Which was one victory of the Clinton administration ?

1 Answer

Answer :

the passage of the Brady Bill

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Last Answer : answer:The third parties certainly didn’t help Hillary, but to blame Jill Stein is less than helpful. Comey deserves some credit, too. I think it was a few things in combination. Why do we have to assign blame?

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Last Answer : answer:No. He’s a politician, not a jurist. Granted, he taught constitutional law, but he has no experience on the bench. It will never happen.

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Last Answer : I think it was a maneuver to intimidate her, by making her walk around him to return to her seat. Yes, the visuals backfired on him.

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Last Answer : He’s trying to prove Clinton’s worse than him w.r.t. women to save his skin. But he doesn’t understand wrong of another person doesn’t make you right in any way.

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Last Answer : You ain't from around these parts, are ya? Your use of the language is atrocious! What either of them might bring to the table will be about the same as the other. And that is whatever ... party deems most advantageous. Democrats for the poor, the environment, for all. The Republicans for the rich.

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Last Answer : answer:Trump…Clyde, the orangutan from Every Which Way But Loose. Clinton…don’t know.

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Last Answer : That was the sound of her defeating Trump.

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Last Answer : As I see it, Trump would be the best choice for President for any of our enemies, especially Russia. Trump would ultimately would give Putin the perfect excuse to push the nuclear button and blow all of us all to hell.

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Last Answer : answer:I'll ignore the rabid Bernie Sanders supporters , and instead translate this to progressives . As I have stated here before, I will not be voting for Clinton. Sanders' endorsement doesn't change anything ... your tent, listen more. I have more to add, but need to step into a brief meeting.

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Last Answer : answer:I'd say that there is justice, and we just saw it properly administered. The FBI - the premier investigative agency in the US - did their work and essentially cleared Hillary Clinton. ... -hatred so strong that anything that doesn't fit your narrative of the world is immediately suspect?

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Last Answer : Thank God, if there was one, that this is America where people are considered innocent until proven guilty.

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Last Answer : Nope.

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Last Answer : answer:Um, distance and soft focus? Hillary looks exactly her age, if you see her without flattering camera tricks.

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Last Answer : My fear is relevant long before anyone takes office and begins serving as POTUS. I'm worried that Mrs. Clinton, who's very unlikeable to so many people, might not defeat Donald Trump. Putting aside ... , The Donald is man who's never held an elected office and whose campaign is bereft of substance.

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Last Answer : I’m not American, but I do support Sanders’ views and policies. If Sanders drops out, I would never support the policies of any republican. Period.

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Last Answer : Whoa!!!!!!!!!! You have me mixed up with someone else.

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t. If Bernie loses the primaries, I’ll vote for her, because she’s the best Republican in the race, but I don’t have to like it.

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Last Answer : Most REp/cons feel they are always right never wrong, so yes probably. Look how far Star pushed it with the Monica L thing saying ,how horrible it was that he lied to the country. That was a costly thing that nevershould have happened.

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Last Answer : I would have said exactly what she did and exactly what I have been saying, we have lost Americans and other lives and have indured destruction in many other terrorist attacks on Embassies. Where were the ... . They care when they see it as a tool to get rid of a political candidate. Disgusting.

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Last Answer : If I was American I would vote her in just to be curious about what would happen if she won.

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Last Answer : The Fat Tum of the Opera?

Description : Can anyone help me find this Bill Clinton Speech?

Last Answer : answer:Remarks Made by the President on the Completion of the First Survey of the Entire Human Genome Project: After all, I believe one of the great truths to emerge from this triumphant expedition ... learned from ancient fates. The most important fact of life on this Earth is our common humanity.

Description : Should Republicans critical of Clinton wisen up and stop setting her up to be elected President in case she runs?

Last Answer : No. And Gloriosky! if past performance re wising up is any guide, they won’t.

Description : What is a reasonable way to get from Newark Airport to Clinton Hill, Brooklyn?

Last Answer : You’ll have to double check this, but I believe you can get a bus or something from Newark Airport to Penn Station. From there it’s probably a subway or bus to Brooklyn.

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Last Answer : Do you have evidence whatsoever that this administration plans to turn away from human rights? Any? Or are you just trolling with some cockamamie story that goes completely opposite what this ... protecting people around the world, and getting them the rights we enjoy in this country.

Description : Are the Clinton haters coming out of the wood work to bash Obama?Where was Gingrich hiding?

Last Answer : Which Clinton? What do they have to gain? Our government (UK) are just as bad, back stabbing when the worlds on it’s knees. These bloody people need shaking. Is there no such thing as being united?

Description : Why is Bill Clinton sometimes called "the first black President"?

Last Answer : Bill Clinton grew up poor in rural Arkansas, in a primarily Black neighborhood, and he has throughout his political career actively embraced the Black community. During the campaign, he sort of took on ... his office is in the heart of Harlem, mere blocks from the Apollo Theatre and other landmarks.

Description : Does anyone remember why Bill Clinton was perceived as a good President?

Last Answer : answer:He was super awesome because he knew what a paragraph was. Seriously dude, that was hard to read. And I’m sure you have some faulty logic in that jumble of words. The blowjob thing is really old. Did Clinton send 4000 troops to the graveyard.?

Description : Why is the Hillary Clinton campaign so very upset about the supposed "plagiarizing" by Barack Obama in his campaign speeches?

Last Answer : answer:There’s a great post about this in one of my favorite political blogs: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/178957.php. As the blog title sums up: she’s trying to attack one of his major strengths: his authenticity.

Description : Obama or Clinton??

Last Answer : I think at this point, clearly Obama

Description : Why didn't Hilary Clinton dump Bill?

Last Answer : she stayed with him for political gain

Description : I'm completely ignorant. What are the differences between Obama and Clinton?

Last Answer : White woman. Black man.

Description : The poll show 58% that Clinton is not trustworthy. Do you agree, Yes or No ?

Last Answer : I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her…...which wouldn’t be very far (really need to get back to the gym), but then, that’s true for most high-profile politicians.

Description : Will someone please make an argument as to why Hillary Clinton would be a better president than Barack Obama?

Last Answer : Better the Devil you know, than the Devil you don’t know.