What is a similar process to respiration but happens more quickly?

1 Answer

Answer :

Glucose and oxygen react together in cells to produce carbon dioxide and water and releases energy. The reaction is called aerobic respiration because oxygen from the air is needed for it to work. Energy is released in the reaction. The mitochondria , found in the cell cytoplasm, are where most respiration happens.

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Last Answer : The process of respiration produces carbon dioxide and ATP.

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Last Answer : The energy produced during respiration is stored in the form of ATP .

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Considering the chemical equation of the aerobic cellular respiration it is observed that glucose and molecular oxygen are needed as reagents and carbon dioxide and water are released. The process also spends ADP and phosphate that turn into ATP.

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Last Answer : (2) Anaerobic Respiration Explanation: Fermentation in food processing is the process of converting carbohydrates to alcohol or organic acids using microorganisms—yeasts or bacteria—under anaerobic conditions. It also occurs in oxygenstarved muscle cells, as in the case of lactic acid fermentation.

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Last Answer : (4) Osmosis Explanation: Plants absorb water from their root hairs on the root via osmosis. It is then transported to other parts of the plant. (through the network of xylem vessels) through a combination of capillary action and "transiprational pull".

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Last Answer : (2) Catabolic Process Explanation: Cellular respiration is a catabolic process because it is breaking down glucose to eventually transfer energy into its usable form in ATP. An anabolic process builds things up, photosynthesis is a version of this and the metabolic opposite of cellular respiration.

Description : Respiration process requires – (1) heat (2) water (3) oxygen (4) sunlight

Last Answer : (3) oxygen Explanation: In physiology, respiration (often confused with breathing) is defined as the transport of oxygen from the outside air to the cells within tissues, and the ... behavior is correlated to the cardiovascular behavior to control the gaseous exchange between cells and blood.

Description : Describe the process of respiration in plants?  

Last Answer : The process of respiration in plants continues day and night. Entry of Oxygen: - Oxygen from air spaces on leaves diffused into tissues and cells. Then this oxygen dissolves in film of water ... have rapid growth like growing seeds, buds etc because these parts require more energy to grow. 

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Last Answer : Respiration

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Last Answer : Respiration

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Last Answer : (b) fermentation

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Last Answer : (c) photorespiration

Description : Yeast play an important role in the alcohol industry, converting pyruvic acid into carbondioxide and ethyl alcohol by the process of A- glycolysis B- respiration C- fermentation D- Krebs cycle

Last Answer : fermentation

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Last Answer : Diffussion

Description : The process by which glucose is broken down and carbon dioxide and alcohol are released is: a) glycolysis b) photosynthesis c) respiration d) fermentation


Description : Fermentation is a type of ________ process . (1) Aerobic Respiration (2) Anaerobic Respiration (3) Exothermic Reaction (4) Transpiration

Last Answer : Exothermic respiration

Description : Respiration is regarded as a (1) Synthetic Process (2) Catabolic Process (3) Anabolic Process (4) Reduction Process

Last Answer : Catabolic Process

Description : In plants water is absorbed by the root hairs by a process called: (1) Transpiration (2) Respiration (3) Perspiration (4) Osmosis

Last Answer : Osmosis

Description : Respiration process requires (1) heat (2) water (3) oxygen (4) sunlight

Last Answer : oxygen