All About Liver Cancer?

1 Answer

Answer :

Liver cancer is considered one of the most widespread types of cancer in the world. There are other types of cancer that take form in and affect the liver; however, not all of these are considered to be liver cancer. For instance, cancer that starts in another part of the body then spreads to the liver is not liver cancer. Liver cancer is specifically characterized by a cancer that takes form right in the cells of the liver itself.SymptomsOften times a person will shown no symptoms in the early stages of liver cancer. Typical symptoms of liver cancer include loss of appetite, unexplained weight loss, pain in the upper abdomen, vomiting and nausea, fatigue and weakness, swelling of the abdomen, chalky and white stools, and a yellow tint to the skin and whites of the eyes. It is important to see you doctor if you begin to notice any of the symptoms of liver cancer, as early detection is vital in a successful recovery.Causes and Risk FactorsHealthcare professionals are still unclear as to what exactly causes some cases of liver cancer; however, in certain cases the cause is well-known. For example, some cases of liver cancer can be caused by a chronic hepatitis infection. Other risk factors for developing liver cancer include being a male, having cirrhosis of the liver, having a history of certain hereditary liver diseases, a history of Diabetes, suffering from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, excessive alcohol use and obesity.TreatmentThe type of treatment a liver cancer patient will receive depends much on the stage of the disease, as well as the age and general health of the patient. Treatment options for liver cancer include surgery to remove part of the liver, transplant surgery, cryoablation (freezing of the cancer cells), radiofrequency ablation (heating of the cancer cells), alcohol injection into the tumor, chemotherapy, radiation or targeted drug therapy. Sometimes, these treatments may be used in conjunction with one another for the best possible outcome.

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