Which is the bird that eats stones?

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Last Answer : He's looking for a "toy" - instead of stones, give him a balloon or a stick (or a pork bone, for example) - so that the stones don't ruin your teeth.

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Description : what animal eats tomatoes on the vine & it looks like the tomatoe has been sliced with a knife

Last Answer : You need a 6 ft fence around your garden..............in the meantime, when the sun goes down & the plants cool off, mix up 2 tablespoons dawn and 1 qt water and 2 drops of hot sauce and mix ... might have a racoon, they eat veggies...........deer have very sharp teeth, you need a wildlife camera

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : what eats the blooms off zucchinni and how do i treat it organically

Last Answer : after the sun goes down have ready a mix of 2 teasp liquid dawn and 1 qt water and spray......................spray again after the rain..it could be deer or rabbit...........hope that you have it fenced.

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Last Answer : Some bugs only come out in the dark of night. After the sun has passed over, mix 1 teasp liquid hand soap and 1 qt of water in sprayer, mix & spray, might need to be repeated.............and again after a rain.

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Last Answer : start with 1 teasp kitchen liquid soap W 1 qt water into sprayer and use it after the sun passes over.

Description : What type of insect eats petunia blooms?

Last Answer : pink ones must be sweeter....give them a treat to 1 teasp of liquid hand soap & 1 qt of water in a hand sprayer after the sun has passed......................

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Last Answer : after the sun goes down, have ready a mix of 1 teasp liquid kitchen soap & 1 qt water and spray well..........................spray again after it rains.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : What eats cucumber blooms

Last Answer : after the sun goes down have ready a mix of 1 teasp liquid kitchen soap & 1 qt water and spray......................spray again after it rains.

Description : my whitebud tree has some sort of bug which curls the leaves over to make a web and eats the leaves. What is it

Last Answer : You Have Leaf Rollers :( Give the tree a bath with blue dawn dish soap mixed in water wont hurt the plants and its good for the soil and it will kill the critters on the tree but wont prevent reinfestation

Description : What eats iris leaves and rhizomes?

Last Answer : Deer usually don't bother them, maybe rabbitts, try mixing 2 tablespoons dawn & 1 qt water & couple drops hot sauce......if you have old pepper any kind sprinkle that over them............they won't like it................

Description : should I prune my roses after a rabbit eats them

Last Answer : No you should not! But here’s a site to get some Rabbit Scram to stop them from eating up your roses. And even though this is a deer scram site, the information given works very well with roses. http://www.deerscram.com/ -Birdy

Description : what pest eats onion shoots?

Last Answer : At my house slugs eat my onion shoots.Haven't seen any thing but them.Zone 8 b.