Write a note on Measles?

1 Answer

Answer :

Measles is a very infectious and worldwide disease of children.


The disease starts with fever and the symptoms of cold, cough and a watery

discharge from the eyes. On the third day rash appear first on the face and then

spread over the whole body.

Causative Organism: -

The causative organism is a virus, which is air born and is inhaled in droplets. The

disease is spread by the viruses that are discharged from eyes and from nose. They

become air born and spread rapidly.

Treatment and Control: -

There is no specific treatment. The sign and symptoms of the disease disappear after

seven days. The child should be given plenty of drink specially milk. It is difficult to

control the disease because it is highly infectious as the patient becomes infectious

for about 2 days before the symptom of the disease develop. 

Related questions

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Last Answer : I am due for my ten year revaccination for Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis this summer, so I would go get it done right away. I had a measles titer done two years ago, I am immune.

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Last Answer : There are tests that can be run to see if one has the antibodies, but I heard they are expensive. I had measles as a child so that is not a concern, although I never had a rubella ( German ... kids' pediatrician, and I also have a copy of their immunization record. They are up to date on everything.

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Last Answer : They aren’t logical: ergo no logic.

Description : Are all the kids who are getting measles the kids who weren't vaccinated?

Last Answer : No. I heard that a few had been vaccinated, but the vaccine isn’t 100% effective so they got it anyway.

Description : What are the symptoms of measles ?

Last Answer : Symptoms of measles are: (1) The sperm of the patient affected by the disease is very fluid. (2) The patient gradually becomes physically weak and weakens. (3) The beauty of the body and ... occurs at the agitation of the mind. (15) If ejaculation is done during defecation, ejaculation occurs.

Description : What kind of disease is measles ?

Last Answer : Measles is a disease caused by a virus.

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Last Answer : Homeopathic medicine for measles "Medorrhinum"

Description : Is it possible to drink milk if you have diarrhea or measles ?

Last Answer : No, if you have diarrhea or measles, you should not drink milk.

Last Answer : Measles is an airborne disease.

Last Answer : : Hummer Ticker Inventors (Envers and John Pebbles)

Last Answer : : Measles virus causes measles

Last Answer : Measles is a highly contagious viral disease. This disease is more common in children. However, adults can also get this disease. The disease is mainly spread through touch , sneezing and coughing.

Last Answer : : Anderson and John Peebles discovered the measles vaccine.

Description : Is there really a measles epidemic in Hungary? Have you vaccinated yourself?

Last Answer : I think everyone has vaccinated themselves with the measles vaccine, since it's been mandatory since 1969 I think. Measles today mainly affects babies under 15 months of age because they have not yet ... for those who have not been vaccinated for other reasons and have not yet had measles. 

Description : What are Measles, its symptom, and organ affected by it?

Last Answer : Measles typically begins with a mild to moderate fever, often accompanied by a persistent cough, runny nose, inflamed eyes (conjunctivitis) and sore throat. This relatively mild illness may last two or ... system, and the spleen. In the skin, the measles virus causes inflammation in the capillaries.

Description : How do you get measles?

Last Answer : Measles is a 'communicable' disease - meaning that you have tobe in physical contact with someone already infected in order toget the disease yourself.

Description : Measles?

Last Answer : DefinitionMeasles is a very contagious (easily spread) illness caused by a virus.Alternative NamesRubeolaCauses, incidence, and risk factorsThe infection is spread by contact with droplets from the nose ... recently.Some parents do not let their children get vaccinated because of unfounded fears th

Description : What's Measles?

Last Answer : Both the rubeola and rubella viruses are spread through the respiratory route. This means they are contagious through coughing and sneezing. In fact, the rubeola virus is one of the most contagious viruses ... tract before they get sick, so they can spread the disease without being aware of it.

Description : After how many days rash appears on the body after the attack of Measles? (a) One day (b) Four days (c) Six days (d) One week

Last Answer : Ans:(d)

Description : Triple vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize it against - (1) whooping cough, tetanus and measles (2) whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (3) tetanus, diphtheria, measles and rubella (4) tetanus, diphtheria, small pox and rubella

Last Answer : (2) whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria Explanation: Triple Antigen vaccine is a combination of Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (whooping cough). The vaccine stimulates the production of antibodies to ... three viruses listed above. It is recommended to children older than 2 months of age.

Description : The disease which has been eradicated (1) Mumps (2) Measles (3) Small pox (4) Chicken pox

Last Answer : (3) Small pox Explanation: Smallpox was an infectious disease caused by either of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor. After vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th ... diseases to have been eradicated, the other being rinderpest which was declared eradicated in 2011.

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Last Answer : (1) Measles Explanation: Airborne diseases are the infections spread by airborne transmissions including Chickenpox, Anthrax, Influenza, Measles, Smallpox, Cryptococcosis and Tuberculosis.

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Last Answer : (2) Malaria Explanation: Malaria vaccine is a vaccine that is used to prevent malaria. The only approved vaccine as of 2015 is RTS,S, known by the trade name Mosquirix. It requires four injections, and has a relatively low efficacy.

Description : Which of the following is an air-borne disease? (1) Measles (2) Typhoid (3) Pink eye (4) None of the above

Last Answer : (1) Measles Explanation: Airborne diseases are the infections spread by airborne transmissions including Chickenpox, Anthrax, Influenza, Measles, Smallpox, Cryptococcosis and Tuberculosis.

Description : BCG immunization is for - (1) Measles (2) Tuberculosis (3) Diphtheria (4) Leprosy

Last Answer : (2) Tuberculosis Explanation: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a vaccine against tuberculosis that is prepared from a strain of the attenuated (weakened) live bovine tuberculosis bacillus, ... subcultured in an artificial medium for 13 years, and also prepared from Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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Last Answer : (d) measles

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Last Answer : (b) Tobacco mosaic virus

Description : All of the following are examples of communicable diseases except: a. Chickenpox. b. Measles. c. The common cold. d. Tetanus

Last Answer : d. Tetanus.

Description : _____ can spread from person to person in respiratory secretions or it may be inherited congenitally. a. Measles b. Chickenpox c. Rosella d. Herpes

Last Answer : c. Rosella

Description : are diagnostic for measles. a. Koplik spots b. Wart-like lesions c. Swollen lymph nodes d. Blisters on the body trunk

Last Answer : a. Koplik spots

Description : A red, itchy rash that forms small, teardrop-shaped, fluid-filled vesicles is typical of a. Measles. b. Rubella. c. Chickenpox. d. Mumps.

Last Answer : c. Chickenpox.

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Last Answer : b. viruses

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Last Answer : C. Measles/ Rubeola

Description : A physician refers a nine years-old boy to you to confirm diagnosis. The boy has a fever of 40°C and coughing. When you focus your light into his eyes he turns away. Intra-orally there are white ... by red margins. The disease and lesions are: A. Measles and Koplik's spots B. AHGS vesicles

Last Answer : A. Measles and Koplik’s spots

Description : A 12 years-old girl complains of sore mouth, she has painful cervical lymphadenitis and a temperature of 39°c, oral examination shows numerous yellow grey lesions. What is the MOST LIKELY ... mentor hombres mas de 20 años en labios C. Herpetic gingivostomatitis D. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Last Answer : C. Herpetic gingivostomatitis

Description : The disease which has been eradicated : (1) Mumps (2) Measles (3) Small pox (4) Chicken pox

Last Answer : Small pox

Description : BCG immunization is for (1) Measles (2) Tuberculosis (3) Diphtheria (4) Leprosy

Last Answer : Tuberculosis

Description : Triple vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize it against (1) whooping cough, tetanus and measles (2) whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria (3) tetanus, diphtheria, measles and rubella (4) tetanus, diphtheria, small pox and rubella

Last Answer : whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria