What are some Liver Cancer Symptoms?

1 Answer

Answer :

Initially, it can be hard to diagnose liver cancer because the symptoms may resemble other health issues. Mainly, the symptoms are abdominal pain and weight loss.

Related questions

Description : What are the signs and symptoms of liver cancer?

Last Answer : Unfortunately, the sings and symptoms of liver cancer are variable so it is difficult to diagnose - often liver cancer is initially mistaken for other medical disorders.

Description : Identifying the Early Symptoms of Liver Cancer?

Last Answer : Among the most challenging of cancers to detect early on, liver cancer often goes unnoticed because initial symptoms are so hard to pinpoint. This is especially true if the patient has suffered from other liver ... prevalent. In areas where it is less common, it is more likely to be found earlier.

Description : The person who could not fast in Ramadan due to taking chemotherapy ; What should he do ? I am currently undergoing chemotherapy for liver cancer. The treatment is to take some tablets daily , injected ... Qiyamul Lail due to physical weakness ? Will I perform the qaya of this prayer the next day ?

Last Answer : One: We pray to God to heal you . Two: There is no difficulty in not fasting the month of Ramadan due to illness. Then, if you are able to fast, then make up the fast of this month. And if ... So that there is no beetir (odd), since there is no beetir prayer except at night. Allah is All-Knowing.

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Last Answer : Hospice care for terminal lung or liver cancer patients should focus on keeping the patient as pain-free as possible. Care should be taken to enhance the patient's quality of life, and facilitate as many good days as the patient has possible.

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Last Answer : Unfortunately, this site suggests that anyone with a history of cancer will not pass the donation screening.

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Description : What type of treatment is most effective for patients in advanced stages of liver cancer?

Last Answer : For advanced stages of liver cancer, the only treatment available is through a liver transplant. This is only effective if the cancer had not yet spread to the other parts of your body, however.

Description : Diagnosing The Causes Of Liver Cancer?

Last Answer : The exact cause of primary liver cancer remains unclear. Cancer in the liver occurs when the organ's cells mutate to such a degree than rapid division of identical cells begins. Over time these cells ... Excessive buildup of fatty acids in the liver is also noted as a risk factor for the disease.

Description : All About Liver Cancer?

Last Answer : Liver cancer is considered one of the most widespread types of cancer in the world. There are other types of cancer that take form in and affect the liver; however, not all of these ... therapy. Sometimes, these treatments may be used in conjunction with one another for the best possible outcome.

Description : Understanding Liver Cancer?

Last Answer : The liver is the organ in the body that breaks down anything the body takes in and transforms them into chemicals that help the body run. It also takes any harmful things put into the body and ... , and there are no other serious problems with the liver, then the chances for survival are favorable.

Description : In Ames’ assay, liver homogenate is included in the culture medium because (A) It converts pro-carcinogens into carcinogens (B) Liver can metabolise histidine (C) Salmonella mainly infects liver (D) Liver is very susceptible to cancer

Last Answer : Answer : A

Description : People consuming alcohol in heavy quantities generally die of – (1) liver or stomach cancer (2) weakening of heart muscles leading to cardiac arrest (3) blood cancer (4) Cirrhosis

Last Answer : (4) Cirrhosis Explanation: Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver does not function properly due to longterm damage. This damage is characterized by the replacement of normal liver tissue by scar tissue.

Description : Heavy alcohol consuming people generally die of (1) blood cancer (2) cirrhosis (3) liver or stomach cancer (4) weakening of heart muscles leading to cardiac arrest

Last Answer : (2) cirrhosis Explanation: Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver and poor liver function. It is the final phase of chronic liver disease which may result from a history of excess drinking habits. Cirrhosis is most commonly caused by alcoholism, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, and fatty liver disease.

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Description : Heavy alcohol consuming people generally die of (1) blood cancer (2) cirrhosis (3) liver or stomach cancer (4) weakening of heart muscles leading to cardiac arrest

Last Answer : cirrhosis

Description : What are possible liver disease symptoms?

Last Answer : When you have liver disease you do not feel well. you are throwing up or feel like you will. You will lose weight pretty fast and you will have pain in your stomach. The pain in your stomach does not help with the feeling nauseous or throwing up.

Description : What are the symptoms of liver disease?

Last Answer : Alcoholic liver disease usually occurs after years of drinking too much. The longer the alcohol use has occurred, and the more alcohol that was consumed, the greater the likelihood of developing liver disease.

Description : Causes and Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease?

Last Answer : Excess fat in the liver is known as fatty liver disease. There are two types of fatty liver disease: alcoholic liver disease (ALD) and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Both forms of the ... . For those who are overweight, gradual weight loss may decrease the amount of fat in the liver.

Description : Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease?

Last Answer : Liver disease occurs when the liver is no longer able to properly perform normal functions and is usually a sign that the liver is about to fail. In most cases, around 75 percent of the liver ... It can result in liver failure, inefficient waste removal and sometimes even death if it is not treated.

Description : Liver Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment?

Last Answer : Located on the right side of the abdomen and weighing approximately three pounds, the liver's main function is to clean the blood and filter out impurities before they reach the rest of the body. ... from the abdomen through the use of a syringe, liver transplant or surgical resection of the liver.

Description : Signs and Symptoms of Liver Failure?

Last Answer : The liver is one of the most essential organs in the human body, as it works to screen toxins from the body. The liver also stores nutrients, manufactures blood protein and breaks down saturated ... feel disoriented and confused. Liver failure can even cause an affected individual to go into a coma.

Description : What are common liver pain symptoms?

Last Answer : Some common symptoms of liver pain are constant exhaustion, breathing troubles, yellow skin, joint pains toward the shoulders, and coughing troubles (and any type of pain towards the chest as well).

Description : What are the symptoms of an enlarged liver?

Last Answer : In most cases there are no symptoms to an enlarged liver. However if your liver does become enlarged you may have a feeling of fullness, abdominal discomfort. You may also have some weight loss.

Description : What does enlarged liver mean and what are symptoms for enlarged liver?

Last Answer : An enlarged liver may mean that there you have too much salt in your body and that is the bodies way of getting rid of the excess salt. Your waste passes through the liver as well as the kidneys before exiting so the body is attempting to cleanse itself.

Description : Enlarged Liver Symptoms?

Last Answer : The medical term for enlarged liver is: hepatomegaly. The liver swelling beyond the normal size is usually a sign that there are additional problems with liver function, but it can also simply mean ... the enlargement is. The patient can then take action to correct or treat the underlying disease.

Description : Common Liver Disease Symptoms?

Last Answer : The liver is an organ that has many different duties within the body. It aids in digestion and helps to remove toxins. It is also a component in the blood clotting process and is involved with ... part of the body and provides a number of different functions that help keep the body running smoothly.

Description : Common Signs and Symptoms of Liver Disease?

Last Answer : Liver disease, also referred to as hepatic disease, is an umbrella statement used to describe any disruption of liver functionality that results in illness. Your liver is one of the largest organs in ... a general feeling of lethargy as well as muscle wasting due to a decrease in protein production.

Description : Symptoms of Jaundice occur mainly due to disorder and malfunction of - (1) Intestine (2) Liver (3) Stomach (4) Pancreas

Last Answer : (2) Liver Explanation: Liver is affected in Jaundice.

Description : Symptoms of Jaundice occur mainly due to disorder and malfunction of : (1) Intestine (2) Liver (3) Stomach (4) Pancreas

Last Answer : Liver

Description : What are some of the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

Last Answer : The primary symptoms of pancreatic cancer are abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, diarrhea and pale colored stools. However most of these symptoms don't occur until the disease is in the advanced stages.

Description : What are some cervical cancer symptoms?

Last Answer : This could be very serious, if it is that bad maybe go to a doctor and get checked out because some symptoms I know could be nothing. Some symptoms would be loss in appetite hair loss skin diffraction, feeling weak, coughing(blood).

Description : What are some symptoms of cancer of the colon?

Last Answer : Signs of colon cancer are a change in bowel movements, rectal bleeding, feeling like your bowel is not emptied all the way, frequent fatigue or weakness, and unexplained weight loss.

Description : What are Some of the Symptoms of Colon Cancer?

Last Answer : What is colon cancer?Colon cancer is a type of cancer that affects the lower part of the digestive system. It is the third most common type of cancer. Colon cancer occurs when the cells in the ... per day. Additionally, people should also make sure that they drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.

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Last Answer : A number of symptoms are associated with kidney cancer in older men, as well as people in any age group. The most common symptoms include blood in the urine, fatigue and fever.

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Last Answer : One bone cancer symptom to look out for is bone pain. Make sure the pain is not from some other injury. Another symptoms are broken bone(s), feeling fatigue, and unintended loss of weight.

Description : What are some of the most common symptoms of esophageal cancer?

Last Answer : The most common symptoms of esophageal cancer are: Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and odynophagia (painful swallowing) are the most common symptoms of esophageal cancer.

Description : What are some symptoms of kidney cancer?

Last Answer : There are several symptoms of kidney cancer. The most common is blood in the urine, which may not be seen with the naked eye. Loss of appetite and fatigue can also be symptoms. However, those symptoms ... to kidney cancer. If you have any concerns, the best route would be to talk to your doctor.

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Last Answer : Symptoms of mouth cancer include sore in the mouth that do not heal, white patches in the mouth, foul taste and bleeding from the mouth.

Description : What are some major symptoms of rectal cancer?

Last Answer : The general symptoms of rectal cancer are similar to symptoms of other cancer, like fatigue and weight loss. You may also see or feel tumors in the rectum.

Description : What are some symptoms of rectal cancer?

Last Answer : Rectum is the last part of a human's Digestive tract. If your digestive system is malfunctioning, the most common manifestation will either be diarrhea or constipation. But in a rectal ... To learn more about rectal cancer, read here:http://www.emedicinehealth.com/rectal_cancer/article_em.htm

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Last Answer : Some other symptoms include difficulty with urination, decreased force of the stream of urine, or blood in the urine. Prostate cancer can also cause swelling of the legs and pain.

Description : Which of the following statements regarding hypercalcemia are true? A. The symptoms of hypercalcemia may mimic some symptoms of hyperglycemia. B. Metastatic breast cancer is an unusual cause of ... fluid volume deficit. E. Urinary calcium excretion may be increased by vigorous volume repletion.

Last Answer : Answer: ADE DISCUSSION: Markedly elevated serum calcium levels produce polydipsia, polyuria, and thirst. Vigorous volume repletion and saline diuresis correct the extracellular fluid volume ... , from bony metastasis. The calcitonin effect on calcium is diminished with repeat administrations

Description : What are the first symptoms of Breast Cancer?

Last Answer : There is Paget's disease that starts as a rash on the breast, but is cancer. I have very limited knowledge on the subject. It is fairly rare, but that does not mean someone can't have it. I ... checked. Although, if it is small and round like a typical mole I doubt it is something to worry about.

Description : What are the symptoms of Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer?”?

Last Answer : This may be of use to you. It indicates that some women experience pain in the lower abdomen. But, if you’re experiencing this pain, it could also be a few dozen other things. Do some online research and talk to a gynecologist.

Description : Have you (personally) known anyone that had lung cancer? Do you remember what their initial symptoms were?

Last Answer : My grandma was just diagnosed. She found out from a routine check-up. She’s felt no pain or anything, but they initially thought it was something with the lymph nodes, but it led back to lung cancer.

Description : Symptoms of Cancer. -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

Description : What are the symptoms of breast cancer ?

Last Answer : There is a lot of writing on our favorite.com site about breast cancer. You can get an idea about this by reading them. Find out what are the symptoms of breast cancer and what to do to treat it. ... . And it won't cost too much to do the checkup. For this you can search in government hospitals.

Description : What is Breast Cancer ? Want to know the symptoms and cure of breast cancer ?

Last Answer : What is breast cancer ? The symptoms and remedies are given below: - 7 Breast cancer is 100% curable if detected early. According to the World Health Organization, more than 15,000 people are diagnosed ... comment . References: - https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/bengali/amp/news-50254200

Description : What are the symptoms of cancer ?

Last Answer : : Know the symptoms of cancer: 1. Chronic fatigue If you feel tired or depressed for a long time, it can be the cause of many diseases , maybe even cancer. Symptoms are usually cancer of the colon or ... after the age of 30-40 years, you must have a health check-up every half year or every year.

Description : What are the common symptoms of cancer ?

Last Answer : The areas where cancer has been detected in human body are prostate gland , breast , uterus , pancreas , blood cancer , skin cancer etc. Each type of cancer has its own set of symptoms ... , nocturnal Cold or sweating মা Abnormal weight loss Abnormal bleeding Skin changes Emotional discomfort