In what context is it okay to assault other human beings, en masse?

1 Answer

Answer :

Only cool in video games and fiction.

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Last Answer : answer:A person could say that this outcome was a triumph of gun control; there would be several dead people if a gun had been used, but instead we have four living people with knife wounds. So if ... it and construe it in some self-serving justification. Facts don't matter, if you're a gun nut,

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Last Answer : Well…..duh! NOBODY, regular citizen needs a freaking assault rifle next to their bed. I am rather anti-gun, they have their place, but their place is not in the hands of foolish, paranoid and aggressive people and they are, obviously, the weapon of choice for the emotionally unstable.

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Last Answer : Join the army. They’ll give you an assault rifle for free, teach you how to use it and fly you all over the world so you can shoot people with it.

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Last Answer : But you could never be specific as to what you were looking for. Not the keys to a Ford. I need the keys to a Chevy you silly bird!

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Last Answer : answer:Highly recommended. I have made a point of not being friends with any of my co-workers. I've ignored friend requests and instead told people in person that I prefer not to share my online ... much information is available online, and I have yet to have someone be offended when I explain that.

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Last Answer : To be honest I kind of don't care, but least I can say it. Not to mention I should not have to pick up after other people if you will, and when I do say something unless I have a lot of money, ... about 2:30 in the video. Sums up how I feel to a degree.

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Last Answer : Trenchcoat mafia? Of course it’s okay, try it out… let me know how it goes…

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Last Answer : It’s the Oscar Grant defense. In the “heat of the moment” all training and presence of mind go out of consciousness,a nd cops are acting only on adrenaline and anger. They are not robots, don’t expect them to not make mistakes. Patrol cops should not be allowed to have guns.

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Last Answer : KNOWITALL Can I ask what recent cases of this you are referring to?

Description : Why is it necessary to fire anything in an acting scene with a gun?

Last Answer : It’s not necessary at all, it’s just cheaper. The sounds and puffs of smoke (if they want) can be easily added in post production.

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Last Answer : If people actually believed that, they probably don’t understand the rules of proper gunplay. And if you don’t understand the rules, you’re screwed no matter what.

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Last Answer : My opinion is that the vast majority of them are cowards and guns are part of this elaborate, poser cosplay they insist is a revolution. Here in Massachusetts recently, a handful of supposed militia types ... skills and training. All bark. No bite (thankfully). Like those guys - full of crap.

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Last Answer : Anything for a buck

Description : How can we prevent people like Hole purchasing weapons?

Last Answer : Well, there’s one very obvious (and simple) stop selling guns altogether. Still leaves dozens of millions of guns on the street and in the houses (and holsters), but it would at least make it more difficult to come by, if some confused mind wants to get one.

Description : Do Rifles have one in a chamber?

Last Answer : Depends on whether the gun is open or closed bolt. The latter do.

Description : What the difference between each bolt action rifles?

Last Answer : Here is a great Youtube Channel, that should answer your questions:

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Last Answer : NO!!! I used to think that someone would come up with a reasonable law that would work, but now I realize that no one wants a reasonable law…They just want to be able to shoot someone that dares to look at them cross eyed!!!

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Last Answer : There have been instances already, where the good guy with a gun (black, coincidentally'), was gunned down by the cops when they showed up. Apart from the obvious fact that the arriving coppers ... revealed that they are, as usual, full of shit, the propaganda damage will have already been done.

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Last Answer : No. Free speech is sacred. That said, it’s not unconstitutional for the FBI to investigate people who are discussing/planning acts of domestic terrorism.

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Last Answer : I agree, 5. The best knife depends on the common weapons of the other children, and the cultural responses to violence. My choice in my circumstances was the pencil.

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Last Answer : The president was railing against globalists days ago. That is anti-Semitic rhetoric stemming from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and before, from the Nazis, and from far right ... debatable. Out loud anti-Semitism hasn't been this fashionable for American conservatives since the 1930s.

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Last Answer : As long as they were not allowed to have any ammo on that certain time of the month, I would be fine with it.

Description : Why do you own a gun?

Last Answer : I have a gun for protection. I also have a concealed carry permit but I don’t carry it anywhere. Just curious @josie, are there kids in your home that could get to your guns?

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Last Answer : Black History in the USA: Banned 3 minute Cartoon

Description : Does President Trump carry a firearm?

Last Answer : No. He would not do that without bragging about it and showing it off.

Description : How do you predict the gun rally is going to go tomorrow?

Last Answer : Do they even need to bring their unloaded guns? They could make their point as effectively without carrying weapons.

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Last Answer : I have been married for over 28 years and still can’t understand how a woman thinks.

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Last Answer : While I don’t disagree that there is some connection, I don’t quite know which is causality, and which is end result.

Description : Are school shootings the focus of gun control efforts?

Last Answer : I think right now school shootings are the “poster boy” for gun violence. I’ll take the focus on it any way I can get it.

Description : Do you think part of the solution is to ban back packs?

Last Answer : no

Description : What conclusion do you draw from the chart posted in the details?

Last Answer : I would get from that that they are trying to imply we need more gun control because the states with lax laws have more gun-related deaths

Description : Do you think it's in poor form to post something on Facebook about your rifle, along with a picture of your rifle, so soon after Texas?

Last Answer : No. She's going hunting and was just showing off. It wasn't like she was referencing the shooting in her post by mentioning it. Terrible things happen, but life moves on. I'm not saying we need ... . Someone going hunting after an event like this isn't in poor form. And neither is posting about it.

Description : The deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history just happened. How should we talk about it?

Last Answer : I don’t even want to discuss it, it sickens me. Makes me want to renounce my citizenship and leave this God Forsaken country for a new start in a more sane nation. But I cant afford to relocate at my age. That’s all I care to say.

Description : So you own a gun and someone breaks into your home while you are there. Do you use it?

Last Answer : Call the cops, my firearms are so locked up, even under duress it would take a full five to ten minutes to get them unlocked then load them any intruder would be long gone or do whatever to us they wanted.

Description : Could an obsession with guns and gun collecting be a form of OCD or mental illness?

Last Answer : I think everyone has mild forms of OCD. Like with one any mental illness it depends on the intensity and how badly it disrupts their normal life. I think in the example you gave it’s just a guy who is substituting his weapons due to some sort of masculine insecurity.

Description : Should gun safety be taught as an elective course at state high schools?

Last Answer : I don’t think it should count as an academic elective class, but it might be ok as what my school called an “activity”.

Description : Is this too much?

Last Answer : Perspective. The GOP gunman was a whack job, domestic terrorist with a history of violence. In his case having more than a dozen bullets would be excessive. Do you frequently practice shooting? In ... a full box and a partially opened box would make sense. Anything more than that is excessive.

Description : Do you think law enforcement has the right to "act like they are the military"? (Read description)

Last Answer : Your friend is foolish. If his mom got shot by this guy, he’d be singing a different song.

Description : Does the 2nd amendment support bringing a gun to work and aiming at your colleague?

Last Answer : My question is does he get to carry his gun on his person when interviewing Trump in person?

Description : Do Uber and Lyft drivers carry firearms?

Last Answer : Uber does. Lyft doesn’t. Source (its a bit out of date but still…)

Description : Why would anyone think it's a good idea to "test" a bullet-proof vest when they're actually wearing a flak jacket?

Last Answer : And once again, the process of natural selection shows its primacy. Stupid people do stupid things.

Description : Once you get the gun away, what do you do with it?

Last Answer : You can bring them to the local police. That’s legal and permanent, how safe it is to put more guns in the hands of the police might be a question.

Description : Should Donald Trump's gun be taken away?

Last Answer : answer:Seems to me his gun is not the actual problem. Seems like taking his gun would just send the gun safety debate in a weird direction. I'd say what should be done instead is the media ... Why a xenophobic president? Etc. I.e. how can we correct the insanity and childishness in our culture?

Description : Why can't we just ignore them?

Last Answer : Why not just rain down some Hellfire missiles from a Predator drone? They are terrorists, after all.

Description : Have you ever been mad enough at someone, that if a gun was handy you would have used it?

Last Answer : if i was an american ex-cop, i might have used it to kill someone at the cinema for using his mobile phone.

Description : In your opinion do you really believe that stricter gun laws will stop these radical mass shootings?

Last Answer : But the black market will really boom, by making them illegal,the underworld will totally prosper,is that another form of privatization?

Description : Why do we talk more about gun control than vehicle control?

Last Answer : answer:It's about the culture. The U.S. is dealing with an insane amount of violence, and its citizens want to find out why that is. There is something inherently troubling about a person ... argue that our use of cars should be severely restricted, for environmental reasons as well as our safety.

Description : Can America sustain the rate of one+ mass shootings per day*?

Last Answer : I’m so sorry to hear of this kind of statistic.

Description : Where is the evidence to prove that the latest shootings in Colorado Springs did in fact happen at a Planned Parenthood?

Last Answer : answer:Disclaimer: I did not click the link in the OP. As sad as it is to say, if your friend thinks absolutely all news organizations are lying including Fox, then they won’t believe any source you present to them.

Description : Would you stop visiting a friend at their house, if you found out they had firearms?

Last Answer : No and it should not bother you.