How would you deal with a situation where a friend of yours has become laughing stock due to certain situation?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would defend without divulging. As in “Mary has some issues right now that she is working through that I’m not at liberty to discuss with anyone. So if you all could give her a break for now, I’d appreciate it and I’m sure Mary will too.”

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Last Answer : I think that you should consider the friendship over and move on.

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Last Answer : answer:This is about her and not you. She is distracted by her profound grief and not focusing on the micro-detail of your behavior. You were a loving friend to spend time with her at the ... now and under the circumstances. Be available later when the dust settles and she is not so distracted.

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Last Answer : answer:I have forgiven, but the forgotten part eludes me. My sister borrowed money from me and from our parents, then when it was time to pay it back, she refused saying she needed it worse than we did. Now, ... , or give her some as a straight out gift. That way I don't set myself up to be hurt.

Description : What do I make of this? (if anything)

Last Answer : answer:My first impression is that he is a very good friend. Luckily, there are still kind-hearted, well-meaning good people out there. It sounds like he is one. Personally, I would try not to ... whatever happens, happen. Continue to be friends with him and see if you pick up any other signals.

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Last Answer : answer:This question cracks me up. My ex-brother in law, who is gay, like 10 years back, and I discussed gay rights one afternoon. He said he would be happy with just civil union rights. I told him that is ... a few days later. He said, Oh, you are the straight guy who is a freak for gay rights?

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Last Answer : Sure. All my friendships are based on feeling that connection. These are the people that I believe I can go without seeing for long periods of time we live in different parts of the country and I’ll still have a great conversation with them when we do get together.