Where did Iris grow up?

1 Answer

Answer :

She was born in Denver, Colorado on October 3, 1975.

Related questions

Description : Can I grow iris rhizomes in a window box, about 10 inches deep?

Last Answer : dwarf iris might make it in zone 9.

Description : what cause my iris stems to grow like swan necks?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Why are my iris buds drying up before they bloom? The weather has been normal.

Last Answer : I would take them out from the pine tree area..........ph should be 6.8......mix some bone meal in the new hole and water.......next spring some dry horse manure and a little lime.

Description : What is the best way to dig up iris and store them for the winter? I'm moving from SC to IN.

Last Answer : I would dig them up and wrap them in single newspaper and put them in the refrigerator drawer until the day that you move..........then move them in a cooler and the keep them in a very cool ... ...put some bone meal in the bottom before putting the bulbs in the ground. Good luck with your move.

Description : why won't my iris bloom? The leaves always come up in the spring, but I get no blooms at all.

Last Answer : Are they getting enough sun? Are they getting the cold season that they need? Do local nurseries sell Iris? If they do then they may be able to give you advice on special requirements in your area.

Description : Have you ever noticed that if you look at your iris in a mirror, you can see your face reflected in it?

Last Answer : I first noticed this when on 3 hits of LSD. I was stuck in the bathroom for hours….

Description : What is the ratio of people with an outline round their iris, to people that do not have that?

Last Answer : I thought that everyone had an outline around there iris! I wanna know the answer too!

Description : What does a bearded iris, praise the lord variety, look like please?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : how to transplant iris in fall in michigan

Last Answer : This a very hardy plant for us in the north --separating the roots is good to do -----if your in z 4 --NOW --dig them up and replant they should be dormant -- Even if they are not completely dormant they will come back if the root system is good

Description : When do you divide reblooming Iris?

Last Answer : Right now it fall & no bugs, good time to do it.............use some bone meal with gloves on in the bottom when you plant them. Happy fall.

Description : Why do you put fir bark in Iris potting soil?

Last Answer : Need Answer


Last Answer : prepare the ground, put some bonemeal in before the bulb.............they will die off in the winter but come back next spring. ph 6.0-8.0

Description : what does a judith iris look like?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when and how do I prune my Iris plants

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why didn't my siberian iris bloom this year?

Last Answer : every spring we use a little dried composted horsemanure and a little lime...............they are not listed with that name for PH for them is 5.0-6.5..........I would test the ph for them........... ... Preen had something to do with them not blooming........it is a weed killer...................

Description : trimming walking iris

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : I have an iris that blooms every other year -- would like to know why?

Last Answer : Sounds like it does not like the side of the house...........dig up a couple of them and plant them in full sun in the fall not too deep and in the spring a little lime and some horsemanure before they come up. If they bloom 2 years in a row then you know there in too much shade.

Description : when is the best time to transplant iris in Maine?

Last Answer : take them out after the blooms die off lay color in different boxes.............amend your beds..........put some bone meal in the bottom with gloves on........and replant don't plant deep or they won't flower. as you plant them cut out the stem.

Description : What should I do with iris stems once the blooms are done for the season?

Last Answer : Joann - trim the old stalks off and cut the remaining leaves about halfway down at an angle (they'll look like a fan). Then in July you can dig up the really big tubers and divide them. ... and replant, covering them about halfway with soil. These will make new plants come spring. Hope this helps!

Description : Why won't my Iris' stem?

Last Answer : I used a little old horse or cow manure..................and a sprinkle of lime before they started to come up in in spring. what is their PH............they range from4.0 to 8.0 depending on which kind. Sprinkle some bone meal around them with gloves on. Something is wrong with the soil

Description : what do you do after an iris has bloomed?

Last Answer : Yes, cut the stem. It is only necessary to "dead head" the bloom. It is only necessary to cut off the head, but you can cut further down if you like. Don't cut the rest of the leaves since they are necessary to promote root growth for next year.

Description : When should I transplant iris bulbs?

Last Answer : The best time to transplant iris is immediately after they bloom. At that time, the rhizome (not bulb) creates new roots. The old roots will wither and die back, but can be used to "anchor" the ... them in place since they will be topheavy. Leave the leaves intact, or trim them to @ 6" long.

Description : when is the best time to transplant iris ?

Last Answer : SOme people just move them in early spring......you might want to wait until it blooms and then trim off the dead bloom and replant them in amended soil with bone meal in the bottom. Ours are just getting buds coming on them.

Description : does it hurt to cut dowm iris plants

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when is the best time to thin out my iris beds

Last Answer : I do them after they bloom. Depends on how hot it is when you move them some people are lucky they move them anytime. Put some bone meal in the hole before putting the iris in.

Description : What time of year is the best time to tranplant iris?

Last Answer : Some people dig them up anytimes & are lucky doing that. It depends on how hot is is where you are right now. If it is still cool, I would dig them up and have your friend come over or deliver ... her plant them right away using bone meal in the bottom. Don't plant them too deep. Happy spring!

Description : When is the best time to divide transplant double bloomig iris?

Last Answer : the best time would be after the 2nd bloom, then it rest & divides during the winter. But if you must do it in the spring do to over crowding dig them after the bloom dies and use bone meal in the hole with gloves on before putting bulbs in the ground.

Description : How & when to transplant iris?

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : why are some of my iris blooming very small and on tall thin stems

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : once iris start flowering how often to water them

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : when is the best time to plant iris

Last Answer : Fall is the best time to plant for spring flowers............if you plant now you might get some leaves but no flowers. Follow the planting depth............don't plant too deep or they won' ... also might need to add lime. I would opt to plant them as they could dry out and you could lose them.

Description : How do I get rid of Iris aphids?

Last Answer : 2 tablespoons DAWN in 1 qt water and when the sun goes down spray..........spray if you see them again and after a rain.

Description : how do you kill an african iris plant

Last Answer : sound like you need a backhoe to dig it out to remove it.

Description : Saving Iris till Spring?

Last Answer : Do you have a very cool place where they will not freeze.......store them there and check them.

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

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Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : Can iris rhizomes be stored over winter?

Last Answer : This is the best time to plant them............

Description : Is it too late October 28-November 14th to plant Iris in North Bay Ontario Canada?

Last Answer : Do I ask for they money back and cancel the order or am I worrying for nothing?

Description : how do I remove iris

Last Answer : No. Lift them out with a pitchfork. You can break the rhizomes into smaller sections. Discard the shizomes that are all dried up. Trim the leaves down to six inches in length and give them to friends. I'm sure they will be appreciated.

Description : what do you do to plant a dry iris root?

Last Answer : Depending on where you live it may be to cold to plant them now. If not make sure any rotten spots are cut off (you will need a sharp knife to do it). If any animals such voles or ... exposed to the sun. How much sun the root gets will determine whether or not you get flowers next summer.

Description : Iwas given some iris bulbs in Oct. I live in Hou. Tx., when and where should Iplant them?

Last Answer : Now is the time to plant them in the fall for spring.....they like to be planted shallow 1 to 2 inches in the ground. They need full sun....don't plant them too close together as they will ... 5 years ago....almost time to take some out and move some tubers to another spot. Happy Iris planting

Description : when should i fertilize iris.

Last Answer : Early spring is the best time to fertilize....potash is good.


Last Answer : I would wait until fall.

Description : how and when do you divide african iris

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do I care for bearded iris

Last Answer : About every three years you may notice that the center of each iris patch has stopped blooming. That means the rhizome is dead. It's time to dig them up, divide them, and replant. This is ... before planting to help things along. Give them a good watering to let them settle in for next year.

Description : how do i prune an iris

Last Answer : I have lots of them....I do not prune them. I just let them die off and later that the dead leaves off the ground. I do use bone meal on them and when I planted bulbs I just old ground pepper in the soil to stop the squirrels from digging them out.

Description : when and how do i prune and clean iris ?

Last Answer : I do nothing to mine....I just leave them die off...I do not prune them. In the spring I just keep the weeds pulled around them. Sometimes I put bone meal around them with gloves on.

Description : when do I cut the follage on Iris and day lilly

Last Answer : we never cut them back....let them just die off.....sprinkle some bone meal on them before it snows...............that will feed the roots.

Description : when do I cut back my iris and how do I do this/

Last Answer : do not cut back iris when the blooms are gone the plant uses this time to store energy for next year wait until it is brown before any type of pruning