Which is true of pluto?

1 Answer

Answer :

Pluto has a moon that is about half its size

Related questions

Description : Which is true of pluto?

Last Answer : Pluto has a moon that is about half its size

Description : What would happen if equal to Charon's mass was added to the dwarf planet Pluto?

Last Answer : Your question is confusing. Add the mass? The system already has a combined mass. And if you're asking about a body of the mass of Charon and Pluto combined, the center of mass is should be ... Or are you asking about combining a body of Charon's mass with Pluto while Charon remains in orbit?

Description : Would Charon, Pluto's largest moon, be knocked out of its orbit if the other moons of Pluto slammed into it?

Last Answer : It would be entirely dependent on the trajectory of your projectile, and velocity, mass, density of all involved bodies.

Description : What would happen to the dwarf planet Pluto if all its moons collided with it except Charon?

Last Answer : Depending on how they collide,either the mass of the moons would be combined with Pluto, or there would be a massive ejection of matter away from the surface, some of which could escape the Pluto-Charon ... of dust in the air. I imagine its appearance would be a lot lumpier looking than at present.

Description : Trivia time. What are the origins of the names of the 8 planets and Pluto?

Last Answer : Gods.

Description : How do I get rid of the "Weather bug" and "Pluto TV" programs that come up when I have to restart?

Last Answer : They are an add on to one of your browsers. That is where you can remove them.

Description : Why exactly was Pluto kicked out of the group?

Last Answer : Someone submitted the discovery of the 10th planet, and the governing body that decides such things basically said Pluto should have never really been classified as a planet because it's way the hell smaller ... planet' you found, which is roughly the same size as Pluto, it doesn't qualify either .

Description : Why does Goofy walk on two legs and speak while Pluto is on all fours and can't speak when they are both dogs?

Last Answer : because they’re cartoons…

Description : Why is Pluto not a planet?

Last Answer : It’s a satellite of whichever planet comes before it. Even while Pluto was considered a planet, it always had an irregular orbit, which has apparently been decided is an irregular satellite obit; instead of just obiting the planet, it orbits the sun as well.

Description : Why Does Pluto Live in a dog house, eat dog food, etc. but Goofy, who is also a dog, lives in a condo and drives a car?

Last Answer : Pluto was demoted recently to a non-planet; perhaps that makes him less dog-entitled, also.

Description : What is Pluto ?

Last Answer : Pluto was discovered in 1930. Scientist Clyde W. Tombau discovered it. It takes 246 years (as the Earth) to orbit the sun. Pluto's average distance from the Sun is about 600 million kilometers. ... has been listed as a planet for several years, it has been considered a dwarf planet since 2009 .

Description : What is the average distance of Pluto from the Sun ?

Last Answer : Pluto's average distance from the Sun is about 600 million kilometers. References: Wikipedia.

Description : Who Discovered Pluto ?

Last Answer : Answer : Scientist Clyde W. Tombau discovers Pluto. References: Wikipedia.

Description : When was Pluto Discovered ?

Last Answer : Pluto was discovered in 1930.

Description : How many days does Pluto orbit the sun ?

Last Answer : Answer : Pluto 247.94 which means (five after the decimal is added to the whole number ) . References: Wikipedia.

Description : What is the diameter of Pluto ?

Last Answer : Pluto diameter 238. 6 kilometers.

Description : What are the significant satellites of Pluto ?

Last Answer : Notable satellites of Pluto are Caron , Knicks , Hydra , Carberos and Styx.

Description : When is the status of Pluto canceled ?

Last Answer : On 24/08/2006 , Pluto was removed from the planetary position.

Description : What is Pluto ?

Last Answer : Pluto is a dwarf planet. As its orbit is not specified, it has been demoted from the status of a planet and placed in the list of dwarf planets.

Last Answer : Pluto The biggest The moon ' Charon '

Description : The title was taken away from him a long time ago, but nowadays it turns out to be bigger than they thought, if I know correctly.

Last Answer : This is because it is highly elliptical, and the dwarf planet has been moving away from the Sun again since its perihelion in 1989. The next near-day point in Pluto's orbit is not reached until 2247.   

Description : What color is pluto?

Last Answer : Pluto is not considered as a planet now. It's called a dwarf planet. And about the color, Pluto has a reddish brown color as per NASA articles. The reason behind this coloration is that the ... Now your daughter can complete her project and you can give a perfect answer to her beautiful teacher.

Description : Pluto has mean diameter of 2,300 km and very eccentric orbit (oval shaped) around the Sun, with a perihelion (nearest) distance of 4.4 × 10^9 km

Last Answer : Pluto has mean diameter of 2,300 km and very eccentric orbit (oval shaped) around the Sun, ... Assume that distance from the Sun can be neglected.

Description : Why Pluto shouldn't be a planet?

Last Answer : Pluto is way to small to be a planet.Now we have 8 planets inour solar system not 9.Pluto is much smaller then earths moon!IfPluto was just a little bit smaller then Mercury, it would be aplanet, but Pluto is TINY compared to Mercury.

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

Description : In astrophysicist chronicles battle over Pluto what reason does dr Tyson give for Pluto status as Americas favorite planet?

Last Answer : Americans associate Pluto with the Disney character of the same name.apex got it right

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Pluto was male.

Description : How many moons does Pluto have over all the years?

Last Answer : Pluto has 5 known moons.

Description : How many moons are in there in the solar system that are larger than Pluto?

Last Answer : Wikipedia has a list of moons, in the article "List of naturalsatellites" - you can sort that list by radius, and count the onesthat are larger than Pluto's radius.

Description : What begins near Pluto orbit?

Last Answer : Pluto's orbit is near the beginning of the Kuiper belt.

Description : Why is Pluto now call dwarf planet?

Last Answer : It was declassified as a planet.

Description : Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?

Last Answer : because Pluto is like an asteroid it is so tiny

Description : Why is Pluto not considered a planet?

Last Answer : Its not that Pluto isn't considered a planet anymore. Pluto is just considered a dwarf planet.

Description : Which planet is known as the red planet? (a) Jupiter (b) Mars (c) Venus (d) Pluto

Last Answer : Ans:(b)

Description : Which of the following statements is correct? (1) Pluto is not a Planet now (2) Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 (3) Pluto has been given the number 134340 (4) All of the above

Last Answer : (4) All of the above Explanation: Pluto was discovered by clyde Tombaugh in 1930. According to International Astronomical Union (IAU) on August 24, 2006 Pluto is considered as dwarf planet. According ... Eris, Make make and Haumea. Pluto has been given number 134340. Physical Geography (Set: 10)

Description : Which planets do not have satellites revolving around them? (1) Mars and Venus (2) Mercury and Venus (3) Mars and Mercury (4) Neptune and Pluto

Last Answer : (2) Mercury and Venus Explanation: Of the nine planets, only Venus and Mercury have no known natural satellites. A total of 139 moons, or natural satellites, can be found in the vast solar system.

Description : Which is the coldest among the following? (1) Mars (2) Earth (3) Pluto (4) Mercury

Last Answer : (3) Pluto Explanation: Until it lost its planetary status in 2006, Pluto was the coldest with an estimated surface temperature between -235 and -210 degrees Celsius. But Pluto has now been relegated the ... Earth. Pluto also has no internal heat source and it even orbits in a ring of ice debris.

Description : Which one of the following planets has no moon? (1) Mars (2) Neptune (3) Mercury (4) Pluto

Last Answer : (3) Mercury Explanation:Mercury and Venus are the only two recognized planets in our solar system without moons. However, there are many, many planets in the universe and a significant portion ... of at least a significant portion of the universe's planetary systems likely have no moons.

Description : The planet revolving east to west is – (1) Venus (2) Uranus (3) Neptune (4) Pluto

Last Answer : (1) Venus Explanation: Like the other planets in our solar system, Venus rotates about its axis. However, Venus is the only planet that rotates from east to west instead of west to east. This ... the morning, and set in the east in the evening. Venus rotates in what is called retrograde motion.

Description : Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth? (1) Mercury (2) Mars (3) Venus (4) Pluto

Last Answer : (3) Venus Explanation: Venus is often referred to as our sister planet because of similarities in size, mass, density and volume. It is believed that both planets share a common origin forming at the same time out of a condensing nebulosity around 4.5 billion years ago.

Description : Which planet in our solar system is nearly as big as the earth? (1) Mercury (2) Mars (3) Venus (4) Pluto

Last Answer : (3) Venus Explanation: Venus is sometimes called as Earth's twin planet, in terms of size and composition. Like the earth, Venus is covered with thick clouds and has an atmosphere. There is almost ... amount of gravity on Venus but the pressure on the planet is about 100 times bigger than on Earth.

Description : Among the following, the celestial body farthest from the Earth is – (1) Saturn (2) Uranus (3) Neptune (4) Pluto

Last Answer : (3) Neptune Explanation: Pluto, formal designation 134340 Pluto, is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System (after Eris) and the tenth-most-massive body observed directly ... relatively small, approximately onesixth the mass of the Earth's Moon and one-third its volume.

Description : Satellites and planets get their light from the ……………….. . (a) asteroids (b) pluto (c) sun

Last Answer : (c) sun

Description : Which element is having the Name of Pluto?

Last Answer : Plutonium (94)

Description : When Pluto was cast out from the list of Planets? A. September 24, 2006 B. April 28, 2004 C. January 26, 2006 D. August 24, 2006 (Answer)

Last Answer : D. August 24, 2006 (Answer)