What is your favorite dessert?

1 Answer

Answer :

Lemon meringue pie.

Related questions

Description : What is your favorite dessert to make with your kids?

Last Answer : Chocolate Napoleon.I’ll be right over :)

Description : What is your favorite dessert?

Last Answer : I love cherry pie. I’ve made it before—the filling was good but the crust wasn’t. I didn’t learn the secret to good crusts till this year.

Description : What's your favorite dinner and favorite dessert?

Last Answer : answer:1. Dinner: BBq’d marinated steak, corn on cob, salad with mom’s homemade blue cheese dressing and garlic bread. 2. Desserts: Creme Brulees or strawberry/blackberries shortcakes. Now, I’m hungry. LOL

Description : If someone offered to cook you anything you wanted for dinner, what would you ask them to cook, what would you want for dessert and drinks, who's cooking, and what would be the location for the dinner?

Last Answer : answer:It depends who is cooking (since you mention your mom) because my MIL makes different dishes than my mom, and different from my husband, or even a chef. If I could, I'd like for my ex to ... to find. Dessert, as I have said before, my favorite is the Mounds cake from TooJays deli in Florida.

Description : Do you think the Goya empanada discs would be too big to fill with a dessert filling?

Last Answer : Banana and nutella sounds really rich. I probably wouldn’t do anything larger than, say, a mini-quiche for that.

Description : Have you ever had just dessert for a meal?

Last Answer : Last night, Ben had me in a headlock while Jerry pinned me down to the mat. Yes, I had Chunky Monkey for dinner last night.

Description : Do you expect dessert after a meal?

Last Answer : answer:I don't expect meals I'm fairly normal weight, and I don't pay too much attention to what I eat. I eat what is available and affordable. And I take advantage of free when possible. ... potatoes. There's no rhyme or reason to it. Probably won't have another full dinner until payday, though.

Description : What should I do while waiting for dessert?

Last Answer : Guess which ones will regret their actions in the morning.

Description : What Spanish dessert recipes would you reccommend for a high school spanish class?

Last Answer : Here’s an easy recipe for flan .

Description : Does anyone know of a delicious and easy dessert for diabetics.

Last Answer : Chocolate cake. Not quite simple, but not too difficult I hope.

Description : What is a good dessert to make for the fourth of July?

Last Answer : A mountain of fresh blueberries, raspberries and strawberries with real, slightly sweetened whipped cream.

Description : What's an easy, inexpensive appetizer or dessert that I can make or buy to bring to a Friday evening beach party?

Last Answer : You could do a fruit salad pretty cheap. I’ve seen grapes ($0.99 lb), watermelon ($3 each) and cantaloupe ($2 each) really cheap lately. Apples, pineapple, blueberries are good, too. Drizzle with lemon juice to keep things like apple from discoloring.

Description : You're craving something sweet and have no dessert nor candy in the house, what do you do?

Last Answer : I just had this conversation yesterday with someone…how odd! I do about a tsp of honey on my tongue, savor it slowly, it takes the sweet craving away. For a while anyway.

Description : What's your favourite dessert?

Last Answer : My baboon booty cake.

Description : What makes a dessert rich?

Last Answer : Sugar and fat.

Description : What are some really great places to get dessert in/around the Chicago loop?

Last Answer : Tru they offer a few late-night reservations for their dessert tasting menu. I think Hot Chocolate is worth traveling outside the loop for.

Description : What's a good dessert I can make with fresh oranges that are very tart?

Last Answer : italian ice or lollipops, you could also candy the peel, you could make icing out of the juice to top cupcakes or or use it as filling

Description : A good dessert for someone that's lactose-intolerant?

Last Answer : Jello! Its not fancy but it is good, and fun to eat.

Description : Cinco De Mayo Dessert Ideas?

Last Answer : Lots of places online have recipes for authentic flan, aka spanish custard. That, a simple caramel sauce,maybe some nice citrus zest and a mint leaf would make a very, VERY impressive and cheap ... powdered flan mix (but personally, I don't reccomend it because it doesn't taste very authentic.)

Description : Best fruity dessert recipes?

Last Answer : answer:A quickie: green grapes coated lightly w. sour cream and sprinkled lightly w. brown sugar. Baked apple crumble w. an oatmeal topping. Sliced orange sections w. coconut

Description : What food or dessert do you just "have to get" when you visit a theme park?

Last Answer : answer:Yes those funnel cakes with ice cream, strawberries, syrup, powdered sugar, awesome! Also, at Disneyland, we always make a pilgrimage to the ice cream shop and get their Fantasia ice cream- ... the Caribbean ride) is yummy. Now off to the gym to purge myself of those evil fantasies!!!

Description : What is your ONE favorite dessert of all time?

Last Answer : Bread pudding

Description : Do you have a favorite no bake dessert recipe you would like to share?

Last Answer : Chocolate oatmeal cookies 2 Cups sugar Pinch salt ½ cup milk 1 stick butter 4 tbs. cocoa Bring to a boil and boil 2 minutes Then add: 2 tsp. vanilla ½ cup pnut butter 2½ cups oats (the kind that cooks in 1 min) spoon out on aluminum foil in littl round cookie shapes, let cool Makes about 2 dozen

Description : Suggest your favorite Chocolate and Mint dessert recipe.

Last Answer : Make your own thin mints girl scout cookies. I saw a recipe for that on 101cookbooks.com.

Description : What is a ghost's favorite dessert? -Riddles

Last Answer : Ice Scream.

Description : Is German chocolate cake a dessert originating from Germany?

Last Answer : The name “German” is not regarding the country of Germany. The type of chocolate used in the cake, is named for the man who developed the type of chocolate, Samuel German, who worked for Baker’s Chocolate Company. Here’s the whole story: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_chocolate_cake

Description : Is this possibly the WORST name for a dessert drink you've ever heard?

Last Answer : It’s the term for a milkshake made from frozen custard. Some dude called Ted came up with it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Drewes It’s called that because the milkshake is so thick the spoon sticks up in it without falling down.

Description : What are your thoughts on the idea of cutting back on certain ingredients in a dessert so it won't be so fattening?

Last Answer : I am confused. Is the recipe that you were given, with the reduced sugar, the same as the one that was used to create the Christmas cookies? If so, why don’t the new cookies taste the same as the old ones?

Description : What's for dessert?

Last Answer : Banana and a Clementine orange.

Description : Have you ever eaten something sugary, like a dessert, in place of nutritious food when you were really hungry?

Last Answer : I’ve done it at work a few times. It made me feel like absolute balls.

Description : Did your school lunches always come with a dessert?

Last Answer : answer:I was a child in the 90s. Our lunches at school always came with a dessert -usually fruit leather, apple sauce, or the occasional-coveted frozen fruit bar. We never received higher- ... it's more important that they have fruit or yogurt rather than something packed with calories and sugars.

Description : Have you ever made a dessert using tofu?

Last Answer : I have never made it at home, but I have eaten tofu ice cream in restaurants and it is very good.

Description : What is a good dessert to make for a dinner party?

Last Answer : whatever it is, i’d make it light. steak and seafood is heavy…

Description : I want a good dessert recipe.

Last Answer : answer:This is super delicious, very easy, and will make people think you are a super pastry genius. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Vanilla-Bean-Flan-102956

Description : Are there any weird dessert flavors?

Last Answer : Red bean popsicles are weird to most people in the US.

Description : Can anyone give me a good recipe for pot brownies or dessert? (Medical Marijuana)

Last Answer : I googled “marijuana brownie recipes” and this looks like it has some in-depth advice.

Description : Where can I find Authentic Spanish Dessert Recipes?

Last Answer : Sopaipillas

Description : Anyone have a yummy dessert recipe that has equal parts sugar and flour?

Last Answer : Make bread with sugar!

Description : Why is there almost always room for dessert in a full stomach?

Last Answer : I’m not sure, but it’s the opposite for me. If I’m that full, I know that if I attempt to eat dessert, I will throw up. Which is why, if I’m really craving it, I have to make sure I save room.

Description : Quick, Easy and pretty dessert recipe?

Last Answer : slice some sara lee pound cake into thin layers and put it in a baking pan. Then layer it like lasagna. Put pound cake, favorite icecream, then pound cake, and cool whip and finally last ... without it being as heavy as regular chocolate syrup) I've gotten many people addicted to this dessert.

Description : What are some suggestions for a dessert i can make for the office birthday party?

Last Answer : Brownies or cookies. I really like choc-oat-chip cookies. You could also do ginger sugar cookies, they are a real treat and quite easy. Edited to add: A Google of ginger sugar cookies seems to think ... juice in them. They look just like sugar cookies but have a small, spicy ginger kick to them.

Description : What should I make for dessert, preferably involving cranberries and oranges?

Last Answer : You can go to bettycrocker.com and enter whatever ingredients you have and the website will come up with a recipe for those ingredients. http://www.bettycrocker.com/search/searchresults.aspx?terms=oranges%24%23cranberries&refinement=Desserts&reverse=y

Description : Can someone suggest a chocolate dessert for Christmas?

Last Answer : Mousse au Chocolat from the original New YorkTimes Cook Book. It’s foolproof, can be made in advance, makes a lot and is delicious. I made it for a dinner party last New Year’s Eve and was asked to make it again for this one.

Description : What dessert can I make with three egg whites?

Last Answer : meringue on something

Description : Lactose free dessert?

Last Answer : Fruit, both cut and fresh.

Description : I'd like to try making a dessert I haven't tried making yet?

Last Answer : This is my new favorite: Linzer torte Instead of latticing the top (I think it is too complicated), I just crumble what is left of the crust on top. It is deeeee-licious.

Description : What would you bring if you were trapped on a dessert island?

Last Answer : id bring a boat.

Description : Does anyone have an amazing dessert recipe that involves pumpkin as the main ingredient?

Last Answer : answer:Chocolate Pumpkin Cheesecake – I made this last year – and froze the left overs in large chunks and had them for dessert months afterwards, so yummy - http://www.pbs.org/everydayfood/baking/recipes/chocolate_pumpkin_cheesecake_bars.html

Description : Valentine's Lovers of , what are you doing for dinner, dessert and boomshakalaka?

Last Answer : Steak, pie and wife

Description : Valentine's Lovers of , what are you doing for dinner, dessert and boomshakalaka?

Last Answer : Steak, pie and wife