Do I still benefit from this?

1 Answer

Answer :

Hey, be careful. Aerobic fitness gets lost really fast when you are sedentary for a short time, and takes a while to get it back. That’s true even when your iron isn’t a problem. Don’t push it too hard. Have you been walking? Other smaller exercises? Give yourself a little time to build back up. If your heart is pounding through your chest maybe slow down a little. Every time you use your muscles for anything you help maintain the muscle. Pushing the muscle helps build it, but I wouldn’t push so hard yet. Iron is a big deal. Maybe check with your doctor what amount of exercise is safe. Side note: SlowFe is the best OTC iron in my opinion. Doesn’t bother my stomach at all, I can take two at a time, and raises my numbers. Everyone I know who takes it swears by it. It was originally recommended to me by a doctor. Also, it aborbs best in an empty stomach, or take with orange juice, because C helps iron absorb. Check your vitamin D next time you get a blood test if you’re not tan, if they haven’t tested it already. Eat plenty of leafy green veggies for more iron, and raisins have iron and will help you not get constipated from the iron pills.

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