How To Travel With A Child's Car Seat?

1 Answer

Answer :

To safely travel by car, children require a car seat. Yet it is difficult enough to travel with a child, and bringing bulky safety equipment adds another level of complexity. Fortunately there are several ways that parents can do this without much difficulty.First, parents should realize that airlines will transport child safety devices as checked luggage without charging any baggage fees. Therefore, parents remaining concern should be that their child seat arrives at its destination clean and undamaged. Child seats should never simply be tagged and handed to baggage personnel. While some airlines may provide a large plastic bag for holding car seats, the best idea is to use a large duffel bag.Another option is carry the child seat into the airport. Some companies make devices that add wheels and turn child seats into strollers that allow parents to wheel their children and their seat through the terminal. While these devices can be useful, parents will still have to transport the seat on the airplane, which can be prohibited. The FAA forbids the use of child restraint devices that are not specifically approved for aircraft use. Unless your car seat has a sticker indicating FAA approval, your seat will have to be gate checked. Like a checked bag, the seat should be placed in a protective cover, however the seat will be delivered to the gate area when you de-board the aircraft.Another method of traveling with a child is to obtain a car seat at the destination. Relatives can supply seats, a seat can be purchased, or a seat can be rented by an auto rental company. The downside is that parents will not have their own particular car seat that they have become familiar with.By taking time to think through the logistics of traveling with a car seat, parents can transport their children at their destination with the same care they take at home.

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Last Answer : Here’s a list of the top 10 strollers. And here is an article on the safest baby car seats.

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Last Answer : answer:I think what Walmart is doing for you is appropriate. Sure, the can should have been sealed better, but it wasn't their fault you placed the can on a seat where it could easily fall over. A more ... gone back to buy a new gallon. I would have placed the blame on myself. but that's just me

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Last Answer : I’m following because I have been looking for some too. It’s hard to tell if the online sellers are really selling “Custom” covers or “One size fits most” type covers. My dogs are not real nice to my leather upholstery.

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Last Answer : Try getting the year from whomever you got it fom. That should narrow it down. If it’s pretty old, and the ones from that time have been recalled – hey—it’s a carseat. Do you wanna risk it?

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Last Answer : Sarah, Tommy, Max, Timmy, and then Sally.

Description : I want to remove the stains from the seat. How can?

Last Answer : Upholstery cleaning machine. It's not worth shitting at home with him! Take it to an expert, do it at a low price!

Description : I would always have a little one in front of me when I ride with him alone. Thank you for the answer beautiful evening everyone

Last Answer : yes, but when the child seat is with its back facing the direction of travel, the airbag must be deactivated

Description : Until what age to use it?

Last Answer : Until the child grows up (physically) to use seat belts without a seat ("midsole").

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : About 4 to 6 foot tallAnother View: There is no 'standard' answer to this question. Every US state sets its own rules and regulations.

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Last Answer : Need answer

Description : Who makes the safest child car seat?

Last Answer : The Graco SnugRide 8444L, $85 and the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio, $150 are the highest rated seats overall. Buyers should know that due to two reports of missing hardware, Graco recalled about 650,000 of the SnugRides.

Description : Where can I find zebra print seat covers for my car?

Last Answer : Zebra print seat covers ares very common, you might be able to find them in your local automobile store. If you prefer to order them online you can go to and you will definitely find them there.

Description : Are car seat covers stain resistant?

Last Answer : Some, but not all car seat covers are stain resistant. When looking for a stain resistant car seat cover, look for covers made from neoprene fabric. Generally speaking car seat covers are not stain resistant. You can however purchase a can of stain guard and trat the covers yourself.

Description : Where do i buy tweety car mats and seat covers?

Last Answer : has both the car mats and seat covers separately. They also sell these along with a steering wheel cover, cd covers and keychain for 99$ plus shipping.

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Last Answer : Autozone, Napa Auto Parts, and Kmart all sell Tweety Bird car mats and seat covers, and all three are national chains.

Description : Can car seat covers be washed?

Last Answer : Depending on the material your car seat cover is made from, the answer may be yes. However, most car seat cover makers advise against machine washing because the cover may shrink. All non-sheepskin car seat ... area is large, take the cover to a furrier, or a dry cleaner who specializes in furs.

Description : Can I buy Tweety Bird car mats and seat covers at AutoParts?

Last Answer : Usually not. However, you can find them at Target, Auto Zone and Walmart. These places will offer them for cheaper then most places, usually has the largest selection.

Description : Is a car monitor in the front seat legal?

Last Answer : Yes you can have a monitor on the middle dashboard but the driver is not allowed to focus on the screen. The driver is not allowed to see the screen going while driving at all because its a safety hazard.

Description : Infant Car Seat?

Last Answer : form_title= Infant Car Seat form_header= Buy an infant car seat for your vehicle. What is your budget for car seat?*= _ [50] What is the age range of the child?*= _ [50] Do you want to purchase an extended warranty on the car seat?*= () Yes () No

Description : Car Seat Covers ?

Last Answer : form_title= Car Seat Covers form_header= Install car seat covers. What color covers do you want to install?*= _ [50] Do you want the covers to be machine washable?*= () Yes () No How many covers do you need?*= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, More than 5}

Description : How long should it take a pro to fix a broken car seat?

Last Answer : It takes a pro to fix a broken car seat in about two days. That should be the average time you should be without your car. They should have the parts in their shop already and not have to order them.

Description : Are car seat regulations monitored by the government ?

Last Answer : Yes, the government mandates every child be in a car seat until he or she is at least 3 years old. After that age, it is important you switch to a front facing car seat.

Description : How old does my child need to be to not need a car seat anymore ?

Last Answer : A child need to be in a rear facing car seat until he or she is about 3. Then you may switch to forward facing car seat until your child outgrows it.

Description : How do I install a newborn car seat?

Last Answer : You don't install a newborn car seat. The only thing that you need to do with a newborn car seat is put the car seat in the back of the car and put the seat belts on and lock the seat belts.

Description : Where do I buy a stroller car seat?

Last Answer : You can purchase a stroller car seat at Walmart, Target, Cook Brothers, Babies R Us, Kids R Us and you can also purchase a stroller car seat at Baby Depot.

Description : Where can I buy a Graco car seat?

Last Answer : There are many retailers that sell Graco car seats. Amazon is a popular internet retailer; you can search for Graco seats on their site at The website for Graco seats,, also has a list of other retailers that sell their seats.

Description : What are the car seat guidelines for baby seats in California?

Last Answer : The guidelines for baby seats for California should be posted in the state laws. In the state laws it will tell you how long a child should be in a car seat based on age, height and weight.

Description : What are the latest car seat guidelines?

Last Answer : The current guideline is that the child stay rear facing until 2 years old or they outgrow the height and weight requirements for their seat. They must then stay in a forward facing seat or booster seat until age 8.

Description : What are Florida's car seat laws?

Last Answer : The car seat laws differ from state to state. In the state of Florida, any child under the age of 5 must be in a car seat. For specifics, visit the Florida DMV website.

Description : What is the best baby car seat I can buy?

Last Answer : The best car seat on the market is a seat that fits the baby you don't want one to small or to big. Another important feature is on that can install easy. A brand that I prefer is Graco Car Seats.

Description : Until what age should a child use a car seat booster?

Last Answer : The age that a child should use a car seat booster is when they are 2 years of age. Some kids need to use them a little bit earlier because weight and height has an effect on how earlier the kids need to use the booster seat.

Description : What is the reason that we need to wear a seat belt in the car?

Last Answer : Seat belts are extremely important, as they protect you in the case of a crash, so you don't lurch forward, etc. and injure yourself. Every passenger is required to wear a seat belt by law.

Description : Where can I find information about child car seat covers?

Last Answer : If you're looking for car seat covers for dogs, you've come to the right place! 4Knines has all of the dog car Seat covers you need for your pooch on the go.

Description : Where can I buy a child car booster seat?

Last Answer : I think Babies R Us is the best place to buy a car seat for infants and also booster seats for when the child gets older. They offer a variety of brands and prices are diverse to fit different budgets.

Description : Where is the best store to buy a baby car seat?

Last Answer : Chicco car seats seem to make the top lists of baby car seats, yet they do come with a bigger price tag. Since you want to be able to shop around, even if you are looking for the highest rated car ... or shipping to your home, you'll be able to find the perfect baby seat for your new family member.

Description : What are car seat requirements?

Last Answer : Car seat requirements are what the car seat companies want you to do to make sure it is the safest possible. It all depends on the car seat. But most are the same. Facing forward after a certain age/height.

Description : Is the britax car seat worth the cost?

Last Answer : Parents on Amazon's Baby Forum seem to feel that it is (, and it has 295 4- or 5- star reviews out of 316 on Amazon.

Description : Where can I find a memory foam car seat cushion?

Last Answer : Memory foam car seat cushions can be found online an in your local stores. I would look around and see what the prices are on them and try to get the best deal on one. Good luck with finding one.

Description : Where do typical car seat belts apply most of the stopping force? a) To the shoulder and hips b) To the chest and abdomen c) To the rib cage and pelvis d) To the head and legs

Last Answer : c) To the rib cage and pelvis

Description : Baby Car Seat

Last Answer : For many people, car traveling is a very important factor in their everyday lives. People use cars when they go to work, go on a vacation or when doing errands such as grocery shopping or picking ... the seat is firmly buckled into the car and that the harness straps are installed properly as well.