will it be used in? Hilly, rough, smooth, Crossing never ending rail road tracks? I would get the cheapest bike unless you just want to spend excess money. You could go to ... still rides fine on the road. No takers at all on Craigslist and I was letting it go cheap.

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Last Answer : answer:I had a friend who insisted it was just baby fat nevermind we were in highschool I saw her several years later and she was stick thin said I told you it was just baby fat. I started ... it was just water weight. I took water pills. They thought this was the funniest thing they ever heard.

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Last Answer : answer:Wecome to Fluther. Well there is more then one possible answer but let me throw a few out there. Muscle is heavier then fat so is you are building muscle you won't lose weight but your clothes ... going to spike you up then slow you down quickly they are also quickly turned to fat. Good luck.

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Last Answer : answer:I sometimes use one at my part time job and I borrowed my brothers for a vacation several months ago. I personally wouldn't recommend it for every day computer use, like typing something up or surfing ... had a couple hundred bucks burning a hole in my pocket and a lot of travel ahead of me.

Description : What is the best way to relieve your muscles after weight lifting?

Last Answer : answer:Just rest! The delayed muscle soreness is just because you're not used to lifting. It will last 2-3 days in each muscle group and then go - it's not a repeat' feature of lifting weights. If ... you're looking to build muscle - about 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day.

Description : Do you tell your friends and family what you weigh, when the discussion comes up?

Last Answer : I will admit it if other people are admitting it; I doubt I'd be the first to admit it out of the blue, though. But it's no secret that I'm satisfied with my weight-I also have no doubt that ... t share it. (And yes, I've noticed men are definitely much more likely to share their weight than women).

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Last Answer : jca I’m 6’1” so I get to see over other people at parades. That’s helped.

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Last Answer : (In Holland) your link doesn’t work.

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Last Answer : Not necessarily, no. Young kids should gain weight as they grow taller, but teenagers may or may not.

Description : Ladies: Has anyone ever mistakenly asked if you were pregnant? How did you respond?

Last Answer : answer:It happened to me once. I just told them I wasn't and said I always hold a lot of my weight in my stomach. Of course they apologized, and I told them not to worry about it. It was ... pregnancy is to let her take my seat, or step ahead of me in the bathroom line if she looks uncomfortable.

Description : Guys, what do you think when you see a woman that could lose X pounds?

Last Answer : answer:First, I think that something must be going on for this person to be 40 lbs overweight. I was there once - I gained exactly 40 lbs after the birth of my daughter. I wasn't sleeping, was ... s going on with this woman? Is she depressed? Can I still be physically attracted to her? Hell yes.

Description : What are your veiws on a 15 year old having bariatric surgery?

Last Answer : My weight is 275lbs. You have to be more specific in your question? Also Welcome to Fluther!

Description : Is there a certain reason why mosquitos are so weightless?

Last Answer : I think you just stated it. Their weightlessness is part of their success strategy. If they were heavy, you’d feel it and brush them off. Also their saliva contains an anesthetic so we don’t feel the bite. Clever little buggers.

Description : Can you add weight to the Earth?

Last Answer : Weight is relative to the gravitational force that acts on the object. Since there is no external gravitational force acting upon the planet, the planet has no weight. It has, however, a mass, and yes, you can increase the earth’s mass. In fact, it gains weight constantly due to meteorite impacts.

Description : How many kg should I weigh?

Last Answer : At least 47 kilograms. Currently you are underweight. Check your BMI with an online calculator.

Description : Is this a good exercise regime?

Last Answer : It sounds like your weight is fine and that regime will help you tone up. With exercise, it’s also important to do something you enjoy and can continue to do, so if that is working for you, do it. You could also look to do some swimming, jogging or walking for more aerobics.

Description : What is the best in-office upper body (arm) workout with free weights?

Last Answer : I spend most of my day writing code and I keep weights next to my chair. Mostly I do curls and putting the weights on my shoulders and moving them up. Sometimes I wave them around like a madman. Anything helps. I try to lift for about 5 minutes of a hour of chair-time. And it actually does help.

Description : When (if ever) is it appropriate to comment on someone's diet and exercise choices?

Last Answer : Weight just isn’t as big a priority as it is for others.

Description : I'm 14, 5 feet and 5 inches tall, and weigh 130 pounds, am I overweight?

Last Answer : Nope. If your 130 lbs is composed entirely of flab, maybe get more exercise to tone up and be healthy, but just on the face of it, 130 is not overweight for 5“5”. Welcome to Fluther.

Description : Why is it socially acceptable to criticize skinny women?

Last Answer : It isn’t where I come from.

Description : Would you weigh yourself in front of a crowd or is that a private thing?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t mind being weighed in front of an audience. Unless I am doing something important and you disturb me, like sleeping. In fact I will tell you how much I weigh. 102 lbs.

Description : How come beauty pageants and bikini contest for fat women can't be found?

Last Answer : I thought you were down with the Invisible hand.

Description : Just how overweight does someone have to be for you to call them overweight?

Last Answer : answer:I don't necessarily go around calling people names but we all have internal dialoge. I ususally split it up into unhealthy weight and healthy weight. Not everyone in the healthy weight has a lean body. Some ... don't like a person than I just don't like them. Weight has nothing to do with it.