Describe the process of respiration in plants?  

1 Answer

Answer :

The process of respiration in plants continues day and night.

Entry of Oxygen: -

Oxygen from air spaces on leaves diffused into tissues and cells. Then this

oxygen dissolves in film of water present over cells. In cells this oxygen

oxidizes the carbohydrates to produce energy.

Excretion of CO2: -

Some carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis. Remaining is passed out

through lenticels and stomata.

 Water: -

 Water produced in this process becomes a part of already present water.

Rate of Respiration: -

This process takes with faster rate in those parts, which have rapid growth like

growing seeds, buds etc because these parts require more energy to grow. 

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Description : Out of photosynthesis and respiration in plants, which process occurs : (a) all the time ? -Science

Last Answer : Respiration. (b) Photosynthesis.

Description : In plants water is absorbed by the root hairs by a process called: (1) Transpiration (2) Respiration (3) Perspiration (4) Osmosis

Last Answer : (4) Osmosis Explanation: Plants absorb water from their root hairs on the root via osmosis. It is then transported to other parts of the plant. (through the network of xylem vessels) through a combination of capillary action and "transiprational pull".

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Last Answer : Respiration

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Last Answer : (c) photorespiration

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Last Answer : Osmosis

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Last Answer : Oxidative phosphorylation. In this process ATP is synthesizedfrom ADP that is coupled to the operation of the mitochondrialelectron transport system.

Description : What word is used to describe respiration which uses oxygen?

Last Answer : Oxidative phosphorylation. In this process ATP is synthesizedfrom ADP that is coupled to the operation of the mitochondrialelectron transport system.

Description : Define Respiration? Also describe its significance?

Last Answer : The organism requires energy to perform their activities. This energy is obtained by metabolizing the food that they eat. This process is called respiration.  Significance: - The energy is ... and no life. Therefore for survival and to perform these activities respiration if very necessary.  

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : In anaerobic respiration in plants glucose without the use of oxygen breaks down in alcohol + carbon dioxide + less amount of energy.

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Last Answer : All plants must have a way of getting energy. Most plants evenunderwater plants such as seaweed use photosynthesis and cellularrespiration to get energy.

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Last Answer : No. Cellular respiration occurs mostly in the mitochondria (the "powerhouse of the cell") and in the cytoplasm (the fluid filling the cell).

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Last Answer : Ans. ((c))

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Last Answer : Ans:(a)

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Last Answer : (4) Conduction and respiration Explanation: Conduction is the process by which vital nutrients are transported to the different parts of a plant. This process is independent of the light factor ... the photosynthesis process cannot be happening without sun, so it exhales the carbon-dioxide itself.

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Last Answer : (4) There is mechanical loss of tissues and drought condition prevails Explanation: Respiration does not rely on the sun, so it is possible for plants to respire around the clock. The rate of respiration ... drought in that frozen water is unavailable to the plant. The air is very dry as well.

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Last Answer : This is an incorrect view. Both plants and animals carry on respiration as a major source of energy for vital functions. Only plants, however, are also capable of carrying out photosynthesis. The ... will determine whether there is a net uptake of O2 or CO2 from a particular plant region. 

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Last Answer : (A) C3 plants

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Last Answer : (A) Phototropism

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Last Answer : (d) Lactate fermentation

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Last Answer : (b) reduced transpiration

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Last Answer : a. Transpiration

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Last Answer : Transpiration

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Last Answer : Respiration

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Last Answer : Conduction and respiration

Description : Plants are dried up in winter due to frost because (1) Evaporation does not take place (2) Photosynthesis does not take place at such low temperature (3) Respiration does not take place at low temperature (4) There is mechanical loss of tissues and drought condition prevails

Last Answer : There is mechanical loss of tissues and drought condition prevails

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Last Answer : Answer. (a) Balanced chemical equation has an equal number of atoms of different elements in the reactants and products. According to law of conservation of mass, matter can neither be created nor be destroyed in a chemical ... C6H12O6 (s) + 6O2 (g) + 6H2O ---> 6CO2 (aq) + 12H2O (l) + energy

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Why is cellular respiration an aerobic process? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : Answer : Oxygen used in oxidation of glucose during cell respiration enters the cell in the process of diffusion.

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Last Answer : Hydra completes respiration and excretion in the diffusion process.

Description : In which organ of living cell the process of respiration is completed ?

Last Answer : Respiration is completed in the mitochondria

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Last Answer : During respiration, oxygen enters the blood from the lungs in the process of diffusion.

Description : Why is respiration called metabolic process ?

Last Answer : In the process of respiration, complex foodstuffs (organic compounds) are broken down into simpler ingredients (inorganic compounds). This reduces the dry weight of the cell and releases energy , so respiration is called catabolic metabolism .

Description : What is produced in the process of respiration ?

Last Answer : The process of respiration produces carbon dioxide and ATP.

Description : What is the energy stored in the process of respiration ?

Last Answer : The energy produced during respiration is stored in the form of ATP .

Description : How many calories are produced in the process of respiration ?

Last Answer : The process of respiration produces 686 k cal / mol calorie energy.

Description : How many steps is completed in the process of respiration ?

Last Answer : Sabat respiration process is completed in 4 steps.

Description : What best describes the nature of celluar respiration is it releasing process or gathering process?

Last Answer : Need answer

Description : What During the process of cellular respiration energy is released from?

Last Answer : Chemical bonds

Description : Are mitochondria used in the process of cellular respiration?

Last Answer : Yes, they are the powerhouses of eukaryotic Cells. {Pardon me as I look 'aside' to Ask if mitochondria are also in Prokaryotes}{Help please}

Description : What is a similar process to respiration but happens more quickly?

Last Answer : Glucose and oxygen react together in cells to produce carbon dioxide and water and releases energy. The reaction is called aerobic respiration because oxygen from the air is needed for it to work. ... the reaction. The mitochondria , found in the cell cytoplasm, are where most respiration happens.

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Last Answer : Answer : C