What are some of the benefits of the fiber diet?

1 Answer

Answer :

A diet high in fiber is generally low in animal protein and fat and high in fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. Those that add a lot of fiber in their diet tend to feel full and less likely eat less food, thusly resulting in weight loss.

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Description : The Health Benefits Of A High-Fiber Diet?

Last Answer : Fiber is a beneficial substance found in many foods. Since the FDA recognizes its importance, it is listed on all food labels. Research shows that eating a healthy diet coupled with high fiber intake ... or supplement. While fiber is helpful, it can cause bloating and gas if too much is consumed.

Description : Benefits of a Fiber Rich Diet?

Last Answer : Fiber is a nutrient that is found in vegetables, oats, whole grain foods and some fruits. Experts recommend getting at least 25 grams of fiber per day, but studies have shown that most people only ... There has also been evidence to suggest that a high fiber diet can reduce the risk of Diabetes.

Description : Health Benefits of Foods That Have Fiber?

Last Answer : Foods that have fiber can provide so many health benefits to thehuman body that it's a wonder anyone would eat anything else. Theobvious benefit is that fibrous foods can keep the digestive ... with fats inother foods and carrying them out of the body. They help regulateblood sugar as we

Description : What are the benefits of eating foods that are high in fiber?

Last Answer : High fiber foods can help regulate your digestive system. Also they can help you feel fuller for longer, which can aid in weight loss efforts.

Description : What are the benefits of using fiber choice weight management?

Last Answer : Fiber is an excellent inclusion on any weight loss diet. Fiber helps you feel fuller longer. It also helps you feel full faster. Finally, it helps your system move quickly to eliminate waste.

Description : What are the benefits of eating high fiber foods?

Last Answer : High fiber foods are thought to prevent colon cancer as they sweep away waste and keep the bowels regular. Also, these food fill the stomach faster and can help a person lose weight.

Description : Does a fiber supplement like Metamucil provide good benefits?

Last Answer : Metamucil can provide very good benefits to people who need extra fiber in their diet. It can help you have more regular bowel movements and digest your food better.

Description : What are benefits of high fiber diets?

Last Answer : Well, the benefits of high fiber diet consists of excreting all of the waste in the body. It also very good for lowering any cholesterol a person may have.

Description : Health Benefits and High Fiber Foods?

Last Answer : Most people were aware of the necessity of fiber in the diet. In addition to supporting a healthy digestive system and preventing constipation, dietary fiber has equally important, although less obvious, health ... of the class for fruits. A half cup of frozen raspberries will supply 5.5 g.

Description : I am trying to stick with a healthier diet. What are some foods that have lots of fiber?

Last Answer : A few foods with a lot of fiber are potatoes, brocolli and apples. Make sure to drink lots of water when eating all high fiber foods or you may become constipated. For high fiber content, eat whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta. Also eat beans, vegetables, and fruit.

Description : What are some of the best high fiber foods to include in a healthy diet?

Last Answer : High fiber bran flakes in the morning are a great way to add fiber to your diet.

Description : Do you have experience with adding fiber to your diet?

Last Answer : Just eat more fresh fruits and veggies. Eat bran cereals, oatmeal, cherries, plums, apples, raisins, prunes, avocados, oranges, melons, cabbage, beans, etc.

Description : What provides roughage (dietary fiber) in our diet? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of obesity?

Last Answer : Yes.Don't overdo it. Get your fiber from ideal sources such as vegetables. There should be no need to purchase fiber-specific products if your diet contains enough vegetables, whole-grain ... be insufficient. If one keeps gaining weight despite eating healthily, professional advice may be needed.

Description : Can a high fiber diet reduce the risk of obesity?

Last Answer : Yes.Don't overdo it. Get your fiber from ideal sources such as vegetables. There should be no need to purchase fiber-specific products if your diet contains enough vegetables, whole-grain ... be insufficient. If one keeps gaining weight despite eating healthily, professional advice may be needed.

Description : How to Add More High Fiber Foods to Your Diet?

Last Answer : Dietary fiber is an essential component of any diet for betterhealth. Most people in the United States do not get as much dietaryfiber through their diet as they need, leading to a wide range ... few high fiber foodsto eat day's consumption, anyone can increase their intake of fiberand the healt

Description : need a high fiber diet please?

Last Answer : please send a high fiber diet to follow? thank you!!

Description : Where can I find a website with information about a high fiber diet?

Last Answer : You can find information about high fiber diets on the following website...www.mayoclinic.com ... Nutrition and healthy eating In-Depth or www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-fiber-diet/my01154

Description : Lose Weight With a Fiber Diet?

Last Answer : If you are looking to lose weight fast, try a fiber diet. Fiber is great for weight loss and weight maintenance. Fiber helps you stay full, which prevents you from overeating and gaining unwanted ... . In addition to eating foods with fiber, you can increase your weight loss with rigorous exercise.

Description : What kind of food should one be eat for the high fiber diet plans?

Last Answer : Eat fiber one bars and cereal. They are delicious and give you 20-35% of your daily fiber intake. Also oatmeal is full of fiber and try some raspberries on it they also are filled with fiber.

Description : Turbo Charge Your Diet With These High Fiber Foods?

Last Answer : Anyone who is even mildly interested in nutrition is familiar with the macronutrients, sometimes referred to as the big three, protein, carbohydrate and fat. Much well intended nutritional advice ... foods that in addition to supplying fiber, contribute many other essential nutrients to the diet.

Description : The Role of Fiber in a Diverticulitis Diet?

Last Answer : Diverticulitis is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by the formation of small pockets, or "diverticula," in the lining of the intestines and colon. Although common, research still needs to be ... be consumed. Patients should consult a doctor before beginning any diet to treat this disorder.

Description : Does a high-fiber diet cause gas and stomach pains?

Last Answer : Yes it does. Having a high fiber diet lead to have gas build up in your stomach and intestines and can lead to cramping and extra gas. This also may be from a very high carbohydrate diet.

Description : Where can I find a diet that is high in fiber?

Last Answer : www.healthcastle.com/high-fiber-foods.shtm is a great website for your needs. It is very thorough and has a great list of high-fiber foods. +If that website is not for you try www.ediets.com/diet/high-fiber-diet

Description : What are the foods that good for high fiber diet?

Last Answer : There are many high fiber foods. Some of them are: fruits, like raspberries, grains, like bran flakes, nuts, like almonds, and vegetables, like peas..

Description : Are high fiber foods important to a healthy diet?

Last Answer : High fiber is great for your diet! The foods make you feel great and help you keep a healthy blood sugar. You want to start off slow with the fiber and gradually move up. http://www.uhs.wisc.edu/docs/uwhealth_fiber_190.pdf

Description : Fiber diet includes – (1) glycogen (2) proteins (3) cellulose (4) fats

Last Answer : (3) cellulose Explanation: The components of dietary fiber include cellulose, lignin (only non-carbohydrate component of dietary fiber), pectin, chitan, etc. Such fibers increase fecal bulk and speed up the passage of food through the digestive tract.

Description : How to Increase Fiber in Your Diet ?

Last Answer : How to Increase Fiber in Your Diet Increasing fiber in your diet has many health benefits. Fiber is shown to lower cholesterol levels, lower the chances of getting type 2 diabetes, decrease the possibility ... of eight to ten glasses of water daily. The water helps your body digest the fiber faster.

Description : High Fiber Diet

Last Answer : A high fiber diet offers numerous health benefits. A diet high in fiber can help to prevent constipation, lower the risk of digestive disorders, lower cholesterol, aids in weight loss, controls blood ... and digestive tract, but one should not replace a high fiber diet for regular colon check-ups.

Description : Fiber diet includes : (1) glycogen (2) proteins (3) cellulose (4) fats

Last Answer : cellulose